Lin Chuan made a bitter face and said in his heart, this is the ghost king is not miserable!

The strength is strong, but there is no ghost killing team in the peace period.

So no one can restrain Wu Miao, and the sun is not very effective now!

Facing the kindness of the pharmacist, Lin Chuan nodded and resolutely rushed towards Wu Miao.

As soon as this move came out, the pharmacist smacked his tongue and said, "This, is this still the Xiaochuan I know?"

Seeing this, Wu Miao grinned and sneered, "Hehe, instead of choosing to escape, did you walk towards me!"

With a wave of sharp claws, Lin Chuan's clothes were cut out several times in an instant, but his body was unharmed.

Lin Chuan's clenched fists were wrapped with golden light, as if there was some kind of great terror.

Just as he was about to smash his fist into Wu Miao's head, Lin Chuan was urgently stopped by the system.

Seeing Lin Chuan withdraw his fist, Wu Miao sneered, and immediately grabbed the short knife on the ground and stabbed him in the throat.

Seeing this, the pharmacist was shocked, and hurriedly reminded him, but it was still too late!

"Alas, it's all my fault, blame me for not developing it earlier. The

endless power made Wu Miao feel in a trance, and he felt that he was invincible in the world.

"Hahaha, I'm alright, alright!"

"This power, endless power. Wu

Miao said arrogantly and uninhibitedly, and there was an indescribable joy in his words.

"How long have I waited for this moment?"

"Now, I'm finally free from my illness and have strong muscles.

"It's good that you don't have to worry about death and illness anymore!" The

joy of returning to normal washed over the soul.

He didn't do it for a while, but Harazi was direct.

Lin Chuan was buried in sawdust, and several sharp wooden cones pierced his body, but he couldn't even break the fur.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan smiled knowingly, crawled out of the sawdust with a disgraced face, and looked at it with deep meaning.

The heart said, of course, the women's clothes are super beautiful!

The Demon Slayer Blade is too short, the anime is shorter, and the updated thief is slow, but the quality is very good!

As soon as the female form of the infinite city appeared, Lin Chuan, who had been single for a long time, suddenly felt his heart beating violently, and he felt quite excited.

But he always felt that he was a paper man and a fake, so Lin Chuan could only secretly suppress the desire in his heart.

Now everything has come true!

The pharmacist hurriedly looked at Lin Chuan, speechless with excitement, but the concern in his eyes was not reduced in the slightest.

At the same time, Lin Chuan, who looked at him unharmed, was also stunned and questioned.

"Why aren't you injured

?" "Impossible! Who are you?"

Lin Chuan doubled his sense of oppression every time he took a step closer to Wu Miao.

Lin Chuan, who was invincible, seemed to be unable to control his hands.

If it is smashed with a punch, then there will be nothing to do with the ghost killing team behind it!

At this time, the system comes out again.

"Ding Dong, warning warning, the host is bound to Wu Miao's life!" Lin

Chuan was completely annoyed, thinking that the pharmacist wanted to save Wu Miao.

Wearing the stars and wearing the moon exhausted his life's hard work, but he almost died in Huangquan, so he was indignant.

Boom, Lin Chuan slammed his fist wrapped in the power of destroying the world into the system.

Unexpectedly, this time it was not pierced, but it was directly blasted.

Boom, boom, violent explosion sound that only Lin Chuan could hear.

Wu Miao and the pharmacist both looked at him suspiciously, and guessed, he wouldn't have a problem, right!

What are you doing with your fists?

After a moment of hustle and bustle, there was no trace of the system, and it disappeared without a trace, and Lin Chuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

He was gambling, betting that his invincibility value was infinite, whether he could break through the limit and slam the system.

At this moment, he bet right, the system reward still exists, it cannot be recovered, and it does not need to be erased by the system task.


At this point, the situation has become very bad.

His bloodthirsty instinct made him open his huge mouth and slammed towards Lin Chuan.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan immediately burst into a foul mouth, and said angrily, "Damn, after a while, you are still here, right?"

"I fed you the medicine, so you can survive

!" "Grace will take revenge, right?"

Lin Chuan became more and more angry the more he spoke, but the giant mouth had already reached the front of his head, and if he didn't move, the miserable giant mouth would not be able to be saved!

Without saying a word, Lin Chuan punched out, and immediately sparked a spark with the air, slamming into the jaw of Wu Miao.

Boom, he staggered back half a step, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he muttered.

"Who am I?Where am I?What am I doing?"

No one replied, Lin Chuan could see it thoroughly, but he couldn't laugh.

In his opinion, this is the beginning of a tragic fate.

From now on, it is destined to be devoid of the sun, unable to walk in the daytime, or even roam the streets.

The pharmacist hurriedly ran to check on the miserable situation, and he didn't know that the ghost king had a strong recovery ability, so he was very worried.

didn't notice it, Wu Miao slowly opened his eyes and stared at him directly.

His lips quirmed as if he was planning to eat that piece of meat!

A beast-like roar came from Wu Miao's mouth, and he didn't look like a human being at this moment.

But even so, the pharmacist did not abandon it, but gave it a very intimate pulse.

The main thing is the benevolence of a doctor.

Lin Chuan looked at this scene in disbelief, the pharmacist at this moment was about to be covered with blood.

Wu Miao, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly burst out, and one pounced on the medicine man.

He pressed him to the tatami mat, and his mouth was slurred.

"Hehe, I want to eat meat, eat meat!" Seeing

this, the pharmacist finally panicked, hurriedly raised his hand to block, and continued to persuade.

"Mr. Yueyan, calm down, calm down!" "

How can this be?"

But Wu Miao has just become a ghost, and like the little ghosts after him, he is crazy about eating people, so it is difficult for him to restrain himself.

Wu Miao bit down at the pharmacist fiercely, Lin Chuan's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he immediately kicked forward.

With the blessing of invincibility, Wumiao retreated uncontrollably for a few meters before it could be stopped.

Lin Chuan tidied up the pharmacist's clothes and gently helped him up.

Then he stared at Wu Miao with an angry face, and tortured his heart.

"You've recovered your health, can't you restrain the dirty desires in your heart?" Wu

Miao was shocked: "How is it possible? How can you kick me away? You bastard boy!"

Glancing at Lin Chuan, Wu Miao said disdainfully: "Desire, hehe, why do I have a desire to say?"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan was stunned, quite a kind of helplessness when Tanjiro faced no result of Wu Miao's persuasion.

"Okay, good, good!" Lin

Chuan laughed angrily: "Since that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude!".

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