I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter 59: No. 18, You Are Not In Love With Him, Are You? (Ask For The First Order!)

Chapter 59 No. 18, you don't like him, do you?

Under the tree to the right of the hospital building.

Number 17 and Number 18, who were more or less wrapped in some straps, were sitting in wheelchairs and talking.

On the side, No. 16 squatted on the ground, and a small bird flew over and landed on his palm.

Looking at this petite and cute bird, No. 16 showed a rare and gentle smile.

"Eighteenth, that Kahn really saved you yesterday?"

After listening to No. 18 talking about what happened yesterday, No. 17 was quite surprised.

Seventeen was surprised that Kahn would save Eighteen from Cell, and even more surprised that Kahn didn't want to kill them.

Obviously they wanted to kill Kahn's younger brother Son Goku, but Kahn didn't intend to kill them, why?


Number Eighteen blinked her beautiful eyes, and Kahn's face came to mind again: "I really don't understand what is going on in this person's mind, and he doesn't play cards according to common sense.

"It's a bit strange indeed."

Not only No. 18, but also No. 17 thought so.

After pondering for a while, No. 17 boldly analyzed: "No. 18, do you think that Kahn would have taken a fancy to your beauty, so he saved you and didn't kill us?"

Hearing this, No. 18's pretty face instantly flushed red.

717 She stared at her beautiful eyes, and said coquettishly, "How is that possible! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Tsk tsk."

Seeing No. 18's reaction, No. 17 clicked his tongue and said, "No. 18, don't you like him?"

He knew his sister too well.

What he said just now was not nonsense, but a conclusion drawn after careful and rigorous logical analysis combined with No. 18's personality.

"I'm not! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense!"

Eighteenth hurriedly defended.

As he said this, No. 18's heart was pounding like a deer, and his heart was beating violently.


Seventeen suddenly burst out laughing.

The more No. 18 explained, the more certain No. 17 became. No. 18 must have fallen in love with that Kahn.

"Shut up, don't laugh!"

Number Eighteen's face was very hot, she really wanted to go up and seal Number Seventeen's mouth.

You know it in your heart, so why do you have to say it?

Number Seventeen also knew not to tease too much, so he quickly stopped laughing, otherwise Number Eighteen would be angry.

"So, on the 18th, we're going to perform Saint Son Goku's Zhilinghui?"

After what happened yesterday, No. 17 no longer wants to carry out Dr. Gero's orders.

And with Kahn here, whether they killed Son Goku or Kahn killed them is another matter.

"You can try again."


A deep and magnetic voice came.

Number 17 and Number 18 turned their heads and saw Kahn and Son Goku's family standing on the side of the road watching them.

During Setsuna, No. 17 is facing a formidable enemy.

Number 16 also stood up, and the bird that was on his palm just now flew away chirping.

The reaction of No. 18 was completely different. When she saw Kahn again, she didn't feel oppressed like yesterday, but her heart beat faster.

For some reason, Number Eighteen felt nervous when she saw Kahn again.

It's not that I'm nervous because I'm afraid of Kahn's strength, it's the kind of nervousness that makes my heart beat.

She also did not expect to meet Kahn in Xidu Hospital.

"Hey, it's you guys. I couldn't compete with you yesterday. Let's compete again when you recover from your injuries." Son Goku also waved his hand to the three of No. 17 to say hello.

No. 17 was startled, and then said enthusiastically: "I am looking forward to fighting with you, Son Goku.

Although Kahn gave him the same sense of oppression as yesterday, there was no hostility.

In other words, Kahn seems to have concluded that they have no intention of killing Son Goku.

Then, No. 17's eyes shifted to Kahn, and he said with a smile: "My future brother-in-law, thank you for not killing me yesterday."

As soon as these words came out, No. 18 on the side was so ashamed that he wanted to find a hole in the ground and get in.

What are you talking nonsense about! (cjfj)

"Number 17, what nonsense are you talking about!!"

No. 18 scolded with a blushing face.

If she had a knife in her hand right now, she would wish to kill No. 17 with one knife!


This is something Kahn can't handle, why is he called brother-in-law all of a sudden?

"Don't bark, I'm already a married man." Kahn dismissed Seventeen's call.

"you do not say!"

Chichi was also dissatisfied: "You child, how can you bark at others, Kahn has been married for several years!"

heard the words.

No. 18, who was shy just now, froze on the spot, a look of disappointment appeared on her pretty face.

"There is something else, let's go first.

After Kahn and others left, No. 18 sat back on the wheelchair with a dejected expression on his face.

No. 17 also saw No. 18's mood, and comforted him: "No. 18, in fact, this is expected. How can a man as powerful as Mr. Kahn not have a wife?"

No. 18 raised her beautiful eyes, and glared at No. 17 angrily: "Can you shut up!"

Now No. 17 obediently kept silent, not daring to provoke No. 18 anymore.

No. 18 was slumped in a wheelchair, lost in confusion.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, what No. 17 said is not unreasonable.

Not to mention Kahn's strength, he is also exceptionally handsome, how could such a man not have a partner?


It's really just her wishful thinking.

After leaving Xidu Hospital, Kahn and Son Goku parted ways.

Son Goku's heart disease has recovered, so he doesn't need to escort him anymore.

After parting ways with Son Goku, Kahn went straight back to his home on the outskirts of Western Capital.

After all the previous deeds, Kahn has to seriously suspect that his wife Vados is the original sixth Universe Angel Vados!

Why did the sixth universe Angel Vados fall in love with him who has never met before? Why did he come from the sixth universe to the seventh universe to have a blind date and get married with him?

This, Kahn can't explain.

But when all conjectures and clues point to Angel Vados, then no matter how unbelievable and unexplainable, it may be true!

At first, Kahn just thought that his wife just happened to look exactly like the sixth Universe Angel Vados, and her name happened to be the same.

But if you think about it carefully, how can there be so many coincidences in the world?

However, before the evidence and clues were not sufficient, Yinfeng did not dare to jump to conclusions.

Therefore, Kahn intends to find a chance to test it out, and then he will know whether his wife is the original sixth universe angel.

That's when Kahn returned home with this in mind.

But found that Vados was not at home.


Looking at the empty home, Kahn scratched his head, "Could it be that I went to help arrange the wedding?".

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