"Well, okay—"

Master Zhu had just agreed, and then he caught a hint of something wrong in that statement.


Lord Zhu blurted out, "You want to quit

the Ghost Killing Team?" If I remember correctly, Lord Lordship only recruited Lin Chuan into the Ghost Killing Team today, and he will retire before a day.

Not to mention that Lord Zhu was shocked, even those members of the Ghost Killing Team who bleeded from the Seven Holes were also the first two big.


? Isn't

the Ghost Slayer bad? Isn't the salary high enough? Or are there too few beautiful women?

You must know that the life of the Ghost Slayer is more dangerous than ghost hunting.

The rest of the pay is definitely the most enticing of all the jobs out there, and it's not just something you can get into.

You have to pass layers of assessments, and Lin Chuan was personally invited by the lord, so there is no need for assessment.

Seeing that the rest of the people were stunned, Lin Chuan nodded and continued as expected.

"Yes, I'm sorry about that, but I'm really not fit to be on the Ghost Slayer. "

Life is too short, if you can't do what you like, if you can't do what you want, why continue?"

Lin Chuan stood tall, and his deep eyes looked into the distance, as if he wanted to see something from the hazy mountain fog.

There is no doubt that he is chasing the whereabouts of Wu Miao.

Seeing this, Lord Zhu didn't want to do much to stop him, after all, Lord Zhu has always been a very easy-going person.

If you want to quit, you don't have to explain the reason, just tell

the lord!" "Okay, Lin Chuan, I will tell the lord, and please be careful all the way."

Lord Zhu nodded slightly, and said categorically, "The door

of the Ghost Killing Team will always be open for you!" Hmm~

Lin Chuan looked back, the will of the Ghost Killing Team was definitely not something that could be succumbed by force, it was endless belief.

Lord Zhu and the rest of the team looked at Lin Chuan with regret, they supported each other and did not choose to leave.

They are to stay here, settle the victims, and tie up the evil spirits until dawn.

Lin Chuan's expression suddenly became solemn, and his heart trembled slightly.

Then Lin Chuan solemnly took out a few recovery pills and a few bottles of bone wounding pills from his arms, handed them to Lord Zhu, and admonished.

"You should also know how to use it, just take

it!" "Without further ado, then I wish us a certain time in the future!" The

team members waved goodbye one after another, gritting their teeth in the hope of overcoming this heart-piercing pain.

Seeing Lin Chuan's figure disappear in front of him like a flash, the team members regretted that it was not easy, and hung their heads in disappointment.

"Alas, what a good master!" "

That's it!" "That punch just now was so handsome, but it's a pity that it's gone now!"


Zhu handed out the medicine with a solemn face, and then drank the recovery potion.

The warm current flowed through Lord Zhu's body, and his face was ruddy and calm.

"We have to respect his choice, and I believe he has a bright future. "

Besides, you don't have to be in the Ghost Slayer to hunt ghosts.

"He has the strength, and he will shine wherever he goes." The

loud sound of a bell entered the hearts of each team member, and they were relieved at this moment!

From then on, a legend will be passed down by the Ghost Slayer Team.

A mysterious pharmacist who punched through the neck of a mutant ghost, was recruited by the ghost killing team that day, and quit the same day.

When the cold wind is blowing, Lin Chuan hikes on top of the blade, which is a knife mountain that resembles a blade.

It is extremely steep, and there is no place for ordinary people to settle down, and the surface is full of sharp stone blades inserted upside down.

There is no grass here, the wind is cold, and the proper birds don't poop.

Lin Chuan stepped on foam, and as soon as he stepped down, the originally sharp stone blade was instantly crushed into dirt.

Through Wangqi, Lin Chuan found that the black gas here was monstrous, and the killing machine was pervasive, and he didn't have to think about it to know that it was no misery.

Why did he come here, Lin Chuan is second monk was confused.


, click, click, and the rhythmic footsteps sounded, and the lifeless mountain became a little more alive.

Streams of cold wind rolled into a ball and slapped on Lin Chuan's body fiercely, but it shattered to the ground like a precious jade.

Gradually, the wind became much less.

Lin Chuan's eyes widened, looking at the top of the mountain that was getting closer and closer, and grinned.

"Hehe, why are you running here without being miserable

?" "Blowing a cool breeze, or looking at the moon and Huaiyuan?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the front.

"Are you here to find death

?" "Lin Chuan!" "

You dare to move my people, so what else do you dare not do?"

Lin Chuan followed the footsteps and looked out, leaving behind the threat of no misery.

I saw that on the blade of the chaotic stone, Wu Miao was wearing a light black cloak, wearing a white gentleman's hat, and his eyes were cold and slowly walking.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan's breath stagnated, and he grinned like a spring breeze, and said with ecstasy.

"Wu Miao, I finally found you!" "Haha, you look very good!" Wu


eyes narrowed slightly, and the domineering spirit of a king came like a wave, and he said with a playful face.

"Oh, what are you looking for me?"

"The person you have hurt me repeatedly, it seems that it is time to give you some color!" As

soon as the words fell, Wu Miao immediately stretched out a porcelain white finger towards Lin Chuan, and used his mind to point towards him.

Under the outbreak of terrifying power, the ground around Lin Chuan directly sank dozens of centimeters.

However, the ground that Lin Chuan stepped on was intact, and the people were unharmed.

Seeing that Wu Miao was so domineering, the smile on the corner of Lin Chuan's mouth was even worse, and there was a hint of playfulness.

Fortunately, you are not miserable, and you can't tell the relationship when you meet!

Between friends, what about kneeling?

Lin Chuan lightly touched his feet, and the precarious ground instantly turned into powder.

As soon as Wu Miao's ears moved, he immediately found Lin Chuan, who was coming at a rapid speed, and couldn't help frowning and secretly said.

"You still dare to rush up, it seems that you have practiced a lot more courage in the past few days!" Hearing

this, Lin Chuan instantly appeared unexpectedly behind Wu Miao.

A hand hugged his willow waist and restrained his hands.

Lin Chuan grinned and said, "I got you!"

As long as the hand was lightly forced, all the struggles became a joke.

Wu Miao didn't feel pain, so he didn't care if Lin Chuan would clamp him in half.

Instead, he frantically launched a retaliatory attack, and his hands were directly twisted three hundred and sixty degrees into sharp teeth and rushed straight into Lin Chuan's body.

Lin Chuan smiled faintly, and then hurriedly grabbed Wu Miao's hand, and clasped his fingers tightly.

"Don't fight, it's only you who is hurt, it's been six hundred years, don't you understand?"

The effect of force is mutual, but for Lin Chuan, this sentence doesn't work.

Therefore, the more fierce the beating, the more seriously injured he is.

Without hearing the misery, he looked back with an evil smile, and secretly suppressed his anger.

"Oh, then you don't want to let go quickly?" Lin

Chuan took a deep breath, then let go of Wu Miao, seeing that he was still arrogant, he couldn't help but say happily.

"Haha, no misery, I like you this point, your heart is not ordinary. With

a cold glance, the murderous machine emerged.

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