Lord Dark reappeared, his ugly face with a triumphant sneer, and then a mocking expression.

"Hehe, if you are hit by my dark fist, let alone you, even half a foot of rock will be shattered into slag. Hearing

this, Lin Chuan fell to the ground, quickly shielded his breathing, and said secretly in his heart.

"Hehe, the invincibility value is infinite, which is equivalent to an invincible body!"

"No place in the body, no cell will be injured.

"Stupid you, you must not have thought of it!" Lin

Chuan planned to make a plan, to be honest, the strength of this dark master is indeed strong, and the move just now was a teleportation punch.

Seeing this, Lord Dark looked proud, very confident in his punch, and confident.

"Hehe, what a boring and fragile life.

"It's good that you can avoid my black-clad guards, but it's a pity!"

With that, Lord Dark looked at a white mist with a pale-colored face.

"Haha, I really thought you were the eldest lady of the Liu family, and you actually dared to remind him

!" "This time I really want to pull out your tongue and feed it to the wolf!" Lord

Dark waved his hand, and the white mist dissipated to reveal a mysterious device.

Inside is Harumi Yanagawa who has been imprisoned.

Her clothes were ragged, and her haggard face was red with tears.

Harumi Yanagawa was firmly hung by the iron bump, her lips were purple, and she was obviously on the verge of collapse.

Lord Dark clapped his big hand and quickly approached Harumi Yanagawa with a pace that his six relatives did not recognize.

As for Lin Chuan on the ground, he didn't even bother to look at it.

Mending the knife or something, it's a complete joke, what is it that he can't kill at once

?" "It's really surprising to me, you can still talk when you're so weak, haha, don't you want to die?"

"Now that fool is dead!" The

corner of Yanagawa Harumi's eyes swept to Lin Chuan, and with the last bit of strength, she pleaded bitterly.

"It's my Liu family who provoked you, it has nothing to do with

him, let him go!" "Let him go, even if you leave his body and don't feed the wolf

!" "Count me begging you!" "

Because she was too emotional, Yanagawa Harumi coughed violently.

Two lines of clear tears flowed, and Yanagawa Harumi looked at the dark adult in front of her in despair, and her vision gradually blurred.

Hearing this, Lord Dark waved his hand and said arrogantly, "Let him go, what about the hungry wolf behind my yard

?" "What? Could it be that the eldest lady of the Liu family still has a crush on a useless little medicine apprentice?"

"Fall in love with a wretch?"

Lord Dark grabbed Yanagawa Harumi's jaw, and stared at her with a pair of cold eyes, without a trace of tenderness in her eyes.

Yanagawa Harumi's brows were furrowed, and her whole body strength seemed to have been drained, and she was weakly hung by the iron bump.

This is a fixture that is used to immobilize prisoners for various tortures.

Among them, thousands of knives are cut, and the stabbing words are all carried out on it.

Even if he is unlucky, his family is destroyed, and he is left alone.

Harumi Yanagawa didn't want to hear anyone say anything bad about Lin Chuan.

"He's not, he's not a wreck!" "

Yanagawa Harumi's face turned pale, and her beautiful eyes lit up with rage, and she said sonorously and powerfully.

"Lin Chuan, he's not a wreck, you bastard, you are a scumbag, despicable and shameless wreck!" Where

has Lord Dark heard this kind of abuse?

For a moment, he felt his head explode and buzz, and then said with a vicious expression.

"Okay, good, good!"

"You wait. Lord

Dark took out a red-hot soldering iron from the white mist next to him and blew it gently.

White mist came out of the red-hot iron and rattled.

Yanagawa Harumi's eyes dodged, trying her best not to turn her head, trying to stay away from the soldering iron as much as possible, and begged for help.

"No, don't come here!" Seeing

this, Lord Dark scoffed at this and cursed disdainfully.

"Damn, you dare to go against me, I want to see who else can save you now

!" "This soldering iron has the word treacherous on it, if you put it on your snow-white face, it will be branded!"

In the end, maybe he was tired of playing, and Lord Dark looked at the sweaty Yanagawa Harumi with a look of play.

"No one can save you now

!" "Remember, reincarnate better in the next life, don't offend the interests of my secret organization again!" "

Otherwise, it will only lead to the nine clans, and the death will be even worse!" With

that, the red-hot soldering iron approached at great speed, and the heat rushed to Yanagawa Harumi's face.

Yanagawa Harumi's heart was pounding as if it was about to jump out.

When death knocks on the door, the past plays out in my mind like a marquee.

Yanagawa Harumi looked at it and said guiltily.

Am I going to die?

I'm sorry

, Lin Chuan, I hurt you! I'll be with you right away!

At the last moment, Lin Chuan, who was originally lifeless, suddenly burst out, took a deep breath, and threw a punch at the soldering iron.

With a bang, the soldering iron turned into powder.

"How is that possible

?" Lord Dark's wrist trembled, grinning in pain, "How can you still be alive?"

"And with such a high explosive power, impossible, this is impossible.

"Why are you okay with your hand on the soldering iron?"

At this time, the dark lord seemed to have become a hundred thousand whys, chattering non-stop.

But Lin Chuan would not let him go, and smashed his head with a punch, his face was pale.

"I said it

!" "If you hurt Yanagawa Harumi, I will pay it back a hundredfold!" Lord

Dark couldn't dodge, and the moment the Heavenly Spirit Cover was hit, it split apart, and his whole face became distorted and hideous.

But a black aura swirled around the Dark Lord's Heavenly Spirit Gai, and he mysteriously did not die immediately.


"Wait, I'll magnify the baby hungry wolf to bite you to death!" Lord

Dark clutched his split head and hurriedly hid in the white mist.

And the thousands of men around him are also ready to attack.

Lin Chuan withdrew his hand, still unfinished.

"He's so fast, it's just that his head is like that, and he won't live long!"

"Wait, what did he mean when he said that the hungry wolf bit me to death?"

Lin Chuan secretly said in his heart, let alone the wolf, even the gray wolf can't bite me!

Yanagawa Harumi tried hard to squeeze out a sweet smile and said resolutely.

"Lin Chuan, you must escape!"

"Leave me alone, your life matters." Hearing

this, Lin Chuan's heart ached faintly, and he immediately glanced at the iron pimple, and said awe-inspiringly.

"Since I, Lin Chuan, am here, then I will definitely rescue you. "

It's all my fault, blame me for not killing that miscellaneous piece in time!" Lin

Chuan swore that he would never leave a single living mouth in the future!

To be merciful to the enemy is to be cruel to himself!

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