"Infinite City!" Lin

Chuan walked slowly from the building, and after scanning the surroundings, he sighed in amazement.

"It's really magnificent, it's amazing!" The

Infinite City is huge, equivalent to a city that can accommodate thousands of people.

The space here is chaotic, and the buildings are suspended up and down, making it difficult to distinguish between the east and the west.

Naruto plays the lute with a plectrum, changing the Infinite City bit by bit.

Her skin was gray-white, and her dark hair covered her beautiful eyes.

Naruto, dressed in a clean and elegant black kimono, knelt respectfully beside Mu Miao.

Lin Chuan glanced at Naruto, and memories flooded back.

Because she only has one eye, Lin Chuan's non-human appearance impressed Lin Chuan.

But if you only look at Naruto's oblique bangs and figure, she must be a beautiful embryo.

A hundred years of precipitation have made Wu Miao more and more silent and uncertain.

Zhu Shi was also summoned.

Because they are both pharmacists, she and Lin Chuan are always together.

Now, there are no ghosts left in Infinity City, so there is an ominous tranquility.

Standing at the top without misery and arrogance, overlooking Lin Chuan, Zhu Shi and the others, and then asked with a gloomy face.

"Lin Chuan, after another hundred years, you still haven't found the cyan flower

?" "It's such a simple thing, can't you still handle it?"

Lin Chuan glanced at the aggressive and miserable, and replied calmly, "It's not that it's not bad, it's that it's not easy."

"It's not miserable, I've survived 600 years anyway!."

"Why don't you wait for him for another three or four hundred years?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Naruto stopped her hand and was shocked in her heart.

Such a bold human being, how dare to talk to Wu Miao like this.

If you continue like this, you'll die!

Wu Miao's forehead bruised and smashed the dragon chair at hand.

With a bang, the sound wave hit, but it couldn't hurt Lin Chuan in the slightest.

"Damn, you're Lin Chuan!

" Wu Miao said angrily, "It's been six hundred years!"

"You can't even do this little thing for such a long time, what's the use of asking

you to come?" "I seriously doubt that there are any cyan flowers in this world, and how many truths do you say?"

Hearing this, the scene was silent, and no one dared to speak out against Wu Miao.

Otherwise, he frowned slightly, and someone's head would fall to the ground.

"Master's notes are absolutely not wrong, the last medicinal herb is

the cyan flower!" Lin Chuan looked at Wu Miao and said categorically, "Maybe you can't believe it, but that's the case

!" "But I can guarantee that if you give me another three hundred years, I will definitely find it!"

Lin Chuan remembered that the cyan flower had indeed been found.

But that was also after the finale of the Demon Slayer Blade!

as long as Lin Chuan could survive for a few more hundred years, find and bring no misery.

Of course, there is another way to find it.

But that's all modern technology, so it doesn't work at all.

Wu Miao stared at Lin Chuan coldly like an eagle falcon, and said angrily in his heart.

Keep saying that hundreds of years, hundreds of years, how many more can I wait for a few hundred years?

Wu Miao waved his hand, and said to Lin Chuan in disappointment, "Okay, since it's indefinite, then you can get out!" Lin

Chuan's face was full of disbelief, staring at Wu Miao's eyes.

As if to see if he was joking.

But his eyes were sharp, and the brilliance seemed to be a sea of stars, which made Lin Chuan have to be convinced.

But how could Lin Chuan leave, now is the critical period, and Jiguo Yuanyi has also been born!

Once Jiguo Yuanyi meets the ghost king, he will have to shed his skin even if he is miserable and immortal.

Lin Chuan looked at Wu and shook his head fiercely, and said resolutely.

"No, I will never leave, where you are my home!" Hearing

this, Wu Miao slowly sat down with a heavy heart and closed his eyes for a moment.

It's like recalling the past 600 years.

In the end, Wu Miao shook his head in disappointment, and said stubbornly and ruthlessly.

"You who have no value are like dust on the road, even if you are discarded, no one will pity you. "

So you go!" Wu

Miao waved his hand, and a terrifying coercion came to his face, like a mountain, which made Lin Chuan feel extremely depressed.

Seeing this, Zhu Shixiu's brows furrowed, and the anger in her heart towards Wu Miao was even worse!

In this short period of one hundred years, Zhu Shi really hasn't seen a second one like Lin Chuan.


Chuan sat down and fought with Wu Miao so bluntly.

"Naruto, drive him out for me, the farther away the better!" Wu

Miao didn't hold back after all, and said domineeringly, "My words are the destiny of heaven, those who follow will live, and those who oppose will die."

"I didn't kill you, even if the benevolence and righteousness are exhausted!" A

strange sense of weightlessness struck, and Lin Chuan hurriedly got up and wanted to persuade him again.

But in the next second, the space around Lin Chuan rippled, and the whole person disappeared directly on the spot.

The Infinite City returned to silence, and Wu Miao quickly got up.

His eyes looked at the place where Lin Chuan disappeared, and muttered softly.

"He, is he really gone

?" "What's the matter if the world doesn't have him?"

Having said that, Wu Miao soon felt lonely and empty in his heart.

The marquee was projected in my mind like a slideshow, and finally I stayed at the sentence, "No miserable, I'm hungry...... no miserable"

Wu miserable slapped the dragon chair to smash it completely, gritted his teeth.

"Damn, I still

can't forget him!" "The world is so big, go out and have a look!"

Glancing at the Zhu Shi on the side, he ordered without misery, "You go with me, and you can't shirk the sword mountain and the sea of fire." "

Naruto, send me out with her!" ......

Lin Chuan woke up from a dense bamboo forest.

Five bamboo leaves climbed up the bamboo tops, pressed down the bamboo body and spit snake hyacinth at Lin Chuan.

I seem to be quite satisfied with the meal delivered to my door.

A creepy hiss sounded.

Lin Chuan didn't raise his head, he was very melancholy in his heart, and said to himself.

"Is this miserable so ruthless

?" "Isn't it three hundred years

?" "Is he not willing to wait so long for my sake?"

Lin Chuan patted the dust on his clothes.

Suddenly, I felt something fall from above, and my neck was cold.

Facing Lin Chuan's steel and iron bones, Zhu Yeqing's teeth were like fluff.

It didn't get into it at all, but bent up.

"Haha, there is actually a bamboo leaf green sent to the door, which is really good.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan grabbed Zhu Yeqing and smiled evilly.

"Dare to bite me, make a snake soup for a while, warm your stomach!"

"If the anger is gone, you should call me back." With

that, Lin Chuan walked out of the bamboo forest, and it was already dark outside.

In a hundred years, everything has changed!

Lin Chuan walked slowly on the Qianmo trail, and his heart was full of emotion.

But soon a villa in front of him caught his eye.

Through Wangqi, Lin Chuan was shocked to discover.

There was a pillar of golden light that reached into the sky.

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