"It's really unusual

!" "Where have you been this week?" "

Don't tell me you're looking for the cyan flower!" Wu

Miao shrugged his shoulders and turned to look at Lin Chuan.

The sharp eyes seemed to be able to pierce Lin Chuan, and he was obviously angry.

Lin Chuan scratched his head in embarrassment, and the corners of his mouth twitched and replied, "Yes!"

"Haven't you also been without a ghost for a few days?"

"I promise, the purpose of my visit is definitely for your own

good!" "Oh, for my good?" "It's really full of honey, sweet and greasy!" "

Stupid, if you don't go to find the cyan flower, which is it for my good?".

With a sigh, Lin Chuan flashed to Wu Miao's front and hugged him and said, "My kindness to you is not just the cyan flower

!" "I also want to protect you, many people want to kill you!" Wu

Miao glanced at Lin Chuan's side face with cold eyes and said

, "Kill me?" "I want to see who is so bold, and if there is no Jiguoyuan, everyone else is a fart!" "

Who can move me?".

Hearing this, Lin Chuan pursed his lips and hugged Wu Miao with a smile, and said in a flat tone.

"Yes, with me, who can move my misery?" Wu

Miao was furious, and the fun of immersing himself in the ocean of knowledge just now was swept away.

Looking at the scarlet eyes that were not miserable, Lin Chuan quickly let go.

Out of the corner of his eye, he accidentally saw a note on the desk.

It's just that this time it's Lin Chuan's familiar and headache-inducing English.

It's okay to take it out alone, but Lin Chuan was stunned when he put it together!

Wu Miao glared at Lin Chuan fiercely, but he didn't make a move, just asked him to pay attention in the next life.

At this time, Wu Miao noticed something strange from Lin Chuan's sight.

Finding that he was actually reading his notes, he couldn't help frowning and said coldly.

"Lin Chuan, did you open the notes from last time?"

Lin Chuan spread his hands and replied truthfully, "The writing is good, but I can't

understand a single word!" As soon as these words came out

, the scene was silent, and everyone was ready to ask the teacher for guilt! As a result, Lin Chuan couldn't understand a word, even if there was a secret, it was to play the piano to the cow!

So, Wu Miao let go of Lin Chuan's journey for a week, and ordered with a gloomy face.

"Okay, let's go find the cyan flower

!" "It's daytime...... Lin

Chuan interrupted Wu Miao, looked at him with a smile and said, "Wu Miao, why don't you take advantage of the beautiful wind and sunshine now, and take a handful

of women's clothes?" "You also saw Naruto's outfit!" "

The quality of the cosplay women's clothes is definitely good, and there is nothing to say about the appearance." Speaking

of which, it suddenly dawned on him that it was no wonder that Naruto had become so seductive lately that she almost let herself fall.

It turned out that it was all a good thing that Lin Chuan did, but after thinking about it, he was relieved and said lightly.

"That's very good, you have a heart!" As

soon as he heard the drama, Lin Chuan's mood was full of ups and downs, and now there was a feeling that the conspiracy had succeeded.

Lin Chuan walked to the wardrobe with ease and carefully selected.

As a miserable person, there are a lot of clothes, but there are few I like, and Lin Chuan is the most proud.

In an instant, Lin Chuan quickly took out two pieces of clothing, and the magnificence even had a crown.

Wu Miao's breath stagnated, and he muttered, "This, won't it be the empress...... Something to wear, right?"

he was not surprised, because there was only one empress in the world.

The status is also very noble, and it is above tens of thousands of people.

Lin Chuan held a certain king's Wu Zetian women's clothes in his hand, which was visible to the naked eye, and he could gain ten catties out of thin air when he wore it.

"Try it without changing your form quickly, I specially selected it for you.

"It must be in line with your temperament of dominating the world and being luxurious. Wu

Miao gladly accepted that he was the ghost king, and he was naturally an existence above tens of thousands of people.

Since the empress can wear it, why can't he?

After half a burnt incense, a golden light shone out from the ghost king's mansion.

Lin Chuan couldn't help but peek at it with curiosity, only to see that Wu Miao had changed.

It seemed that there had changed too much, Lin Chuan couldn't help but exclaim, "You, are you miserable?"

Because standing in front of Lin Chuan's eyes at this moment, it seems to be too similar to Wu Zetian's mold!


?" "Don't even recognize me?" "

This dress is really good, you can consider making a few more."

Lin Chuan nodded and secretly kept this sentence in his heart.

But I still imprinted the current appearance of Wu Miao in my mind.

Wu Miao was admiring his peerless beauty

! But he accidentally found that Lin Chuan had a few other pieces in his hand, and his eyes were different from those on weekdays!

It was very strange, very hot, as if he was going to eat me.

Wu Miao only felt this way on Lin Chuan, so he quickly drove Lin Chuan out with crumbs.


moment the door closed, Lin Chuan looked at Wu Miao, who was only one door away, and said in disbelief.

"Wu Miao, what the hell are you doing?" "

You actually kicked me out!" The

room was gradually shrouded in blood mist, and Wu Miao said with a heart.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go find the cyan flower!"

"You know why you drove you out, don't let me tear your face." "


Lin Chuan recalled it with black lines, and then suddenly remembered.

Because she has completely changed her appearance just now, she has the power of an empress who looks down on the world and tens of thousands of people.

So Lin Chuan didn't react for a while, so he was obsessed for a while!

Looking at the closed door, Lin Chuan knew that he couldn't get in, so he took the rest of the women's clothes and returned to Infinite City.

In Infinity City, Naruto seems to have been waiting for Hayashi Chuan for a long time!

As soon as she saw Hayashi Chuan return, she immediately teleported him to her side.

Seeing Naruto's expectant and well-behaved face, which was diametrically opposed to the demeanor of the miserable empress, this gave Lin Chuan a little comfort.

"Have you been waiting for me

?" Lin Chuan touched and stroked Naruto's hair, and asked softly, "I brought you a few, you can try it?" Naruto

first glanced sideways, and when she saw Lin Chuan's excited appearance, she nodded in agreement.

It's just that Naruto made a very strange request, and Lin Chuan repeated in disbelief.


?" "You want me to help you put on this cosplay outfit?" "

Won't I see it all then?"

Naruto nodded obediently, and then said with her cheeks flying, "It's okay, it's okay if it's Pharmacist Lin Chuan."

Lin Chuan hurriedly waved his hand, leaving the cosplay women's clothes and running away.

Being teased by Naruto, an evil fire rose in Lin Chuan's lower abdomen, and the consequences of staying any longer were unimaginable.

Naruto fiddled with the pipa and said goodbye to Lin Chuan, looking at the cold women's clothes sadly, and her heart couldn't help but throb ......

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