I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter 88 Selfishness Vs Freedom (Full Order!!)

Chapter 88 Self-consciousness VS Freedom

The game officially begins.

Lades took out a rubber band from his pocket and tied up his long hair.

After tying her hair into a ponytail, Lades, who looked pure and lovely, was a little more sassy.

"Dad, I'm ready."

"Okay, let Dad check how much your freedom has improved over the past few years.

next second.

call out!

Kahn and Lades disappeared in place almost at the same time, and reappeared above the ring.

bang bang bang!

Kahn and Lades fought in the air above the ring, and the two fought each other extremely fiercely.

After Kahn's careful teaching in the past few years, Lades's ultimate intention of freedom has become more and more proficient, and he can already use extreme intention of freedom under normal conditions.

Even if the opponent was his own daughter, Kahn didn't hold back anything.

Various angles were tricky, and fierce offensives enveloped Lades, and Lades immediately fell into the stage of passive defense.

However, relying on the characteristics of freedom and extreme intention, when dealing with Kahn's fierce offensive, Lades can still perform with ease.


"Is this a cover-up? How did these two players fight in the sky?"

"I do not know."

"Speaking of which, can you see clearly?"

"Can't see..."

The fierce battle between Kahn and Lades stunned tens of thousands of spectators in the arena.

Although the previous few battles were quite fierce, compared with the battle between Kahn and Lades, they were just playing games.

This is the real grand finale!

"It turned out to be a battle between my husband and Lades, I don't know who to support."

In the front row of the audience, Bulma was dazzled and didn't know who to support.

"Of course I support Dad."

Lin Yu, who was sitting next to Bulma, looked resolute.

"Hehehe, although it is right to support your father, but Xiaoyu, you were brought up by Sister Lades, don't you support Sister Lades?"

Vados quipped.

"I don't support it!" Lin Yu said with reason: "Who made her so much taller than me"~!"


Vados was amused on the spot.

I dare you to be jealous of your sister's height.

Not to mention, although Lades is only two hours older than Lin Yu, Lades is already a little over 1.7 meters tall, a few centimeters taller than Bulma.

What about Lin Yu?

About the same as Son Goten, maybe a little higher than Son Goten, but not much higher.

Bulma quickly comforted: "Xiaoyu, you are only six years old this year, so don't worry, you will be almost like your father in a few years.

"But sister Lades is only six years old."

Bulma: "………….

Do you compare with others? He was born with a height of 1.5 meters!

In the arena.

After warming up, the battle between Kahn and Lades gradually became intense.

Relying on his free-spirited agility, Lades avoided many of Kahn's attacks, but in terms of combat experience and skills, Lades and Kahn are a bit different.


Rades, who was in a normal state of mind and body, still couldn't escape Kahn's fierce attack, was hit head-on by a blow, and fell from the air.

But this blow Kahn controlled the power.

It was only then that Lades was able to make quick adjustments during the fall, and finally landed smoothly.

"As expected of a father!"

Lades sincerely admired it.

Immediately, the jade hand gently flicked the ponytail on the back of the head, "But next, I have to be serious."

"Go ahead, just recreate all your calendars.

"Then I'll come!"

As Lades's melodious voice fell like a silver bell, the entire auditorium instantly became quiet.

Because everyone can feel a sense of oppression that is about to come!

The tens of thousands of spectators at the scene held their breath, and their eyes were fixed on Lades on the ring.

"What's with this suffocating sense of oppression?"

In the players' rest area, the three of them on the 17th could also feel the strong sense of oppression that permeated the air.

"It seems... Mr. Kahn's daughter is going to use some trick!"

Under this strong sense of oppression, No. 18's pretty face gradually became dignified.

next second.

A beam of silver-gray energy beam exuding a scorching aura and a strong sense of oppression suddenly exploded from Lades' body, heading straight into the sky!

The sky was also completely dark at this moment.

And the dazzling silver-gray beam of light on the ring became the focus of attention of the audience.

"So hot!"

"It's like the sun! God, is this a new trick!"


The scorching aura emanating from the silver-gray energy beam swept across the entire auditorium.

Tens of thousands of spectators were shocked at the scene.

If this is a trick, then this trick is too advanced!


Under the attention of everyone, the silver-gray energy light beam that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth shrank rapidly, forming a silver-gray energy aura covering Lades' whole body.

At this time, Lades' hair color did not change much.

Because her color was originally silvery white, if you want to talk about changes, it will change from silvery white to silvery gray.

In addition, Lades' originally clear and agile black eyes also turned into silver gray.

This look is exactly Ultra Instinct!

While the scorching silver-gray energy flames rise, the surrounding space is constantly distorted.

""||Dad, this is my Ultra Instinct. "

Lades raised his vermilion lips, full of confidence.

"Not bad, but compared with Dad, you are a little tender."


The moment the words fell, a purple flame burst out from Kahn's body without warning.

Kahn also opened up to self-consciousness.

Kahn, who had activated his self-consciousness, instantly changed from a fatherly look to a fierce and violent one.

Seeing Rads shudder!

She had never seen Kahn like this before.

"Vados, what is this! How did my husband become so fierce!"

Bulma was also stunned by Kahn in his ideomorphic form.

"Daddy is so handsome! I want to learn from him!"

Looking at Kahn in the form of self-consciousness, Lin Yu's heart surged instantly.

He prefers Kahn's self-consciousness to Lades' Ultra Instinct.

"Dad, what is this (well) you, I've never seen it before.

Lades was dumbfounded.

She felt a sense of oppression and danger from Kahn.

Kahn explained: "Your one is called Ultra Instinct, which means freedom, while mine is called Ultra Instinct, which is self-centered.

"Come on, dear girl, let's compete with Dad."

The words fell.

The purple energy flame lingering around Kahn's body suddenly exploded, forming a terrifying airflow that swept out of his ears!

"it is good!"

At this moment, Lades was extremely excited, when Kahn expanded his aura.

Lades is also an explosion, the hot energy breath explodes instantly!


Everyone at the scene saw such a shocking scene.

The two energy auras, one purple and one silver, presented a situation of two separate regimes in the arena, with a clear distinction, as if dividing the arena into two.

This is the confrontation between the self-consciousness and the free will!

Just the confrontation in momentum shocked countless people present! .

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