Miao Village, threshing field.

There was a large pile of firewood burning in the center, and countless men and women sang and danced around the fire, singing folk songs, and dancing to celebrate the harvest of the year.

On the threshing ground, strips of long banana leaves are covered with various delicious dishes, such as grilled fish, bacon, glutinous rice and so on.

The most important subject is spirits, rice wine brewed by the Miao family, one word, strong.

The elders in the village were sitting up ahead. Both sides were full of the Miao people in the village. Everyone was singing and dancing. They were very unhappy.

Most young men and women sang and danced around the fire, and some even directly confronted the folk songs.

Liu Qing was sitting next to him, looking at the young Miao village men and women singing and dancing in front of him enthusiastically, feeling very fresh.

Miao Qingqing is sitting beside him, has washed and changed into a beautiful silver outfit, which makes people brighten up at the first glance, such a beautiful dress.

I have to say that the silver costumes of the Miao family really have a different kind of beauty.

"Qingqing, you are very beautiful today."

Liu Qing said a little in her ear.

Miao Qingqing heard her cheeks flush, becoming more beautiful and alluring, very pleased in one's mind.

"Aqing, some people will come over to toast later, do you want me to drink it for you?"

She whispered back.

The two people whispered to each other in closeness, making the Miao youths around them angry.

"So angry!"

"A flower in Jiuzhaigou was picked up."

"It hurts the forest."

No Young people drank sourly, only feeling dull.

When they looked at the wine in their hands, they suddenly felt bad.

Not far away, some elderly people in Jiuzhai are discussing something.

They talked while looking at Liu Qing.

"Patriarch, what is the origin of this young Han guy?"

"How come we have picked the most beautiful flower in Jiuzhai two days ago."

"This foreign guy is not authentic."

"Look at our young men in Jiuzhai. They all look sour and teary."

No Old man in Shaomiao Village, what are you talking about every word?

They still have some complaints about Liu Qing. You said that you picked the most beautiful flower in Jiuzhai two days after you came, and you didn't even say hello.

Besides, I don’t know if I’m sincere, maybe I’m here to play with emotions.

"Lao Ba, I heard that your family A Tu has been pursuing Qingqing this girl?"

An old man turned his head and looked towards a middle-aged man next to him and asked .

The middle-aged man held a wine bowl in his hand, took a few sips, and glanced at the honest young man sitting in the crowd, and shook his head helplessly.

"Don't mention it, this kid in my family is no play. I have screwed up a few great opportunities."

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed: "I'm fine now. I picked it up. I’m probably going to follow that guy to leave Miao Village soon."

"Ai, it’s hard for us young guys in Jiuzhai."

"I'm afraid, don't we Jiuzhai’s youngster, can’t you go outside and find a Han beauty to come back and have a long face?"

"Just you are troublesome, drink!"

As soon as Old Patriarch spoke, the others immediately obediently and honestly close up.

They won't talk about it here, but many young people in Jiuzhai can't sit still.

Looking at Liu Qing and Miao Qingqing, it’s so sour.

"No, I can't sit still."

"He must be given a good start."

"Yes, let him understand that our Miao family Girls are not so easy to marry."

"Atu brother, what do you say?"

Many young people gathered around and looked at the honest young man who was drinking silently. Sen.

He took a sip of wine and looked up towards Liu Qing, his eyes flashed with a kind of sorrow and jealousy, why was he picked up by outsiders?

"Go, toast."

Finally, Atu got up and walked over here with a jug of wine next to him moved towards Liu Qing.

"Toast, toast!"

"Oh oh..."

"Miao family elder brothers and sisters, come here to toast me A guest at the door."

Soon, a large group of young men and women came up with their hip flasks. Good fellow, almost all the young men and women in and above Jiuzhai came here.

In that posture, Liu Qing is a little bit explosive.

He looked at Miao Qingqing, who was sticking his tongue beside him, with a wry smile, and said with emotion that it is really not that easy for a girl from the Miao family to marry.

Look at this posture. There are dozens of young men and women coming up together, each holding a hip flask, afraid that it is not going to drink to death.

If you are an ordinary person, you must drink until you get down.

Actually, the Miao family are enthusiastic and extremely hospitable. The first is to toast.

You can drink as much as you can, and you can’t stop it until you fall asleep on your stomach.

Of course, some people can’t drink, and it’s impossible to force you to drink, but they will definitely look down on you in their hearts.

After all, men, women, and children in the Miao family can drink.

"Qingqing, go up and look at it."

A group of Miao girls pulled Miao Qingqing aside, not allowing her to interfere.

This is their custom. After all, if you want to marry a golden flower in Jiuzhai from them, you must go through many tests.

The first test is toast.

"Sisters and sisters, sing and serve wine!"

I saw a group of Miao girls in full costumes surrounding Liu Qing, singing a mountain song one by one.

Of course, I will toast every time I sing.

Liu Qing looked big, and only a wry smile was left in his heart.

But the hospitality is difficult, one word, drink.

"Thank you for your hospitality."

Liu Qing sat there, raising his wine bowl and slurping.


The beauties all around booed, and then continued to toast, one after another, anyway, every girl toast would sing a folk song.

The real enthusiasm is to entertain guests with songs and wine.

Of course, they are just toasting by themselves, but don't look at it as just a toast by themselves, count them, at least thirty young girls come up to toast.

Liu Qing If it is not for the cultivation base profound, the physique is amazing, most people may pass out directly after drinking it.

But he is always willing to come, bowl after bowl, listening to the singing of the beautiful women of the Miao family, the wine in the bowl has never been cut off.

The Miao Qingqing on the side looked a little worried. He tried to dissuade him several times, but was pulled back.

"Tell them, it's enough, it's almost enough."

Over there, Old Patriarch in Jiuzhai couldn't see it anymore, so he reminded them.

"Patriarch, don't worry."

"It's okay."


Others watched with interest He did not try to discourage.

In fact, they were sour in their hearts. Their son failed to marry that golden flower, and instead let an outsider pick him up.

How can this work, even if they don’t block, dismantle, or oppose, they definitely have to take care of each other.


A group of girls finished singing and toasting, good guy, Liu Qing still face doesn't change, even sitting there unperturbed as if it's all right Like people.

This amazed them. They thought they could get down directly after a round of toasting.

But the situation is just the opposite, even the group of young Miao lads who are preparing to toast are shocked.

"Atu, things are not good."

Someone whispered.

He looked at Liu Qing and said in surprise: "This guy, he has such a good amount of alcohol, and he has drunk so much. There is nothing wrong with him."

"What are we afraid of? There are dozens of people."

"Go up together and drink with him."

Atu's eyes were fierce, and he came up with a hip flask.

Unlike the Miao girls, young men toast the guests, you have to drink with them, and the girls don’t have to drink to toast and present their songs.

But the young man toast must be drunk with the guests, otherwise, what do you call Jingren?

"My name is Atu, we come to respect you."

Brother Atu came up and sat opposite Liu Qing, behind him was a large group of 30 or so young singles from Jiuzhai.

As for those who got married, they didn't come over. After all, this is not the fun they should join in, just watching the fun next to them.

"You robbed our Jiuzhai man's sweetheart. We are not convinced about this."

A Tu looked at Miao Qingqing not far away with a bit of sourness.

She looked at Liu Qing with sorrow, her eyes were full of him, and her heart became more sour.

Two bowls of wine are full, one for each.

Atu raised his wine bowl and threw his head up to dry it.

"Guest, I will do it first!"

After drinking, he turned the bowl upside down, and there was no drip.

"Dry!" Liu Qing smiled indifferently, raising the wine bowl and doing it directly.

gu lu gu lu drew a bowl of spirits with two mouthfuls, face doesn't change.

"Come again!"

"I also toast you a bowl."

Soon, one after another Miao young man had the wine.

Every one of them came to toast, you have a bowl, I have a bowl, all come up to drink with Liu Qing.

Soon, after another ten bowls, Liu Qing hiccups, the alcohol is filled.

But his face did not change at all, which surprised the Miao family.

Some of the people who were drinking with him were flushed and their throats were hot. That would be too hot, too strong, and it would feel like burning after a bite.

"Come again!"

The young men are enthusiasm, and refuse to admit defeat. Not down to you.

Thirty people took turns toasting, one after another, Liu Qing was calm, sitting there serene, and the people who came to it all dried up one bowl after another.


Many people cheered around.

Liu Qing's performance stunned everyone present.

What is mass, this is mass.

There are many young girls from the Miao family, and their eyes look towards Liu Qing are full of strange brilliance.

I have never seen such a heroic and massive man.


Finally, the first young guy fell before the second bowl of wine was finished.

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