I'm sorry for the fallen hime, I can only stand with you!Lin

Chuan gave the two cyan flowers in his hand to Black Death Mou and Naruto respectively.

As for the fallen concubine, Lin Chuan has a lot of helpless ...... after all

Because the cyan flower is only effective against a single ghost.

Even if it is given to Fallen Hime, her brother prostitute Taro can't overcome the sunshine.

They want to be together forever, so Lin Chuan can only cut his love!

Naruto, who got the cyan flower, and Black Death Mou saluted one after another.

Lin Chuan was relieved to see that the consequences of their acceptance were really the same as no misery, and with that kind of miraculous change

! Now, Black Death Mou and Naruto both overcame the sun, and this scene directly envied the ghosts next to

them! The jade pot was jealous of the smoke coming out of the seven orifices, and he wanted to stuff Lin Chuan into the pot as a drink immediately!

For a long time, the dog curled up behind the building, and the cat leaned out of its ugly head.

"It's terrible, it's terrible! Is this overcoming the sun?"

"It's really terrible, isn't it good to stay in a dark place?......"

Seeing this, Akihime instantly petrified in place, her pink eyes filled with mist, and she choked in despair.

"Woo woo woo, why did Mr. Hayashi Chuan do this?"

"Damn it, this Naruto, why did you snatch my Hayashi Chuan, I'm going to kill her!" As

soon as the words fell, the prostitute Taro came out from behind the fallen hime in time, holding two blood sickles with an iron face.

"Why are you crying, my poor silly sister?"

"What a misfortune for my sister, and there are still people bullying

her!" "Unforgivable, unforgivable

!" "Whoever takes away your happiness will make her pay for it with blood!"

In his irritability, the prostitute Taro stretched out his sharp claws and scratched his face, scraping blood marks one after another.

The scene was suddenly tense, and perhaps he didn't even expect it to be miserable.

It's just a Lin Chuan, but he can make the twelve ghost moons obey him.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan's heart thumped.

If there are three cyan flowers, there must be a share of the

fallen him! But it's a pity that there isn't, so I can only grieve the fallen him!

And the fallen queen was only thirteen years old when she became a ghost, although it seems to be a royal sister who rejects people thousands of miles away.

But the mental age is actually only thirteen years old, so it is easy to be impulsive and emotional.

Lin Chuan instantly flashed dozens of meters to Fallen Ji and comforted him softly.

"Do you also want the cyan flower?" Fallen

Ji's eyes lit up and he didn't nod and admit it, but just threw herself into Lin Chuan's arms and cried bitterly.

"Woo woo, why, why didn't Mr. Lin Chuan think about me first?"

"I'm afraid that you will be blinded by Naruto, and forget that there is another me who has been waiting for you in You Guo!"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan's heart trembled and patted the jade back of the fallen concubine, and comforted him softly.

"Little fool, how is it possible

?" "I don't care much about you in You Guo! Have you forgotten?"

Lin Chuan stretched out his hand and gently scratched Fallen Ji's nose and reminded softly.

"At that time, you loved to be angry and cry, but every smile and smile made me dream. "

You are young, and your appearance crushes You Guo and the other Oiran, Miss Fallen Ji has a lot of weight in my heart!"

Pure is like a blank piece of paper, and the contradiction will be suddenly resolved!

Fallen Ji knew that she was very wronged, but she still chose to believe Lin Chuan, and said with a smile.

"I believe you, Mr. Lin Chuan will never lie to me, just like before. At

this moment, the attention of the upper strings to Wu Miao was less than that of Lin Chuan, and almost all of them looked at this human kid.

But all demons are afraid of his terrifying power.

Even if they struck together, they couldn't hurt a single hair of Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan gently let go of the fallen hime and took her hand away from his waist.

"What a pitiful girl, Fallen Ji is the best

!" "You are more beautiful than everyone else, and better than everyone else, in time, even I am afraid that I can only look up to

you!" As soon as these words came out, the simple Fallen Ji really thought so, and squeaked and laughed, "Hehe, really?" "

Mr. Lin Chuan, don't you want it!" "

You are so powerful, I will always follow you and silently guard you!".

Lin Chuan immediately scratched Fallen Ji's Yao nose and asked playfully, "Eh, am I that important?"

"I'm just an ordinary pharmacist!" "

I'm really moved, but I'm sorry to make you pay by mistake!"

Lin Chuan only said this to appease Fallen Ji's emotions, after all, she was still impulsive.

Under Lin Chuan's bitter words, Fallen Hime finally let go of her hatred for Naruto.

If the two of them start fighting, it will not be good for Wu Miao and Lin Chuan.

So Lin Chuan asked Fallen Ji to go back to You Guo first to eat some colored bread to enhance his strength, and then come to Infinite City to find him!

Lin Chuan's sugar-coated cannonball made Fallen Ji's eyes blur, and he happily agreed.

After his brother returned to his body, Fallen Ji hugged Lin Chuan for a long time before letting go, and then left with a spring breeze on her face!

Naruto flicked the pipa lightly and obeyed Lin Chuan's order to bid farewell to Fallen Hime, and said with a beautiful feeling in her heart.

I never thought that he would give me the cyan flowers, and he had been wearing the cosplay women's clothes he brought!

If there is, it will naturally be a matter

of course at that time! Of course, the obstacle is far more than that, and there is also the biggest variable of Lord

Wu Miao! Wu Miao flew behind Lin Chuan and said with a frosty face, "Lin Chuan, you are really good at fooling!" "

You actually infiltrated into my Twelve Ghost Moons, and you speak better than me!"

Lin Chuan turned his head to look at Wu Miao, and explained calmly.

"Isn't the Twelve Ghost Moons always yours?" "I'm

just an ordinary pharmacist after all, how can I manage all this?"

Lin Chuan hurriedly gave an example, "Look at it, that guy from the jade pot was still disrespectful to me just now!"

Hearing this, the jade pot was petrified on the spot, and there was nowhere to vent the anger in his heart, and he blushed.

"Damn Lin Chuan, I was shot while lying

down, right?" "Stupid guy, if it weren't for Lord Wu Miao's partiality towards you, how would you be where you are today

?" Wu Miao Wen Yan smiled coldly and said, "Hehe, what a pestering guy, why do you keep getting along with Lin Chuan?"

"Jade-pot!" Jade

Ju quickly knelt down and begged for mercy, "Respected Lord Wu Miao." "

It's all his fault, I'm just here

to maintain your glory!" Wu Miao retorted sharply, "Oh! to maintain my glory, isn't Lin Chuan the same?"

"He did more comprehensively than you, did more sincerely than you, and even found a cyan flower

!" "If you still have a complaint against Lin Chuan, then I have to recruit a top five again!"

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