I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter 48: Depart For Earth! The Sudden Universe Spaceship

Chapter 48: Depart for Earth! The sudden universe spaceship


In the universe space, Vados has stopped and heaved a long sigh of relief.

If the Grand Priest hadn't come to stop Champa, she promised that Champa would never return to the Sixth Universe without incident like now.


A cold light flashed in Vados' beautiful eyes: "Master Champa, this matter is not over yet!"

Kahn's crisis is resolved, but today's business is not over yet.

Don't hit Champa well, he doesn't know why the flowers are so red.

When she has time someday, she will go back to the sixth universe in person.

But right now, thinking that Kahn is going back to Earth soon, Vados didn't chase Champa any more, and turned around and returned to Earth.

the other side.

After Kahn drove the shuttle away from the crumbling planet, he ran into Whis soon after.

"Mr. Kahn, I am relieved to see that you are fine."

Seeing that Kahn came back safe and sound, Whis also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Kahn shrugged and said, "It's not that easy to kill me. Even if the Grand Priest doesn't come, Champa might not be able to kill me."

Whis was noncommittal.

Immediately he said: "It's also beyond my expectation that the Grand Priest will come in person, but it's also reasonable."

Kahn frowned and asked, "It makes sense? How should I say it?"

"Nothing." Whis smiled, and quickly changed the subject: "Let's go back to Star Beerus first."

On the way back to Beerus, Kahn kept thinking about what Whis said just now.

And why the Grand Priest suddenly descended today.

It stands to reason that even if his battle with Champa would lead to the destruction of the Seventh Universe, the Grand Priest should not interfere.

And judging from the situation where Grand Priest came today, Grand Priest is more like coming to rescue him.

Combined with what Whis said just now that the Grand Priest will come within reason, and the fact that the sixth Universe Angel is not the Vados he knows...

Could it be? !

Suddenly, Kahn had an answer in his mind.

However, he wasn't quite sure yet.

"No, I can't jump to conclusions yet, maybe I need to find a time to verify it."

The answer was so illogical that even Kahn couldn't believe it.

But everything is everything, no doubt pointing to the answer in his heart, no matter how impossible, no matter how unbelievable, it may be true.

"Mr. Kahn, what are you thinking?"

At this time, Whis' voice came, pulling Kahn's thoughts back.

Kahn smiled and shook his head, "Nothing."

"Really?" Whis asked suspiciously: "But I noticed that your expression was a little strange just now, it seems that you have thought of something that makes you unbelievable?"


Do you want to be so scary?

Kahn even wondered if Whis could read minds, he knew what was going on in his mind?

But Kahn is not a vegetarian either, he didn't answer Whis' question, but asked sharply: "But I also think you have something to hide from me."

"Oh hehehe, Mr. Kahn is right."

"Thank you for your praise, you are quite accurate."

Immediately, Kahn and Whis looked at each other and smiled, and the two of them fell silent in a tacit understanding, and did not discuss the topic just now.

Back on Beerus, Whis took the shuttle back to the space of Angel's staff.

"Mr. Kahn, are you going back to Earth now? Let me take you there."

"Well, come back."

He hasn't seen his wife for five years, and now Kahn wants to return to Earth to reunite with his wife.

And what he promised Bulma back then has not yet been fulfilled.

We can't delay any longer, we have to hurry back to Earth.


Whis took Kahn, turned into a colorful long rainbow, left the God Realm at an incomparable speed, and went straight to the earth in the Milky Way.


on the earth.

Dr. Gero was hunted down by Son Goku and others all the way and fled back to the research room, releasing Androids No. 17 and No. 18.

However, after the release of Androids 17 and 18, Dr. Gero was killed by Android 17 backhanded.


The 17th and 18th released the 16th again.

Of course, even if they killed Dr.Gero, they didn't forget to kill Son Goku.

The purpose of Dr. Gero's research on artificial man is to kill Son Goku.


"The person we want to kill is here, it seems that it saves the effort to find him."

Number Seventeen folded his hands in front of his chest, seemingly kind, but his extremely fierce eyes fell directly on Son Goku.

"Who will come first?"

No. 18 said enthusiastically.

She had already analyzed Son Goku's strength just now, and the three of them would not have to go together to kill Son Goku. She and any one of No. 16 and No. 17 were enough to defeat Son Goku.

"No. 16, why don't you go first?"

No. 17 looked at the tall No. 16 and suggested.

Number 16, who was naturally silent, didn't speak, but just took a step forward, showing his attitude.

"Goku, what shall we do."

Seeing this, the bald Krillin looked at Son Goku in panic.

Kahn is gone, now Son Goku is their backbone.

They also had a preliminary confrontation with No. 17 and No. 18 just now. Regardless of the strength shown by No. 17 and No. 18, they are far from what they can defeat.

Son Goku waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "Stay away, their target is me."

Son Goku could see it too.

The 16th, 17th and 18th in front of me are far from being comparable to the Dr. Gero and the 19th robot just now.

If Piccolo, Son Gohan, and Tien Shinhan also join the battle, not only will it not have any effect, but it will be a disservice to them.

If the opponents attack one by one, he can also try to defeat them one by one.

"Dad, I'll help you!"

At this time, Son Gohan took the initiative to stand up.

In the past few years, he has practiced with Son Goku and his strength has improved a lot. He thinks he should be able to help his father.

"Gohan!" Son Goku said in an undeniable tone: "The strength of each of them is not vegetarian, you can't help me, be obedient!"

"Piccolo, please, help me watch Gohan."

Piccolo nodded solemnly, then grabbed Son Gohan by the collar and lifted him up.

"Number 16, watch your performance, let me and Number 18 see your strength."

On the 17th, he found a rock and sat down, talking leisurely.

No. 16 still didn't speak, but just used Flying Technique to rise into the air and confront Son Goku in the air.

Son Goku was not afraid at all, the blood of Saiyan in his body was boiling, and he said excitedly: "It's just right, let me use you to practice the results of my cultivation in the past few years."

Number 16 blinked, and immediately assumed a fighting stance.

call out!

Just when the battle between Son Goku and No. 16 was about to start.

A Universe spaceship with a long tail flame descended from the sky like a shooting star. In the blink of an eye, it fell rapidly from the sky and hit the ground between Son Goku and No. 16.

ps: Ask for flowers!

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