I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter 66 Beat Vermut! You, The Clown, Said You Wanted To Destroy My Self-Confidence? (Please Subsc

Chapter 66 Beat Vermut violently! Are you the clown who wants to destroy my self-confidence?

call out!

Under the watchful eyes of the gods, Kahn turned into a black afterimage and took the initiative to attack again.

"A candidate is just a candidate after all, no matter how powerful they are, they will definitely not be able to defeat the real Gods of Destruction.

When Kahn rushed within a hundred meters, Vermut's eyes suddenly widened.


The next moment, Vermut clenched his fists tightly, and Kahn, who was rushing towards Vermut at high speed, was suddenly imprisoned in mid-air by an energy sphere, which exerted terrifying gravity, seriously affecting Kahn's actions.

He couldn't even break through the energy sphere that imprisoned him for a while.

After restricting Kahn's movement, Vermut kept moving, and then bent his fist into a claw and swung suddenly.


The dense energy flying cards formed by condensing destructive energy, like a bullet screen, instantly enveloped Kahn who was imprisoned in the energy sphere.

"Vermut this guy has grown "six-six-seven" again."

Quitela folded his hands on his chest, "Shout and shout, Vermut's trick is not so good. Next."

The other gods also watched this scene closely without speaking.

How much difference there is between Kahn and the real Gods of Destruction can basically be seen from this battle with Vermut.

After a few seconds.

Kahn reappeared in the sight of the gods.

I saw that Kahn was still volleying in the air, his arms were crossed in front of his chest, and the clothes on his body were cut into holes, but there was no trace of blood.


Seeing this, Vermut's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he secretly said in shock: "This kid's aura has actually increased again!"

His series of attacks just now failed to cause any considerable damage to Kahn, but instead made Kahn even stronger.

"Only this level of attack?"

Kahn grinned and said excitedly: "It won't defeat me, it will only make me stronger!"


Kahn once again exploded, and while his strength continued to increase, the purple energy flames had evolved into energy flames.


The purple energy flames blazed and rushed towards Vermut.

Vermut swept away the oncoming energy flames, "Then let me defeat you"

Before he finished speaking, Vermut's voice stopped abruptly.

At the same time as he swept away the energy flame, Kahn's fist wrapped in the purple energy flame had already smashed towards his face.


A punch from Kahn in the front caused Vermut to tilt his head slightly back.

While Vermut was stiff, Kahn kept moving and kicked Vermut in the abdomen again.

"Who are you going to beat?"

"As I said just now, I will step on your bones and climb to the top of the altar of the Great Gods of Destruction!"

As Vermut fell from the sky, Kahn chased after him at an even faster speed, landing hard with his knee on Vermut's throat.

Suffering fierce attacks from Kahn one after another caused Vermut to suffer certain injuries.

As the Gods of Destruction, Vermut's power is undoubtedly very strong, but his defense is vulnerable.

With Kahn's knee pressed against his throat, Vermut's face instantly turned ferocious: "Smug kid, don't really think I'm made of mud!"


A muffled sound came out almost simultaneously with Vermut's voice.

I saw Vermut's right foot kicked heavily on Kahn's back.


To Vermut's desperation, his kick didn't even move Kahn an inch.

Immediately, Kahn grabbed Vermut's heel with a backhand grab.

The heel was grabbed, and Vermut suddenly felt bad!

Immediately afterwards, Kahn grabbed it directly.

The dignified eleventh Universe Gods of Destruction, at this moment, was like rubbish. After Kahn held his heels and spun a few times in the air, he slammed heavily on the ground of the ring.

bang bang bang!

Kahn held Vermut's heels and smashed it left and right for more than a dozen rounds, and Vermut was stunned by Kahn.

Seeing this brutal scene, the gods were dumbfounded!

Finally, Kahn slammed Vermut to the ground again, grabbing him by the collar as Vermut bounced off the ground.


Under Vermut's horrified gaze, Kahn's head banged hard.


This iron head skill directly gave Vermut a whirlwind, staring at him.

Do you think this is the end?


After rewarding Vermut with an iron punch, Kahn's big hand directly grabbed Vermut's face and slammed it on the ground of the ring.

After a second.


Violent energy explosions resounded, gravel splashed, and smoke and dust billowed.


Deathly silence!

The gods were dumbfounded.

What is this riding on a horse!

One second Vermut had an absolute advantage, but the next second Kahn beat him like a sandbag?

"It's not beautiful! It's not beautiful!"

The second Universe Gods of Destruction Jerez shivered all over his body, and said in disgust: "Such a cruel man is so unbeautiful!"

Watching this scene, Champa's psychological shadow came up again.

Having played against Kahn, he knew very clearly that Kahn hadn't shown his true strength yet.

If Kahn under self-importance used the fighting method of constantly self-destructing, Vermut would have fallen down long ago!

"Vermut didn't even have the strength to fight back. It seems that the seventh universe, the candidate for Gods of Destruction, has some real skills."

Twelfth Universe Gods of Destruction Jin said.

"Shout..." Quitela curled his lips and said, "Vermut, you are too embarrassed, you can't even deal with a Gods of Destruction candidate, you are really a dog for Gods of Destruction

However, although.

Still, Quitela was upset to see Kahn, a mere Gods of Destruction candidate, at the Gods of Destruction summit.

But it was in Quitela's favor.

If Kahn loses in the first round, then he has no chance to clean up Kahn himself.

If you want to promote, suppress first, it belongs to yes.

"Macarita-san, it seems that there is really no suspense about the outcome."

Whis couldn't help but returned exactly what Macarita had said just now.

He has seen it.

Under Kahn's fierce attack just now, Vermut almost lost his fighting ability.

Makarita smiled awkwardly but politely, and said: "I miscalculated, the strength of this Mr. Kahn is really impressive, dear."

woo woo woo.

at the same time.

The smoke and dust on the ring gradually dissipated.

A bowl-shaped stone pit appeared in the sight of the gods and angels.

Vermut was lying in the stone pit of the ring in a state of embarrassment, his face turned grim because of the pain, his clothes were torn, and there were still many gravels on his body.

It has long since lost its prestige as Gods of Destruction.

Tread Tread.

Kahn stepped forward and lifted Vermut up 1.6.

In front of Kahn's strong physique, Vermut is as weak as a weak chicken with no strength to restrain it.

"You, the clown, said you wanted to destroy my self-confidence?"

Vermut gritted his teeth, eyes full of unwillingness and said: "Damn bastard!"


Sensing the unwillingness in Vermut's eyes, Kahn couldn't help jokingly said: "Dignified Gods of Destruction, losing to me a Gods of Destruction candidate, does it make you feel ashamed?"

"It's okay to feel ashamed."

Vermut spoke boldly before the match, remained silent during the match, and babbled nonsense after the match.

Whether Vermut's strength can pass Zhou Lian is a big question mark.

Looking at the twelfth Universe Gods of Destruction, Vermut's strength is not much stronger, probably on the same level as Champa.

In the beginning, Kahn just put water on him and used him to improve his strength. He didn't really think he was strong, did he?

No way no way?.

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