There was a tiger roar, and the forest swayed.

Countless ice and snow shook off, and a large part of the snow peak was directly shattered by the roar of the tiger.

On the snowy ground, a huge tiger is stepping on the carcass of a wild boar, and the surrounding snow is stained with blood.

This tiger is snow-white all over, with black patterns on its body. Its huge body is five meters tall. Its two fangs are still dripping with blood. There is a king on its head, majestic and majestic. , Domineering unparalleled.

"White Tiger?"

Liu Qing was in the air, looking at a White Tiger on the snowy ground below in surprise, extremely domineering.

At a glance, it gives a strong mental and visual impact, and the whole body exudes a fiendish qi, which is extremely domineering.

White Tiger, turned out to be a White Tiger.

He was a little surprised, how could there be White Tiger in Kunlun Mountain?

You need to know that the White Tiger should inhabit Yunnan, and why there is a mighty and domineering White Tiger in Kunlun Mountain.

But when I think of Spiritual Qi's recovery, I feel relieved.

This White Tiger belongs to a generation of hegemons in Kunlun Mountain, the real king of the forest.

Look at the corpse of a wild boar stepping on it, which is as huge as a buffalo, but it was bitten to death by the White Tiger.


At this time, White Tiger noticed the existence of Liu Qing, and the four of them made an attacking defensive state, watching the people in the air let out a low roar .

tiger roaring at mountains and forests, blowing snow and ice flying down the sky.

Looking at White Tiger's fierce power, Liu Qing's eyes showed amazing rays of light.

He can see through the strengths and weaknesses of White Tiger at a glance. It doesn't have to be inferior to the general Foundation Establishment cultivator. It is even stronger and more fierce.

This is a White Tiger that will soon be a Foundation Establishment. Although there is no Foundation Establishment yet, it is much stronger than the general Foundation Establishment cultivator.

It is worthy of being the White Tiger after mutation. It has become extremely terrifying after evolution.

Liu Qing looked at White Tiger, while the other party was also looking at him, appearing very alert, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

White Tiger perceives Liu Qing's power and threat, growls lowly to warn, but dare not act rashly.

Even, White Tiger stepped back slightly, letting out the wild boar carcass under his feet, making Liu Qing a little surprised.

Is this letting the prey out?

In nature, weak are prey to the strong. White Tiger clearly perceives the power and danger of Liu Qing and lets out the prey he has just captured.

This is a kind of concession. Why would White Tiger give in?

But it still seemed very unwilling, and didn't want to give up its prey, but faced with a powerful threat that Liu Qing brought to it, wild beast could have forced it to retreat.

"little fellow, I didn't intend to hurt you."

Liu Qing slightly smiled, after speaking, he flew down.

He flew down and frightened the White Tiger back slightly, grinning and roaring, as if to warn him.

"Little fellow, don't be afraid."

Liu Qing walked up with kindness.

"..." White Tiger was speechless, looking dullly at the humans a few circles smaller than it, who is the little fellow?

It's a full five-meter tall body. It's huge and full of threats. Liu Qing just didn't have enough mouthfuls in front of it.

You actually call it a little fellow?

However, White Tiger didn't dare to be careless at all, and even stepped back step by step, his low growl with a hint of irritability.

It is angry, this human being unsatisfied.


Suddenly, the furious White Tiger finally showed its fierce nature, loudly roared, suddenly moved towards Liu Qing and flew up.

It launched an offensive, the first to strike is the strongest.

Faced with White Tiger's surprise attack, Liu Qing's face was calm, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I saw him raise his hand and stretch out a finger, flicks with the finger.


White Tiger's huge body was directly knocked out, and several big trees were broken before it stopped.

It got up from the ice and snow, shook its head, and looked at Liu Qing's eyes with a trace of fear and anger.

I was actually beaten into the air. This human being is really dangerous.

"little fellow, don’t make trouble."

Liu Qing stepped forward, ignoring White Tiger's ferocious growl, pressing one hand on its head, scared White Tiger to snow On the ground, struggling hard but still unable to stand up.


It is loudly roared, with fierce flashes in its eyes, revealing a trace of fear.

"Don't move." Liu Qing reprimanded.

White Tiger's body froze there, and he really didn't dare to move at all.

Liu Qing looked at the White Tiger in front of him, with a hint of interest in his eyes.

He remembered that he had conquered a blue scale demon python, and had a Black Tortoise, a Fire Sparrow, and only a White Tiger.

The White Tiger in front of me is not bad. I met it today, and I thought of conquering in secret joy.

If you conquer this White Tiger, then you have collected the four Sacred Beasts.

"You have a trace of White Tiger Bloodline. Now that you have spirituality, would you like to follow this cultivation?"

Liu Qing looked directly at White Tiger, and asked in a calm and kind tone .

White Tiger's body trembled, and his eyes flickered slightly, obviously he understood the meaning of this sentence.

It is very unwilling and does not want to be subdued by a human being, but this human being is so strong that there is no way to fight it.

"Why, don't you want it?" Liu Qing looked at it with a smile.

The White Tiger is all hairy when seen, there is an instinctive fear.


In the end, White Tiger chose the acknowledge allegiance, not unyielding under the threat of this human being.

If you don’t acknowledge allegiance, maybe it’s another scene.

"You are still clever, otherwise, I will have White Tiger soup tonight."

Liu Qing muttered to himself and let go of White Tiger.

Hearing this, the White Tiger who had stood up was so frightened that he went down again, looking at the human in front of him with horror.

Its owner, as expected, just wanted to simmer it in soup.

The hateful humans have recognized a bad master.

White Tiger thought with grief that he might be all black, no daylight in the future.

"Well, it scares you, you are White Tiger anyway."

Liu Qing reprimanded with some dissatisfaction.

White Tiger looked at him pitifully, thinking, Master, you are more cruel than me, can you not be afraid?

Humans, as expected, are hiding a knife in a smile, talking to you with a smile, but thinking about how to slaughter you and stew in soup.

"Let’s go, take your prey, follow me in the future, promise to let you eat delicious and spicy food, the future will become a real White Tiger Sacred Beast."

Liu Qing said After turning over and riding on White Tiger.


White Tiger loudly roared, holding the dead boar carcass in his mouth, leaped off all fours, and ran fast in the forest.

Under the guidance of Liu Qing, White Tiger took him all the way to the depths of Kunlun.

In front, a large lake came into view.

"There should be Yaochi there, right?"

Liu Qing rode the White Tiger all the way to the edge of the Yaochi, and saw a huge stone standing there with a picture on it. To Yaochi.

This is Kunlun Tianchi, also known as Yaochi.

The rumor is the Yaochi where the Queen Mother of the West is located.

The water in the Tianchi is clear jade green, shimmering, and there is a cloud of mist on the lake, evaporating, and Spiritual Qi gathers around, and there is an Immortal Holy Land.

"Go, go over."

He commanded, and White Tiger ran over as he comprehended.

One person and one tiger soon came to the edge of Yaochi.

Looking at the Babo Yao Pool in front of you, it is like Immortal Realm, relaxed and joyful.

"As expected, Kunlun, where the Queen Mother is located, is a good place for cultivation."

Liu Qing feels comfortable and feels that the whole person has become more ethereal, elegant, and gradually Into the surrounding nature.


Liu Qing flew up and landed on the lake in the blink of an eye, walking step by step on the surface of jade green.

"system, sign in at Yaochi."

He stood on the water of Yaochi, meditating in his heart.


"Successfully signed in at Yaochi, congratulations to the host, get..."

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