Readers, brain repositories ......

In the antique pharmacy, a handsome young man of eighteen years old suddenly woke up in disbelief.

"I crossed over!" "I

actually traveled to the peaceful period of the Demon Slayer

Blade!" "This luck lottery is redundant!" Lin

Chuan clearly remembered that he was still chasing the Demon Slayer Blade Forging Knife Village a moment ago.

In the finale, a beam of light shines through the screen of the mobile phone and shines on him, and then he loses consciousness.

A strange memory woke Lin Chuan up, so he came here.

The original owner, also called Lin Chuan, is a disciple of the pharmacist, and now he is in the Ghost King's mansion, and he is about to accompany the master to treat the Ghost King.

Do you believe in light? Lin Chuan didn't believe in light, but this time he did!

Glancing at the retro brown robe of the medicine apprentice on his body, Lin Chuan believed it and said with a panicked expression.

"Hell starts, waste material medicine disciples, travel to the world of ghost destruction, the protagonist templates in the online article are complete!"

"That's ...... What about my system?"

Lin Chuan seemed to have said some key information, and a synthesized electronic sound suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Ding Dong, host detected, Supreme Invincible System activated, binding

......" "7%...... 31%...... 58%...... 99%!" Lin

Chuan said with hatred, "Supreme Invincible System, haha, I didn't expect that one day I Lin Chuan will also have a system!"

After a long wait, Lin Chuan looked at the silver-blue light curtain in front of him, and his eyes lit up.

This is the system panel.


: Lin Chuan] [Blood Ghost Technique

: None] [Breathing Method: None

] [Physical Fitness: 10

] [Invincible Value: 1

] [Comprehensive Evaluation: Fledgling!]

Seeing that the system panel was so perfunctory, Lin Chuan felt like he had been cheated, and immediately tried it.

Lin Chuan punched out, but it passed directly through the system panel without causing the slightest damage.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan said in his heart, it's okay, it is worthy of the Supreme Invincible System, it is invincible!

The system first turned red, and became hot like anger.

Just because he saw that Lin Chuan was so sensible, the system immediately returned to its normal color and continued.

"Ding Dong, the newbie gift package has been successfully distributed, please check

it with the host, good luck!" Lin Chuan heard this, and said with a puzzled face, "What's the thing in the novice gift package

?" "Is it blood ghost magic?" or

breathing method?" Lin Chuan has already thought about it, how handsome the blood ghost technique

is! First choice! The breathing method is also good, and the breath of the sun should be the first choice

! Of course, both are better!

After all, it would not be a problem for Black Death Mou to hit three pillars with the Blood Demon Technique.

If Black Death Mou, Tong Mo, and Yi Woza don't act, then the Ghost Slayer Blade will really become the Pillar Slayer Blade!

Lin Chuan originally thought that the system would gladly agree, but he never expected that it would disdain it.

"Host, this system gives you invincibility and makes you the ultimate creature!"

"The more invincibility, the stronger you become.

"When the time comes, the host will be proud of the invincible opponent in the world, and no one will be able to hurt you in the slightest. "

Warm reminder, please refer to the invincibility of a certain king for this invincibility, and cannot be immune to suppression and contract effects.

"Blood ghost magic and breathing techniques need to be learned by the host themselves.

As soon as the words fell, a delicate golden treasure chest appeared in front of Lin Chuan's eyes.

As the system says, this treasure chest contains terrifying and mysterious powers.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan pretended to be calm and said

, "It's so cool!" "It's much cooler than a certain king's glory chest!"

At this time, a golden ball of light flew out of the box and went straight into Lin Chuan's eyebrows.

The system immediately spoke, "Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for drawing the Golden Legend!" "

The system interface is at full level, please check it in time!"


[Physical Fitness

: Positive Infinity] [Invincible Value: Positive Infinity

] [Comprehensive Evaluation: Invincible in the World!]

The system interface is shining with golden light, and Lin Chuan is also bathed in holy golden light at this moment.

The terrifying power washed over Lin Chuan's limbs and bones, as if he was washing the marrow in the cultivation of immortals, painful and happy.

Lin Chuan fell to the ground with a thud, it seemed that the sound was too loud, and the pharmacist rushed to hear the sound.

He squatted on the ground to help Lin Chuan up, and skillfully checked his pulse.

"Xiao Chuan, Xiao Chuan, what's wrong with you?"

"Let the teacher take a look at ......"

Although Lin Chuan's eyes were closed, his consciousness was far stronger than before.

The pharmacist said with a sigh of relief after taking the pulse.

"Haha, there was a false alarm, Xiaochuan was just tired, and it was fine.

"Brew some decoction for the teacher, you just drink it!" After

a while, Lin Chuan drank the medicine in a daze, but he didn't expect to really wake up!

Looking at the amiable pharmacist in front of him with bright eyes, Lin Chuan couldn't believe his eyes.

It was really him, who used his superb medical skills to revive a dying demon and create the Ghost King.

Suddenly, the voice of the system came to my head.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for triggering the ultimate quest, the fate bond

!" "The host's life will be bound to Wu Miao, he gives birth to you, and you probably won't die if he dies!"

At the same time, there is also an additional task column on the system panel.

Lin Chuan glanced at it and said in disbelief, "What the hell, tell me to protect

Wu Miao?" "Is this really good?"

"Wu Miao, he can be sweet and salty, but Lori, uh, it doesn't seem to be impossible." "

There is no such thing as a miserable and beautiful woman's clothing.

Lin Chuan's expression became yearning, and there was no resistance anymore!

The pharmacist patted Lin Chuan's shoulder and said with a concerned expression.

"Xiao Chuan, it's okay

!" "I have made a new type of medicine, this time the hard-working patient should be worry-free!"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan was shocked in his heart, and wanted to confirm the conjecture in his heart, so he hurriedly asked.

"Master, isn't that person's name Tsukihiko Sanyashiki!" "

The ghost king was originally not called Onimai Tsuji, but he changed his name after becoming a ghost, so Lin Chuan had to change his words.

Hearing this, the pharmacist nodded, and said sympathetically, "Alas, yes, he is a hard-working man

!" "If you can, you should bear his pain for the teacher, after all, the future belongs to you after all!"

With that, the pharmacist pulled Lin Chuan towards a dark room.

There were bursts of desperate roars from inside the house

!"Damn, damn a bunch of bastards, a bunch of useless things!

" "Why, why didn't anyone cure my disease

?" "Am I going to die?" I want someone to be buried with

me!"Before seeing him, he heard his voice first, and Lin Chuan knew that this person was the ghost king of the human period!

As soon as he crossed over, he met the strongest boss without misery, Lin Chuan was both excited and excited, and almost fainted happily.

When he was crooked in his heart, what maid should he wear, the pharmacist pulled Lin Chuan in.

The room was dimly lit and filled with the smell of herbs, and the floor was littered with the remains of furniture.

The pharmacist casually picked up a broken lamp and looked at Wu Miao, and said with a sharp look in his eyes.

"If you cure it, Xiaochuan and I will definitely cure your disease!".

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