A living person suddenly broke into the Wushan ghost mythical creature.

All the ghosts present were horrified, all staring at him, showing a hideous smile.

"really strong blood energy, hahaha..."

Soon, Ghost King noticed the powerful blood energy exuding Liu Qing, and his eyes suddenly turned green Light.

As a Ghost King, it is naturally the most sensitive. At a glance, you can see that the youth in front of you is a delicious human. The powerful blood energy and Life Aura make it excited.

As long as you eat him, you can get more powerful transformation and promotion.

"hahahaha, heaven helps me."

Ghost King suddenly laughed heartily.

It looks at Liu Qing with sinister face, which is very scary.

"What a powerful body, this king has changed his mind, body possession of your body, and then combine with the Tianyin girl whom this king has married back, yin and yang are one, this king will surely be invincible in the whole world."

"hahaha .... The Royal General ascends to the throne of the ten temples and becomes Supreme Yama."

Ghost King's crazy loudly roared, looks extraordinarily crazy and excited .

It turned out that it went to the world to get married, and the bride it caught was a special woman, called Tianyin Girl.

Tianyin girl, in fact, has a very special nature, and it attracts ghosts to covet.

Especially now, Ghost King is so excited that he sees Liu Qing, a living person with a great body, and he wants to have a body possession directly, and then combine with the Tianyin girl who has just brought it back. Isn't it a help from heaven?

After body possession, take the Extreme Yin Qi from Tianyin Girl's body, and cooperate with Liu Qing's perfect body, the union of Yin and Yang can break and stand, open the mansion and stand, and become the Lord of Yama.

Ghost King is of course excited.

"Come on, catch this kid."

As soon as the Ghost King gave an order, they saw densely packed ghosts rushing up frantically.

For a time, demons danced wildly, ghosts roared, baring fangs and brandishing claws flooded in.


Just listened to a clang, sword chants spread all around, countless ghosts smoked and mournful scream, dozens of ghosts turned directly into fly ashes.

In front of Liu Qing, there is a sword, a Heavenly Astral Demon Punishment Sword, which exudes a radiant might and deterring the ghosts.

"I want to see, what are you capable of, you want to take possession of me?"

Liu Qing sneered, stepping out, the whole person exudes a surging breath.

Boom...sword qi aspect!

There are countless ghosts in their surroundings in horror, looking at the Demon Sword in fear, their power is too powerful, and they have special restraint in dealing with ghosts.

"Damn, you are a human cultivator?"

Ghost King surprised and angry looking at Liu Qing, and finally realized that Liu Qing is not an ordinary person, but a cultivator.

No wonder it was able to sneak into the Wushan ghost mythical creature. It turned out that there were two brushes, but Ghost King was confident that he was strong enough and naturally did not pay attention to it.

The world is no longer as strong as it used to be, even if it has a cultivator, how powerful it is impossible.

So Ghost King is very confident and waved his hand: "Go up, take this person down."




Thousand ghosts roared, countless evil things were slaughtered one after another, to tear the living person Liu Qing into pieces.

Faced with the infinite attacks of ghosts and evil spirits, Liu Qing's complexion was calm, and the corners of his mouth evoked a cold and severe arc.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation, Reincarnation!"

Liu Qing suddenly cast Six Paths of Reincarnation, the void trembled, and six terrifying black holes rumbling slowly appeared above his head. Hovering.

A huge suction force surged in, and countless evil things were sucked into it one after another. The ka ka ka was crushed and wiped out, and it was refining on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Ghost King was horrified to death, his eyes widened.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

Ghost King screamed and retreated quickly, pale in horror.

It looked at the six black holes in front of it and swallowed countless ghosts around it. Large and small were all sucked into them and swallowed directly.

In the entire ghost mythical creature, the most powerful is the Ghost King, which is the Super Ghost King of is a Nascent Soul Stage.

I don't know how it was cultivation. Anyway, none of the evil creatures and monsters in the entire ghost mythical creature belonged to the Golden Core Realm. Perhaps they were swallowed by the Ghost King to strengthen themselves.

The most powerful, only the ghosts of the Foundation Establishment Stage, were swallowed and strangled by Liu Qing's actual combat Six Paths of Reincarnation in an instant, and the refining became pure soul energy.

In the terrifying scene, countless evil things were stunned and scrambled to escape.


Unfortunately, I can't escape.

Liu Qing walked towards the Ghost King step by step, and the six terrifying black holes rumbling behind him swallowed countless evil things, grinded and strangled, and refining into ashes.

One-sided slaughter, there is no power to resist at all.

"Damn it, this king doesn't believe that you can reach the sky."

The Ghost King was angry, and the monstrous Ghost Qi swept across the sky, turning into blood-red skeletons fiercely and hitting it up.

boom~ boom~ ...

There was a big explosion, and the skeletons hit the six black holes. All of them exploded without exception, but they couldn't shake the black holes.

Six Paths of Reincarnation is still turning, and the powerful suction force swallows all the evil spirits and ghosts in the entire Ghost King mansion to strangle and wipe them out.

In the end, only Ghost King remained, standing there in horror.

"Impossible, there is a powerful cultivator like you in the world."

Ghost King surprised and angry, roaring loudly: "Dharma End Era, it is impossible for someone to cultivation to your level."

"Absolutely impossible."

This Ghost King is going crazy, Liu Qing's strength is too powerful, it is impossible.

Dharma End Era, although Spiritual Qi is now recovering, it is absolutely impossible to emerge a powerful cultivator so quickly.

So, Ghost King doesn't believe it.

But the fact is the fact, Liu Qing is terrifying in strength, and trifling a Ghost King that relies on devouring the same kind of Ghost King is fundamentally impossible to mention on equal terms.

"Ghost King, you should be on the road."

Liu Qing smiled and looked at the Ghost King in front of him. This guy, the king of evil spirits of Nascent Soul Stage, swallowed Countless of the same kind only came up through the breakthrough.

Now Liu Qing is about to destroy the opponent, refining into a pure soul energy to strengthen his soul.

"No.. I don’t believe it, go to hell."

Ghost King loudly roared, suddenly turned into a ferocious-looking terrifying giant, wielding giant claws fiercely to shoot To Liu Qing.

With a blast of ka-cha, the ghost claw broke, crushed by Six Paths of Reincarnation, and swallowed directly.



The Ghost King wailed miserably, begging for mercy.

But Liu Qing didn't intend to let it go, so he ignored it. The powerful suction poured in and sucked Ghost King little by little into the six black holes ka ka ka.

A good Ghost King, powerful, should have been able to cause trouble, but he was a bad luck guy when he met Liu Qing.

In the end, Oshan Ghost King was directly ground, leaving only a very majestic soul energy, turned into a small black ghost baby.

It is the Nascent Soul of Ghost King, where it comes from.

The entire Ghost King mansion was emptied. Outside, countless evil things in the ghost mythical creature fled in horror. Unfortunately, where can the little ghost mythical creature escape?

Liu Qing did not hunt down other ghosts, so he didn't bother to hunt them one by one.

He walked into the depths of Ghost King's mansion and saw the bride sitting in the new house.

She was wearing a red wedding gown and sat there blankly, covered with red head, as if she was unconscious.

"It's fine to be alive, but I was confused by the Ghost King casting spells."

Liu Qing relaxed after some observation.

He is carefully looking at the Ghost King bride in front of him, and he is very curious that she is actually a person with a special physique.

No wonder being taken captive by Ghost King to get married.

And she looks very beautiful, oval face, fair skin, tall and exquisite, but she has a feminine atmosphere.

Tianyin girl has a special function, which can purify the power of ghosts and even dilute the fiendish qi to purify the power of ghosts.

This is a bit surprising, no wonder Ghost King did everything possible to capture his relatives directly from the world as a bride, just to use her special body to purify her fiendish qi.

Unfortunately, Ghost King was directly checked by Liu Qing before he had time to enjoy it.

The bride in front of me has become a ghost widow.

"Where is this?"

Not long afterwards, the ghost bride woke up, suddenly dumbfounded.

She looked at herself wearing a red wedding gown, and then saw a young man who was looking at her curiously in front of her, and there was a chill and fear in her heart.

"You, who are you?"

"Don't come..."

The ghost bride panicked and backed away in horror.

Liu Qing didn't say a word, but looked at her quietly.

He was thinking about how to deal with this woman, he must take it out, and then erase her memory or what?

"Girl, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you, what's your name?"

Looking at the scared ghost bride in front of him, Liu Qing asked slowly.

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