"No, Butterfly Chanae, you're wrong

!" "It's not that I want to protect the Ghost King, but I'm protecting your Ghost Slayer and protecting all living beings in the world

!" "Hundreds of years ago, I was a legend of the Ghost Slayer!" "

I still have the weight to speak, right?"

Quiet, death-like silence.

Lin Chuan's voice seemed to be very soft, but it had a shocking magic.

Immortal Chuan Minoru has the heaviest killing intent, but he is also silent at this moment.

The Nine Pillars are ready to shoot just a single arrow off the string, and they can blow the horn of counterattack, they are not afraid of death

! But this will also make them sacrifice in vain, and the only one who can save them is Lin Chuan!

Exposed to the sun, the skin is white and beautiful, the eyes are rippling and charming, and the tulle is ethereal and riding the wind.

In the face of Jiuzhu's angry gaze, Wu Miao was extremely calm.

As long as Lin Chuan is in front of him, all the storms and rains will be blown into slag by him!

"Impossible, Mr. Lin Chuan has lived for hundreds of years.

"Then you should also know that once a person becomes a ghost, he is likely to lose his humanity!"

"As long as there are ghosts, there will be a ghost killing team, and there must be a ghost killing team to stop those crazy ghosts."

"It's really sad that they are so hungry that they can even eat their own relatives!" Lin

Chuan retorted with a firm gaze, "No, she won't be like this without misery."

"She has overcome sunlight and can sleep and eat human food.

"In time, she'll be able to get rid of cannibalism once and for all!"

"But before that, I want to make sure that no one is thinking about her and eyeing her."

As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the Nine Pillars, the ghost king will eat human food, not people?

This is even more unbelievable than the sun rising in the west.

Of course, the immortal Minoru was interested when he heard this.

He has the most coveted blood of evil spirits flowing from his body

! At a glance, he will know that when the time comes, if he makes a move against Wu Miao, there is no reason to stop the legend in front of him!

As for whether Wu Miao will be fooled, Immortal Kawa Minoru has never considered this at all.

After all, wolves can't change to eat meat, and ghosts can't change to eat people!

The immortal Kawa Minoru stepped forward and stepped out of a deep pit, and the green tendons on his forehead burst out, "Stupid!"

"Since this is the case, then I will prove it to you, evil ghosts are evil ghosts, except for cannibalism is cannibalism, there is no place."

Lin Chuan looked at the immortal Minoru who was wearing a snow-colored vest with his chest open and strong chest.

There is evil in his eyes, but he is 100% sure, so he is very bright.

Lord Lords lowered their heads and was silent for a moment, then looked straight at the miserable road behind Lin Chuan.

"Since Mr. Lin Chuan wants to protect you to the death, then you can prove it to everyone!"

"Otherwise, my group of children will not be at ease."

Wu Miao felt deeply disgusted, and even wanted to directly turn into a wild beast and slap them all to death with his claws.

You must know that Wu Miao's elbow goes down, and the power is full of seventy tons, which is enough to raze this place to the ground!

Lin Chuan turned to look at Wu Miao, whose eyes were on fire, and gently stroked her eye-covering hair, and said softly.

"Why am I so angry?"

"It's a fact that evil ghosts harm people, sometimes you kill too many people, and you gradually forget yourself.

"That's why I have caused so many troubles, and now what I am fighting for you is a peaceful life in the future.

"So promise me that with me here, you can go with peace of mind and prove it to them." Hearing

this, Wumiao's expression eased, but he still pouted with a cherry mouth, "What do you prove?" "

I only drink your blood and eat your food, and I'm not interested in other people's." "

I'd like to see what that bastard can do?"

With a sigh, Wu Miao disappeared from Lin Chuan's eyes.

Then quietly appeared in front of the immortal Kawa Minoru.

Faced with the misery that suddenly appeared in front of him, the immortal Kawa Minoru was panicked for a moment.

But he quickly returned to his original state and pulled out the Hinawa knife in an instant.

With a sonorous sound, he swung a huge light green annular wind blade towards Wu Miao, which was amazingly powerful.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and even the others of Nine Pillars didn't think of it.

Immortal Minoru Kawa would be so crazy, didn't he say that he wanted to test it?

Seeing this, Lin Chuan was accustomed to putting his hands on his cheeks, looking at this scene with a comfortable expression.

"Is my miserable being able to bully Minoru Kawa?"

"It's okay, let Wu Miao teach him a lesson." "

Why, I said that I was to protect the ghost killing team, so that you would not be killed.

As soon as the words fell, the picture of the long knife piercing through Wumiao's neck in everyone's imagination did not appear.

On the contrary, the colorful skirt fluttered, and the huge tentacles were calmly waved forward.

One tentacle is bigger than ten immortal Minoru Kawa.

Under the terrifying size advantage, the long knife directly lost its power and was twisted in.

Minoru Kawa was locked up and moaned.

The lord hurriedly ran forward, and approached without regard for his own safety.

"Stop, please let go of Shimi!" "

He did it unintentionally, please don't hurt my children."

The Nine Pillars shouted in unison, "Lord Lord, Danger Quickly, quickly retreat!" The

Immortal Chuan Minoru was even more squeezed by the tentacles and almost became a compressed bottle, but he also squeezed out the last trace of strength.

"Lord, lord, quickly retreat, it's dangerous here!" Wu

Miao set his eyes on Lin Chuan, and he was completely indifferent to the rest of him.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan also knew that Wu Miao was angry, and she was asking if I wanted to kill this person.

If it had been put before, no miserable would have ended the immortal Minoru Kawa a long time ago.

But now that she has Lin Chuan's concern, she naturally has to follow his opinion.

Lin Chuan stepped forward and took Wu Miao into his arms, hugged her willow waist and said, "My miserable, you are the best!"

"What he did was a little extreme, but the sin was not to death.

"After all, he was killed by evil spirits, but only himself and his brother were left.

"It's understandable to see you like this.

Wu Miao let go of the immortal Chuan Minoru and responded enthusiastically to Lin Chuan's hug.

At least I felt the extreme warmth in him, unlike the others here.

All of them are fierce and vicious, and their eyes are fierce and vicious.

Immortal Minoru felt that he was badly injured, and his bones clicked and he didn't know how many they had broken.

Even if the immortal Chuan Minoru used the breathing method in time, it would not help, but he still shouted at Lin Chuan anxiously.


!" "What? How do you know this?"

"Impossible, I will never allow you to touch my brother!" Lin

Chuan waved his hand and said, "I am here to persuade peace, so naturally I will not touch your brother."

"I don't just know you, I know ......."

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