This is the first meeting between Tanjiro and Wu Miao.

There is no monstrous hatred, no old enemies.

Tanjiro's family is still doing charcoal burning work day after day.

Because of the perennial snow in the mountains, there are few lakes.

Like the big fish that Lin Chuan brought this time, they hadn't seen it before.

It would be

nice to be able to solve the problem of food and clothing

, and Lin Chuan was thinking about himself all the time.

Tanjiro also solved the work very neatly, and hurried to greet Lin Chuan.

Wu Miao saw such a big family, all of them were as cute and lively as porcelain dolls.

There was a hint of joy in my heart.

Lin Chuan took the initiative to stun the fish with his hands, and then put them in a basin of water and took a free bath.

Tanjiro squatted beside Lin Chuan, skillfully taking the gills of the fish, scraping the scales, and removing the internal organs ......

It's just a treasure boy, you can do anything!

You Douzi was the first to notice the beauty of the fairy, and stepped forward to welcome him warmly.


a beautiful sister!" "Are you Brother Lin Chuan's girlfriend?"

"Come into the house and sit

down!" The rest of the children also said quirkily, "Wow wow, what a beautiful big sister, Brother Hayashi Chuan is so happy!"

On the tatami mat next to the small stove in the house, Tanjuro retreated from the transparent world.

He took a look at Mu Miao and found something unusual

! What kind of person?

It is simply a fantasy that she can have five brains and seven hearts

! Tanjuro has already keenly discovered that Wu Miao

is a ghost! And it is not an ordinary ghost, otherwise she would not be afraid of the sun, and she would not have such a strange body structure.

But fortunately, she was brought by Lin Chuan, which means that she is safe.

Tanjuro's eyes softened, and he got up and went to the kitchen to check on the progress of the fish.

Aoi eda is now free, so she can just play with the children!

Speaking of which, Kwai Zhi still has to thank Lin Chuan!

for finding her a daughter-in-law.

Tanjiro has a keen sense of smell and can even smell other people's emotions.

Chestnut Blossom Chanel is visually sensitive, and it is a perfect match for Tanjiro.

And from the moment Tanjiro was born, they began to cultivate feelings.

Now they are like glue, and no one can do without anyone!

After a short greeting, Lin Chuan unceremoniously sandwiched a pair of chopsticks on the dining table.

Remove the tender meat on both sides of the backbone of the fish, and the stewed white skin is steaming hot, and the sesame oil is dripping.

There was no thorn in this, Lin Chuan put it directly into the bowl of Wu Miao, and said softly, "Don't lose face

, it's like at home!" Tan Juro smiled kindly, "Hahaha, please enjoy it

!" "In the end, I have to thank you for bringing

the fish!" "My children can finally eat a beautiful meal!"

Wu Miao picked up the fish in the bowl, and then swept over the people in front of him, all of them had extremely gentle eyes.

There are as many as nine of them, and they are gentle like an ocean.

She tasted it, but strangely enough, she didn't spit out the fish bones.

You Douzi sat next to Wu Miao, and reminded softly, "Sister Wu Miao, remember to spit out fish bones

!" "Don't get stuck in your throat!"

Because they are also girls, it is normal for them to sit together.

Chestnut blossom fell to Chanel, next to Tanjiro, and a family sat next to him.

Tanjiro also got up and reminded, "It's very uncomfortable

for the fish bone to get stuck in her throat!" "Miss Wu Miao should spit it out as soon as possible!" Lin

Chuan waved his hand and said, "Actually, no, Wu Miao is just used to swallowing like this!" "

The fish bone is not a threat to her."

Tanjiro nodded, and then sat down suspiciously.

Lin Chuan still couldn't bear it in the end, so he sandwiched the fish meat for Wu Miao, and picked the fish bones before giving it to her.

Such a warm scene was instantly noticed by Mao, pointing at Lin Chuan and Wu Miserable.

"Look, Sister Wu Miao is blushing

!" "Brother Lin Chuan is also blushing!"


The silver bell-like laughter was quickly interrupted by Hanako, who was sitting on the side, and she gently knocked on Mao's head.

"Don't say it, don't make fun of Brother Lin Chuan and Sister Wu Miao like this, be polite

!" "Otherwise, they won't come next time!" Hearing

such a threat, Mao instantly closed his mouth, causing everyone to smile slightly.

When Lin Chuan turned his head to look over, he found that Wu Miao's face was really a little red and purple

! Wu Miao glanced at Lin Chuan and muttered, "Don't look at it! Turn back!"

A bright moon in the sky glows brightly.

The six-pointed star snowflakes cover the earth, and the snow reflects the light.

On the other side of Yuntori Mountain, in a room that is too ordinary to be ordinary, there is a peerless beauty.

The room was spotless and neat, with a blurry portrait hanging upside down on the wall.

And next to the peerless beauty is a sharp blade that has opened the light, which is the inherited Nichilun knife.

And he is also the great-granddaughter of Jiguo Yuanyi, Jiguo Shiyuan!

Hair like flames is tied together and hangs down his shoulders, and he wears a sharp blade on a long skirt of flowing fire.

That's right, she has a total of two knives, and she uses the extremely rare Twin Knife Flowing Sun Breath!

Following the will of her ancestors, she is going to kill Wu Miao, and to thank Lin Chuan for saving their family's life.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door!

Jiguo Shiyuan instantly heard something strange, this was not Tanjiro's knock on the door, so he asked vigilantly.

"Who?" The

voice was as beautiful as a warbler's cry, and Lin Chuan clenched his hand and said sonorously.

"I, Lin Chuan, no misery!" The

door creaked and was opened by Jiguo Shiyuan, and the person and ghost that greeted her made her confused for a moment.

"You...... You are the pharmacist of

Lin Chuan!" Lin Chuan's eyes lit up, and he nodded in response, "That's right, I am the pharmacist Lin Chuan!" "

Standing next to me is the ghost king Wu Miao, and now she is with me!" When

I just said goodbye to Tanjiro's family, Wu Miao was still a little reluctant!

The crazy praise from You Douzi and Tanjiro made Wu Miao, who likes to listen to sycophants, enjoy it very much.

Now I see a girl who looks like Jiguo Yuanyi, who is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and she looks so beautiful.

Jiguo Shiyuan looked at Wu Miao like a lightning strike, as the last hope of the Jiguo clan.

She was gifted and learned the breath of the sun, opening up the brindles, the sword, and even the world of penetration.

Now that he sees the ghost king Wu Miao, Jiguo Shiyuan is horrified to find that he can't kill her!

Wu Miao seems to be snuggled in Lin Chuan's arms, harmless to humans and animals.

But every move is wrapped in the power to destroy the world.

Lin Chuan arched his hand and said, "What an honor! You all remember me

!" "It seems that Ji Guoyuan has told his juniors!"

"Now that the war between humans and ghosts has become history, please ...... Miss Shiyuan"


True love fan check-in place!

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