
Just need ......" "Just need his heart's blood!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent.

Even such a steady person as the lord almost couldn't hold

back! He thought of all kinds of methods, but in the end, all he needed was the best blood of the heart!

The master was even more directly petrified on the spot, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar back in front of him in horror.

Once upon a time, he was so warm and sweet.

Now, on the contrary, there was a chilling feeling that made her feel uneasy.

But Lin Chuan hadn't finished speaking, and continued after swallowing his saliva.

"Yes, but in addition to his heart's blood, he also needs my two-point zero version of the elixir. The

lord's face softened a lot, and he looked at Lin Chuan with his sleeves and asked, "Oh, can this lift the curse?"

Wu Miao immediately jumped up in objection, and sneered with a frosty face.

"Impossible, let's dream! You want my heart's blood unless you kill

me!" "But with the current ghost killing team, I'm afraid it's even difficult to get close to me

!" "Hahahahaha!"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan pressed Wu Miao back unhurriedly, let her sit down and comforted.

"I won't hurt you, don't worry, my miserable, I'm going to hurt you, you'll die early!" Wu

Miao will be suspicious but there is no other way, who called Lin Chuan more perverted and stronger than him? Lin Chuan

retorted to the lord's question, "I can't say that

!" "This is to lift the curse of the family, in fact, it is simpler and does not need the blood of no misery!"

If I only heal you, my elixir and purifying potions will do!"

"But your descendants, the descendants of the Sanyashiki family, will still be cursed, and this is the best way to do it once and for all." "

It's very quiet here, maybe the lord told the crow in advance not to ventilate.

Therefore, no swordsman came, and if he came, the one who came must be the Nine Pillars.

Purgatory Kyojuro.

Shitou no ichiro.

Honey glass in Ganlu Temple.

Grief and Sorrow.

Ihei Kobane.

Spring wild rice flowers.

Harumi Yanagawa .

Ukutsu Tengen.

Butterfly Chana.

Of course, Minoru Immortal Kawa and Yoshiyoshi Tomioka already have the strength of the pillar.

It's just that it's slowly replacing Haruno, Inaka, and Yanagawa Harumi.

The Lord pondered for a moment, then finally nodded in agreement.

"If you can save my child, this may be a good choice

!" "It's just that who will take the blood of the miserable heart?" "She has harmed so many people, she must not want

to, right?" Eh, Lin Chuan smiled and waved his hand, "How is it possible?" "

My miserable is willing

!" "She's the ultimate creature with seven hearts!" "It's

just a little heart, it doesn't

matter." "


Immediately Yama fell, stared at Lin Chuan with a look of resentment, and couldn't help but reprimand angrily.

"Bastard, when did I say I was going to save him?"

"I can't give him blood, if I do, let the people of the Ghost Slayer kill me!" Lin

Chuan hurriedly grabbed the miserable jade hand, and looked at her beautiful eyes gently.

"It's okay, I'll always be with you Wu Miao, I'm here here

!" "Just a little bit of heart-to-heart blood will be good soon!" "

Wu Miao, anyway, there are seven hearts all over the body, just need to stab your hands!

Of course, Lin Chuan will definitely cut through the mess quickly to reduce the pain, even if she doesn't feel pain."

Seeing this, the lord's anger that had been accumulated for thousands of years burst out, and he scolded sharply.

"Shut up, because the Sanyashiki family has such a monster as you, everyone will not live to be thirty years old

!" "I died early! I saw with my own eyes the painful ......scene of the ancestor who was covered in bandages and lost all five senses before he died" "

I can't wait to break you into thousands of pieces, if it weren't for Mr. Lin Chuan's insistence on protecting you, I would be able to fight with you now!"

Lord Gong is a natural leader, so his words are like a rainbow and the sound is like a thunder, which is undoubtedly very infectious.

Lin Chuan naturally would not doubt what the lord said.

After all, in the Demon Slayer Blade, he was even able to take his wife and children to die with Wu Miao, and was blown into hero pieces!

At this moment, Wu Miao's brain was still in a state of brain shutdown, and she felt a chill when she looked at Lin Chuan with a calm face.

She understood that if Lin Chuan wanted to make a move, she had no possibility of escaping at all.

Wu Miao closed his beautiful eyes and trembled, and his appearance of being generous to death made Lin Chuan say it bluntly and laughed.

What do you want to do with this little miserable person? I won't kill you!

Lin Chuan slowly hugged her delicate body, because she was too slender, her willow waist could be hugged with both hands.

From the warm embrace, Lin Chuan felt that Wu Miao was struggling extremely excitedly, but it was limited to that!

Lin Chuan stroked Wu Miao's soft hair and said to the end, "I won't kill you, it only takes one time to relax!" "

I will have no worries forever!"

Wu Miao slowly opened his beautiful eyes and burst out of a golden light, and looked at Lin Chuan at a loss and asked.

"How long are you going to deceive me?"

Lin Chuan smiled and said nothing, and slowly took out a Rilun knife from his arms, this is the one discarded by Black Death Mou!

Although more than three hundred years have passed, the knife has not been corroded by the years.

Instead, it shone brightly under the light of the candlelight, and was even held by Lin Chuan with the unique crimson color of the knife.

Seeing this, Wu Miao's pupils immediately shook, and he struggled with a little horror, "What?"

"Where did you get the Nichilun Knife?" "Why do you have a Rilun Knife?" "Why do you have a Nichiren Knife?"

Lin Chuan grabbed Wumiao's hand and said casually, "It's already here

!" "I'll still breathe in the sun!"


Miao once again fell into an ice cave, looking at Lin Chuan's figure in front of him.

The scene of the bamboo forest encountering Ji Guoyuanyi came to mind again, and naturally there was that sentence -

What do you think of life?

As Lin Chuan held his breath and concentrated, an invisible whirlwind condensed on him, and the knife also made a sword roar at this moment......

It seems that the sword of a person who has reached the highest level is one!Lin

Chuan deliberately grasped the miserable jade hand, and explained with his ten fingers clasped.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt, it'll be fine soon!" With

that, Lin Chuan quickly locked the heart on Wu Miao's arm through his hopeful qi, and determined the position of the tip of the heart.

With a flash of coldness, Lin Chuan drew his knife and stabbed towards the tip of his heart without the slightest hesitation.

It's not that he doesn't care about Wu Miao, Lin Chuan can't wait to hurt her more

! But this is the fastest, and her sins also need to be wiped

out by karma! The fire is burning

! Wu Miao's whole arm is on fire!

Blood gushes out, Lin Chuan's eyes are red, he quickly takes out the reagent tube to catch the blood, and slowly pulls out the knife.

It was okay because he didn't feel pain, but his arm was easily broken with a big hole, which made him very dissatisfied.

After Lin Chuan got the blood, he hurriedly sealed it, and cleaned up the mottled blood stains on Wu Miao's body by the way.

After taking the cyan flower, he is not afraid of ......

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