Lin Chuan

didn't have much combat experience, but he couldn't bear to see the Demon Slayer Blade!

Whether it was the Twelve Ghost Moons or the Nine Pillars, Lin Chuan had figured out their fighting skills.

Not to mention that he is as awesome as them!

, but Lin Chuan has also achieved something, so it is not a problem to block the crossbow arrows.

With a loud bang, Lin Chuan pinched and exploded the crossbow arrow, and then snorted coldly.

"Hmph, I knew there were still people, now it's my turn to fight back!" The

black-shirted man said in disbelief, "Impossible, impossible, how could you block this high-speed crossbow arrow?"

Lin Chuan glanced at the stone under his feet, and with a little tiptoe, the stone instantly flew towards the black-shirted strong man.

With a snap, it hit the center of the eyebrows of the strong man in the black shirt, and then he passed out with a tilt of his head.

He was not the only one, and Lin Chuan was secretly alert in his heart.

"If the others were also killers, they would definitely shoot and change places.

"It's really insidious enough to secretly release cold arrows!" Lin

Chuan said to himself, "Fortunately, they have more professional ethics and didn't destroy the house where Wu Miao is."

"Otherwise, the sun will pour in, and my misery will be gone!" may

have learned from the black-shirted strong man, and the remaining two are as stable as old dogs.

Lin Chuan closed his eyes and sensed his physical condition, the toxin had invaded the body, but it had also brought a lot of benefits.

For example, the sense of pain is weakened, the adrenaline is rushing, and the concentration is super doubled......

At present, Wu Miao and the beautiful woman and others are in the house, they are unarmed, and they can't detect the location of the remaining killers.

Of course, it was easy for Wu Miao to find them as a ghost king, but because the sun was in full bloom, he had to retreat into the background.

All the burdens were all on Lin Chuan's shoulders at once, and it was heavy! Lin Chuan

looked around at the people in front of him calmly, and said to himself.

"Is this the killer of ancient times?"

"It doesn't look as powerful as you imagined! No wonder, little day!"

Suddenly, another crossbow bolt was fired.

The moment Lin Chuan heard the sound of the breaking wind, he immediately looked up, and it was

three sharp arrows!, "Damn, three arrows in one shot, is the archery so powerful?"

Lin Chuan complained for a moment, and then stared at the three sharp arrows intently.

Interestingly, the goal this time was to take Lin Chuan's head directly.

Lin Chuan scolded and said, "Damn, this damn despicable villain!" "

If you stick three sharp arrows in your head, won't it really affect your IQ?"

Lin Chuan was furious, this time he was fully prepared and controlled the time to an accurate 0.01 millisecond.

Secretly, the archer took out his longbow, and the crossbow bolts flickered coldly, and when they were shot, they had a sonic boom.

As the three top killers that the Dark Lord is most proud of, they have always won battles, and they have always returned triumphantly.


, a loud shout sounded in his ears, and Lin Chuan had already killed the two of them.

Lin Chuan, who was completely furious, turned pale, and slammed down with an iron fist, boom!

After the thick smoke, the remains of a bow and crossbow and a remnant knife appeared on the charred ground.

Just at the last moment, the black-shirted man with the bow and crossbow gave up directly, raised his scimitar and slashed at Lin Chuan's neck.

After being brainwashed by the dark adults, they have always felt that tasks are more important than life.

But another brown-shirted man desperately pushed away the black-shirted man to save him from death.

As soon as the blow missed, Lin Chuan only felt that his neck was itchy, as if he had been bitten by a mosquito.

At this time, Lin Chuan found the two people who were not dead on the side, and the corners of his mouth smiled evilly.

The two killers looked at Lin Chuan like monsters at this moment, and a trace of fear appeared in their eyes.

The brown-shirted man asked in horror, "You, what kind of monster are you?"

"I can't kill you!"

The more the killer wanders on the tip of the knife, the more sensitive he is to the fear of the unknown.

Lin Chuan was silent for a moment, and then scolded angrily, "Hehe, when are you not coming well

, you have to come today!" "On the day of Yueyan's selection of concubines, since you want to come here to see blood, then I naturally have to let you see blood!"

Anyway, Lin Chuan is the one who has been with him the longest time.

Lin Chuan firmly believes that sooner or later, he will be able to evoke the good thoughts of no misery and save the Tanjiro family!

Hearing this, the two of them were shocked, and after looking at each other for a while, they nodded tacitly, and said angrily.

"Boy, Lord Dark's life, but no matter how many you are, who told you to be nosy?"

"Even if you kill us, Lord Dark will only send more powerful people to kill you!"

Lin Chuan smiled when he heard this, and said lightly.

"Oh, but I don't plan to let the so-called dark lord in your mouth see the sun tomorrow!" When

night falls, Wu Miao will naturally turn into a killing god, and it will not be easy to sweep away a dark organization?"

Among them, the brown-shirted man threw out a two-by-two fishing net covered with small sharp blades.

"How dare you be disrespectful to Lord Dark, even if the gods want to keep you today, you will still die!" The

brown-shirted man killed the most fiercely, with the most poisonous tone, and a hideous face.

"Go die, except for you, the rest of the people here also have to die

!" "I actually saw the embarrassing scene of the three of us, it really smeared the secret organization!" Lin

Chuan opened his eyes violently and suddenly realized.

"No wonder you will be mad and angry, it turns out that your heart is black!"

Lin Chuan looked at the two of them who were constantly emitting strong black gas, and his heart was full of anger!

As Lin Chuan paused, a strong sense of oppression hit the chests of the two of them.

Martial arts in the world are only fast and unbreakable, Lin Chuan took a deep breath, and a little thunder came out of his toes.

Lin Chuan broke through the dense encirclement of scimitars and fishing nets in one fell swoop, and galloped like a cannonball.

The path along the way was already scorched, and a faint light of fire appeared.

The setting of the invincible value is infinite, so that Lin Chuan's hand is comparable to a peerless sword, sharpening iron like clay.

Lin Chuan was full of energy, and directly raised his hand to split it, and after a while, the thunder dissipated, and the two lonely heads fell to the ground together.


smell of blood rushed straight to his head, Lin Chuan couldn't hold back, he almost vomited, and he couldn't stop retching after squatting down.

"Ahem, it's so pungent, vomit

!" "How did Wu Miao endure this smell of blood?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded with a bit of anxiety.

"Xiao Chuan, Xiao Chuan!"

"Wei Shi is back, where are you?"

With a snap, Lin Chuan sat up in shock in his dying dream, wiped the blood on his face, and responded loudly.

"Here, here

, Master!" Lin Chuan was shocked, Master, you really came back all the way!

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