Thirteen years,

thirteen years!

That mediocre pharmacist is back!

Tanjuro tried not to look so excited, he was his father and wanted to calm down.

But through the power of penetrating the world, he suddenly discovered that Pharmacist Lin Chuan was still the same Pharmacist Lin Chuan as he was at the beginning.

The skin as white as jade has not been eroded by the pig-killing knife of the years.

The physiognomy is also the same as before.

Hayashi Chuan smiled lightly and was in the midst of Tanjiro and the group of cute children.

There are not a few big living people in the ten miles and eight towns here, let alone the heavy snow that has closed the mountains now

! If it weren't for their livelihood, how could they venture out to sell charcoal?

Chestnut Blossom Falling Chanel stood in place, and she was already dressed

in a very luxurious outfit! She was dressed in a bright pink and purple gown, long white boots, and a purple butterfly hairpin on her head.

Tanjuro was draped in a patched brown kaftan from a few years ago.

His eyes looked at Lin Chuan with light, and said with a hearty smile.

"Hahaha, Pharmacist

Lin Chuan, you're finally here!" "It's still as young as before, it's good to be young!" Lin

Chuan got down the donkey and said, "It's too prestigious, Mr. Tanjuro is the real treasure knife and is not old!" "It's

only been thirteen years, and I'm happy to have so many lovely brothers and sisters, you are the real ......

" Kwai Zhi stood aside and was very proud of this, following Lin Chuan's words, and said softly.

"It's windy outside, so let's go into the house and catch up!"

Tanjiro and You Douzi watched this scene in a daze, and became interested in Lin Chuan.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is dressed in an ink-colored gown, with a face like a crown of jade, which has a strong attraction just from his appearance.

"Tanjiro, you should come in with your younger siblings, and Chestnut Blossom Chanel will come in too!"

Aoi-eda's voice was soft and graceful, and it was heard far away in the snow, but it also called these naughty children back.

With great hospitality, Lin Chuan entered the house with Tanjuro.

Maybe it's because there are so many children, so the room is much bigger than before, but Lin Chuan feels a little rusty!

As soon as he came in, the heat coming out of the stove warmed his body, making the place white mist like a fairyland.

But with Lin Chuan's arrival, this fairyland gradually retreated!

Lin Chuan glanced at Tanjiro and You Douzi, after all, the thousand-year covenant was only for the two of them to look back and smile......

Tanjiro is properly dressed as a charcoal lang, his face is simple and immature, and his pupils are red, as if there is a flame burning!

The only difference is that his earrings are exactly what Jikokuichi left to Kamado Tanyoshi.

Tanjiro was also looking at him when Hayashi Chuan looked at him, and muttered quietly after taking a deep breath.

"It's the taste of kindness!" After

you sat down on the tatami mat, you gently put down the sleeping Liutai.

Her cute and sweet face is easy for people to fall into.

Thinking of something important, Lin Chuan quickly withdrew his gaze.

He came here to find the cyan flower, since according to rumors in his previous life, there was a Tanjiro near his house.

Now let's try my luck, Lin Chuan watched the sky last night and found that there will be fish scales in the sky today!

Shigeru sat down next to his brother Tanjiro and Takeo, looked at Lin Chuan with bright eyes, and blurted out.

"Wow, this big brother is so good-looking, I really want to pinch it!" said

and stretched out his hand, Hanako was looking at Lin Chuan's eyes, and immediately suppressed the displeasure of the blood.

"Shigeru, stop, don't reach out

!" "People are guests, you will scare people away like this!" Takeo

nodded in agreement, and gently tapped Shigeru's brain, Duang!

"Give me moderation, isn't my brother cute? Pinch him

!" "Eh!"

Tanjiro looked at the two naughty bags with a confused expression, and his innocent and clear eyes seemed to say.

"So you guys have this idea

!" "No wonder you often stick to me and pinch your face!" Lin

Chuanfeng pursed his lips lightly, not paying attention to these children's jokes.

After all, he is also a person who has lived for thousands of years, so it is difficult for him to integrate into the life of a normal person!

Because Lin Chuan is too mature, but he looks very young and ...... on the surface

Under the reversal of the two poles, it naturally brings people a different sense of freshness!

Tanjuro sat cross-legged beside Lin Chuan and listened to the laughter of the children, revealing a kind smile like an old father.

Lin Chuan is his savior, and even Tanjuro has to respect him for three points.

In this way, Tanjuro had no choice but to explain softly to Lin Chuan.

"Mao, this kid is like this, very likable and lively, but I like

him!" "If you stay with him for a long time, you will understand

!" "By the way, let me introduce you to my children first!"

Lin Chuan hurriedly waved his hand and politely refused.

"You don't have to worry about Mr. Tanjuro, I actually knew their names for a long time!"

"It's just that I have to raise six children at the same time, plus the chestnut blossoms I brought with me, I have suffered you all these years


!" Money is not everything in this world, but it is impossible to do without money

! It is not easy for Tanjuro and Aoi Eda to be able to raise so many children to grow up!

What can Lin Chuan ask for?

Looking around, Lin Chuan found that the relationship between Kurika and Tanjiro was not ordinarily good.

They both held hands together as if they had been welded to death, and their expressions were very natural.

From Lin Chuan's point of view, they are a match made in heaven

! Tanjiro got up and said, "What, was the chestnut blossom falling Chanel brought by Mr. Hayashi Chuan?"

"This, this ......"

Lin Chuan understood that Tanjiro was very precocious and was also the eldest son of the Kamato family!

But now that it has been thirteen years since the past, Tanjiro looks at Hayashikawa's appearance and determines that he is no more than eighteen years old.

Didn't Lin Chuan bring the chestnut blossoms to Chanel when he was five years old?

This Nima ...... What a miracle in the world!

Lin Chuan saw Tanjiro's pupils earthquake, and explained with a smile, "Haha, I'm a pharmacist!" "

It's normal to prolong life, it's just looking young." Mao

was just stopped and was pouting in displeasure!

Now when he heard Lin Chuan say it, he raised his gossip heart again, and asked playfully.

"Then how old is Brother Lin Chuan now?"

Hearing this, the audience was silent, this question was a bit abrupt!

Lin Chuan rubbed the soft hair in front of him calmly, and replied softly.

"The age of the pharmacist is kept secret

!" "It's the same as don't ask a woman's age, so let's change the question!" Shigeru

blinked innocently and shrank back.

Lin Chuan asked with a purposeful look at Tanjuro and Aoieda.

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