Lin Chuan's every second of waiting was very tormenting, and it could be called a second like a year.

Just like Lin Chuan's class in his previous life, the only difference is that Infinite City does not have the old wall clock.

Fortunately, Naruto never disappointed Lin Chuan, and soon shouted happily.

"Mr. Lin Chuan, I'm fine, this is really beautiful!"

"It's very comfortable to wear, especially the legs......"

Lin Chuan quickly turned around and pretended to look at it calmly, but after all, he couldn't resist this extremely pure temptation.

Seeing Lin Chuan's eyes froze on his lap, Naruto said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin Chuan, what is this on the leg?"

"It's really comfortable

...... Lin Chuan blurted out in a daze, "White silk

!" Then Lin Chuan realized that something was wrong, so he immediately changed his words, "It's just white socks!" "Don't

get me wrong...... Naruto

believed Lin Chuan's words unconditionally as always, and patiently admired his own makeup.

If you play with this kind of makeup, it won't be the focus of the audience!

Naruto also belongs to the category of geisha, and she eats by playing the lute.

Of course, she wants to be the strongest geisha and become the envy of everyone.

Naruto thought to herself, only in this way can she barely deserve to be a mediocre pharmacist, right!

Just after admiring it for a moment, Lin Chuan couldn't help but wipe the corners of his mouth, and then praised it.

"It's really Miss Naruto, she looks beautiful no matter what she wears!"

"Alas, it's a pity that your former husband is really not human.

"If it were me, it would be three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

"Three hundred of them are on your way, and the remaining sixty-five days are on your way."

Naruto suddenly looked at Lin Chuan, her beautiful eyes filled with mist.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan hurriedly stepped forward and wiped the tears from the corners of Naruto's eyes, and apologized softly.

"Miss Naruto, I'm really sorry for making you remember something sad when you look at

me!" "Let's send me away quickly!"

Naruto smiled and hugged Lin Chuan directly, and said with a trembling face.

"Hehe, no

!" "I've never been happier than I am today, thank you

, Lin Chuan!" Lin Chuan felt the sadness and resentment of the beautiful woman in his arms, so he patted her jade back rhythmically, and his eyes were cold.

"The kind of man who doesn't know how to cherish you should be castrated!"

Naruto hugged her tighter, and she cried with satisfaction just by hugging Lin Chuan.

Hearing this, Naruto cautiously asked, "What is castration?"

Lin Chuan immediately patted his head and explained with a sneer, "It's nothing, it's nothing, you just treat me as nonsense

!" "Anyway, he's dead

!" Naruto chatted vigorously and continued, "Well, I smashed his head

!" "Awesome!"

Lin Chuan said dotingly, " It's amazing, it's really amazing, it's worthy of Miss Naruto, but please don't do anything to me.

Naruto sneered, stroking the knife-like side of Hayashikawa's face, and said with joy in her heart.

"Hahaha, how is that possible

?" "You're a pharmacist of Hayashi Chuan!" "

I'll trust you forever and ever, what about you?"

Hearing this, Hayashi Chuan let go of Naruto like a lightning strike, and said with a humble heart.

"Alas, Miss Naruto is a bad comment

!" "I'm just a mediocre pharmacist

!" "Come on, send me to Tokyo Prefecture first!"


Unfortunately, Hayashikawa had disappeared without a trace of the members of the Ghost Slayer Team in Tokyo Prefecture!

So, he passed by Harumi Yanagawa and Inuka Haruno, and never met again.

It wasn't until a few years later that Mei

, who was already thirteen years old, had already crushed the Oiran and became the most prestigious new Oiran of You Guo.

Her skin is blown, snow-white and beautiful, and her lips are thin and pink.

With just a whistle, Mei can make countless men scatter their wealth just to see her.

But it's a pity that none of them have been favored by Mei without exception.

After a long time, people gradually suspected that she had already become famous and had a sweetheart!

In order to prevent her sister from being killed by thieves, the prostitute Taro began to pass on the truth of her own life.

We must take the lead before others take action to seize our own happiness! Tragedy

also happened, and an uninvited guest came to the flower building that day.

It was a samurai armed with a long sword.

He had a scar that stretched from his left eyebrow bone to his right ear and through his eye.

It looked extremely scary, and the samurai came to the flower building to drink wine and hug the beauty, and gradually forgot about it.

Under his mouth full of alcohol, he maliciously insulted Taro, a prostitute who specializes in debt collection.

scolded him for being a wild seed, a wild dog who went crazy after wearing two dog skins.

Because of Lin Chuan's care, Mei became an Oiran so smoothly.

And the prostitute Taro also has a slightly handsome appearance, wearing a black kaftan and clog shoes on his feet.

Because when he came, he saw the prostitute Taro, and when he knew that he wasn't here, he scolded even more fiercely.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and Mei took off the hairpin and poked the samurai's left eye without the slightest hesitation.

But after doing all this, she did not choose to run away, but listened to the screams of the samurai and smiled brightly.

It seems that he is happy that he has avenged his brother.

The samurai let out a pig-killing scream, and as the pain intensified, he immediately became furious.

He also didn't care that May was still a thirteen-year-old.

He got up and stuffed his eyes into his mouth in front of her, and chewed them as if to say it tasted good.

The crazy scene woke Mei up suddenly, and she reacted and was just about to escape.

However, he was grabbed by the samurai and tied with a rope under a tree with a crooked neck, and built a fire ......

The fire


! When it was still a cluster of flames, it was blown out by a mysterious force! The

samurai reacted instantly, and there were ghosts all around!

He was even more sure that this snow-white girl was a demon girl, and he drew his long knife -

ready to give her a ...... of broken corpses

Mei cried bitterly and shed two lines of tears when she was dying.

But before the samurai's sword could be slashed at Mei, it was shattered by a blast of wind.

"Demon girl, you are a demon girl, you look so beautiful just to eat people, right?"

"I'll burn

you!" the samurai said uncontrollably, "Burn you!"

Suddenly, a breeze blew through and brought a familiar scent of herbs.

Mei's pupils suddenly raised her head and looked around, the samurai had exhausted his donkey skills, and the sword shattered the fire to extinguish ......

Lin Chuan arrived as promised, and counted all this with a pinched finger.

Now seeing that Mei is fine, Lin Chuan couldn't help but smile, and flashed forward to untie the rope for her.

"It's okay

!" "Mei!" Seeing

this, the samurai took a half-step back timidly, fearing that he would show his cowardice, so he scolded angrily, "Pick up a duck road......


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