I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter 39 All Parties Are Moving, Wanpa Star Signs In

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Region 095 of the Milky Way.

Planet Rania.

A universe spaceship broke through the atmosphere of the planet Lania and entered the universe space, then turned into a meteor and pierced the universe space in the direction of the solar system.

Inside the Universe ship.

The corner of Vegeta's mouth, as if reborn, had a confident arc, staring at the sky full of stars outside the window, he couldn't help but gradually become nervous and expectant in his heart.

Because his trip was to return to Earth.

Just to beat Kahn!

Vegeta stared at himself in the spaceship window of Universe, with a proud and unquestionable tone: "Kahn, I will prove who is the strongest Saiyan!"

"Super Saiyan, I can change now too!"


After five years of arduous special training, Vegeta's strength has greatly improved. As early as two years ago, he could transform into Super Saiyan.

Now his strength has reached super full power!


Vegeta will return to Earth confidently, ready to defeat Kahn and prove him that Vegeta is the strongest Saiyan.

At the same time, it is also to wash away the shame of being defeated by Kahn.



Kahn's home.


Vados was having breakfast at home when her Angel staff suddenly lit up.

"Huh? Is it Whis?"

Vados was surprised, and then connected the call.

The light curtain refracted out, and inside the light curtain was Whis' face.

"Whis, how is the result of the special training?"

Vados said expectantly.

She believes that after five years of special training with Whis, Kahn's strength has definitely improved by leaps and bounds.

"The special training was very successful. My brother-in-law has left the training today and is ready to return to Earth." Whis smiled.

"Thank you Whis, someday I will make delicious food for you."

Thinking that Kahn was going back to Earth, Vados unconsciously began to feel nervous.

For Kahn's special training, she resisted not visiting Kahn for five years.

As the saying goes, a little farewell is better than a newlywed.

Not to mention Vados and Kahn haven't seen each other in five years.

I don't know how much Kahn's appearance has changed compared to five years ago?

Does he miss himself very much.

For a while, Vados only felt ten thousand ants crawling all over her body, and she wanted to see Kahn immediately.

Well, what kind of welcome ceremony will you use when you meet Kahn?

Just when Vados started brainstorming, Whis' voice came again: "I'm looking forward to your food, I have one more thing to tell you."

"you say."

"The results of the special training were beyond my expectations. My brother-in-law is very talented. I never mentioned to him about my self-consciousness, but my brother-in-law has learned by himself. surprise."

"Huh? This... I didn't expect it either."

Vados was also slightly taken aback.

Self-intention is the skill of God.

Even the strongest Gods of Destruction Beerus, it took a long time to learn self-intention.

But now Whis tells her that Kahn has learned his own mind without a teacher?

This can no longer be described as excellent, it is simply evil!

Ordinary human beings have self-improvement skills and self-intention skills without a teacher, which is unheard of and unseen!

After being surprised, Vados proudly said: "As expected of my husband, it's just different."


Magnum Capsule Company.

After breakfast, Vados went out to the Universal Capsule Company.

For the past five years, she has visited the Universal Capsule Company almost every day, mainly because she has nothing to do when she stays at home alone, so she can only come to chat with Bulma and visit Bulma's scientific research to pass the time and relieve boredom.

Today, Vados came to Universal Capsules as usual.

Bulma welcomed Vados very warmly.

After chatting about homework for a while, Bulma asked again: "Vados, didn't you say five years? When will Kahn come back?"

Why do you say again?

Because Bulma has asked Vados this question several times in the past five years.

For the past five years, she has been looking forward to Kahn's return to Earth to marry her every day.

She is over thirty this year, and if she doesn't start a family, even if she is not in a hurry, her parents, the Brives, should be.

Therefore, if Kahn does not return to Earth to marry her for a day, she will have trouble sleeping and eating.

"It should be soon, maybe today." Vados said with a slight smile on his cherry red lips.

"If only today."

Although Bulma knew that there was a high probability that Kahn would not be able to come back today, she still hoped that Kahn would come back today.

And while Bulma was chatting with Vados.

After self-transformation, Dr.Gero brought artificial man No. 19 and appeared in the small town of Nandu.

bang bang bang!

Dr.Gero and Android 19 will kill anyone they see.

The whole town of Nandu fell into panic instantly.

The appearance of Dr.Gero and Android 19 quickly attracted the attention of Earth Z fighters.

Son Goku, Son Gohan, Piccolo and others immediately rushed to the small town of Nandu to look for traces of artificial humans.

At the same time, Vados also sensed that Dr.Gero and Android 19 were destroying Nandu Town, so she suggested: "Bulma, let's watch some TV. Maybe Kahn will come back after watching the TV."

Bulma is fine.

Anyway, she is not in the mood for scientific research today, so she might as well watch TV to pass the time.


Wampa star.

【Ding! The host signs in on Wampa and gets a special reward: The Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline. 】

[The reward has been issued, is it Fusion? 】

This time, the system did not automatically give Kahn Fusion as before, but asked.

Kahn probably also guessed the meaning of the system, so he asked: "System, if I pass on the super bloodline in Fusion now, can I still become super blue?"

[Back to the host, if Fusion The Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline, this system can give the host two choices. 】

[First: Keep the first stage of Super Saiyan until the super blue transformation, the host can use the super bloodline by switching the bloodline. 】

[Second: Fusion the power amplified by the host's current transformation into super blue to the super bloodline. After fusion, the host can transform into the super one form of the super bloodline. There is no need to slowly adapt to the super bloodline to increase the power. Super Saiyan stage 1 to super blue can no longer transform. 】

"Is that so?"

After a little thought, Kahn finally made a decision: "I choose two, Fusion."

Chao Lan is certainly very strong, but in front of Chao Yi who passed on his blood, he is no different from his younger brother.

Didn’t you see that in the Broly movie version, Broly just transformed into Chao Yi, who passed on the super blood, and then hoisted up Chao Lan Son Goku and Chao Lan Vegeta after the Power Tournament?

And Chuanchao's bloodline must be countless times stronger than his current so-called high-level Saiyan bloodline.

Therefore, Kahn hardly has to struggle with these two choices.

Just choose Chuanchao directly and you're done.

What Chaolan, in front of Chaoyi, who passed on the bloodline, is the younger brother!

The most important thing is that the Chuanchao bloodline infinitely fits his self-will and unlimited energy.

For five years, Kahn has been waiting for this day.

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