"Thousands of miles to send goose feathers, the gift is light and affectionate!"

"Don't dislike Tanjiro, you will accept it if you give it to you, ah!" Seeing

Lin Chuan's angry face, he felt that if he didn't accept it, he would have a feeling of great disaster.

So Tanjiro accepted it half-pushed and half-agreed.

Tanjiro comforted himself, this must be just an ordinary pill, it's okay, and he won't embarrass Mr. Hayashikawa.

But he didn't know that the pill in his hand was an immortal pill that could cause bloody storms and rains on the rivers and lakes!

And it was also a three-point zero version of the elixir developed by Lin Chuan, not to mention the priceless

price! Even the top wealthy businessman and the beautiful daughter had to scatter all their wealth and throw themselves into their arms to beg for one.

Lin Chuan let Tanjiro eat it in front of him before he was relieved.

Because Tanjiro is too emotional, Bao Buqi will give the elixir to others after Lin Chuan leaves.

That would be too wasteful

! Lin Chuan never thought of himself as a savior, let alone a virgin, as long as a friend of the dead Dao did not die in the poor Dao

! If you want to survive in the Demon Slayer Blade, if you don't have a strong enough fist, you can only become food or a plaything

! When the matter came to an end, Lin Chuan also returned to the small thatched hut on the top of the mountain with Tanjiro and Kurika Falling Chanel! Just as Tanjuro

led the rest of the children back with some loss.

Not surprisingly, none of them found the cyan flower that Lin Chuan said.

Mao's eyes were misty, and he leaned on your beans and sobbed, looking extremely sad.

Takexiong comforted his brother heartbrokenly, patted him gently on the shoulder and whispered.

Hanako is very lively and cheerful, and is extremely relieved that she didn't find the cyan flower.

Seeing her determined look, Lin Chuan knew that she must have thought that Brother Tanjiro would be able to find the cyan flower.

Tan Shilang walked to Lin Chuan and looked solemn, but he also talked about the harvest of this trip.

"This time, I walked through both Shandongtou and Shanxitou, and there was nothing else except a deserted bear cave!" Lin

Chuan nodded and took a step back, nudging Tanjiro in front of him, with a spring breeze on his face.

"It's okay, it's okay, Tanjiro has already helped me find

it!" "If it weren't for his help, I guess I'd miss out on the cyan flower again!"

Tanjiro hurriedly waved his hand and explained

, "No, Mr. Hayashi Chuan is really powerful!" "It was he who led the way, and I just happened to smell a new smell

!" "Mr. Hayashi Chuan is omnipotent in the sky!"

With a bang, he came back with me and Chestnut Blossom Falling Chanel!" Lin

Chuan smiled, stroked Tanjiro's soft hair, and said slowly.

"It's too good, it's too good

!" "As a pharmacist, it's normal to know how to use small means, it's just a change of shape!" "

I can't put it on the table!" Tan

Juro smiled and didn't say a word, and warmly invited Lin Chuan into the house to sit down.

Since there is a great reunion after a long absence, how can you not eat a steaming hot pot in the ice and snow?

Seeing Tanjuro inviting him to eat hot pot, Lin Chuan instinctively wanted to refuse.

But Tanjiro was dragging the corner of his clothes, and the six children all looked at Lin Chuan ...... with blank eyes

At that scene, Lin Chuan had no choice but to agree and enter with them.

As for the cyan flower, it's fine, because Lin Chuan's glass cover is very special bulletproof.

Even if I go back tomorrow morning and get it to Wu Miao, the flowers will not wither!

The atmosphere at the table is different, and in the steaming and fragrant atmosphere, I began to talk about the parents.

Lin Chuan has the highest qualifications, the highest emotional intelligence, and an extraordinary temperament when he talks eloquently, which overshadowed Tanjiro for a while.

Shigeru, Takeo, Hanako, Bean...... Even the sixth wife looked at Lin Chuan obsessively.

The feeling of the stars and the moon made Lin Chuan a little fluttery, but he still came back to his senses in the spicy fragrance again and again.

Most of the fish in the hot pot are the fish that Lin Chuan likes to eat, and they

are fresh! Even the side dishes are freshly picked, so fresh! Let the white heat bubble in.

The meat is soaked in oil soaked with chili water, and it melts in the mouth, warming the heart and stomach.

Lin Chuan didn't know how long he had eaten this meal, but he was immersed in the warmth given by the Tanjiro family anyway.

The next day, as soon as the sky was bright

, Lin Chuan got up! At the same time, Kwai Zhi, who was a mother, also got up to cook, and just happened to find Lin Chuan and urged softly.

"It's still early, Mr. Lin Chuan, let's continue to sleep for a while!"

"I'll be quiet, I won't disturb you and the children."

Lin Chuan immediately couldn't hold back!

In Kwai Zhi, he seemed to see his mother getting up early to cook in his previous life.

It's no wonder that on cold mornings, there is a fragrant meal when you get up.

How can there be any quiet years, it's just that someone is carrying the weight for

you! Lin Chuan waved his hand and took the initiative to stop, and politely refused, no need, I'll help you!

Walking into the small kitchen and touching the cold kitchenware, Lin Chuan couldn't help but shake his head.

A pair of jade hands of Aoi Zhi have traces of corrosion over time.

But it is still white and flawless, which makes people love it.

Lin Chuan hurriedly took over all the work, he was too familiar with

cooking! In his previous life, he cooked by himself except instant noodles, although it was not delicious, but it was okay to have the smell of home!

Kwai Zhi stood aside and quietly watched Lin Chuan's cooking skills, to be honest, he was amazed, but not much.

Expecting him to be a child, Aoi Zhi knocked on the side.

"Mr. Lin Chuan's cooking skills are so good, and his skills are strong, his little girlfriend will definitely be very happy, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan understood in seconds, what she meant was that if you have a partner, if not, find one at my house -

two is fine!

Lin Chuan pursed his lips, his fingers flying in the pots and pans.

The speed was very fast, but he didn't reply, he really couldn't answer! Do

you want Lin Chuan to admit that he is a thousand-year-old virgin, Nima, then it is better to kill him directly!

Seeing that Lin Chuan was silent, Kwai Zhi was also a person from the past, and he knew that the child was shy, so he had no choice but to give up.

But he still reminded softly, "Hanako and You Beanzi are my children, I can see it accurately."

"They were very happy to see you, if you want, I'll help you talk about it!" Lin

Chuan completely stopped what he was doing and scratched his head awkwardly.

"I'm too big

!" "I'm afraid I'll hurt them, so forget it

!" "A person has a carefree life, a clear conscience in this life, and just fulfill his long-cherished wish!" "

If I really have a fate with them, I will go up the knife mountain and go down to the sea of fire." "

Miss Aoi-eda, thank you for your kindness!" Aoi-eda

nodded, seeing through it or not, your beans and hanako are very cute, and you will not worry about wishful thinking in the future.

But why can't that wishful man be

Lin Chuan? After a while, Lin Chuan cooked the family's meal, but did not stay.

After thanking Aoi Zhi, Lin Chuan went straight back to Infinite City!

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