Lin Chuan rubbed his jaw and carefully looked at the hideous face at the moment.

To be honest, it doesn't matter if there is no miserable woman or not.

Anyway, they are all beautiful faces, and women's clothing can mean it.

What bad intentions can I, Lin Chuan, have, it is all for the sake of no misery!

Suddenly, with no misery as the center, the surrounding buildings shook violently.

Almost making people unsteady, Lin Chuan paused and looked at Wu Miao, and asked softly.

"No misery, who dares to make you so angry, I went to cut him. "

In the weird Infinite City, only Lin Chuan dared to take this step, and Naruto didn't dare to speak out conscientiously.

Wu Miao Yan glanced at Lin Chuan without changing his face, and said coldly, "Are you sure?" "

It's all a good thing you did, and now a group of people who claim to be the ghost killing team have appeared out of nowhere."

"The wanton slaughter of ghosts still uses some breathing methods that do not enter the stream.

"My dignified ghost of destiny should be above tens of thousands of people, but now this ugly thing has happened.

In this regard, Lin Chuan could only be silent, full of black lines.

"Eh, it's not miserable

, this, this ......" "It's really a bit of a shame for you!" Lin

Chuan had no choice but to appease Wu Misery first against his will, after all, he was impatient and easy to make mistakes.

Seeing that Lin Chuan said this, Wu Miao opened the conversation box and continued to frown.

"It's damn it, it doesn't matter, it's just a little ghost killing team!"

"I can kill you, but you must speed up your search for the cyan flower." Lin

Chuan smiled and agreed, and then knocked on the side.

"No misery, the cosplay women's clothes I bought a few days ago are very good, and the texture is guaranteed.

"If you wear it out, it will definitely be the focus of the audience, and the return rate will be off the charts, and you will have time to take a look at it......"

Wu Miao's red pupils turned, and he muttered in his heart, this Lin Chuan is a weasel giving a New Year's greeting to a chicken!

Because the Ghost Slayer Team is not the same as the country now.

So Wu Miao just thinks that the ghost killing team is annoying, but it doesn't hurt, anyway, he can be destroyed.

Eat, drink, and don't think about anything.

Wu Miao came back to his senses and ordered Naruto to take him to the Ghost King's mansion.

After a while, Wu Miao looked at the dazzling array of cosplay women's clothes, and his eyes lit up.

Everyone has a love for beauty, and with the taste of Lin Chuan's modern people, he directly grasped the heart of beauty without misery.

Even in modern times, it takes at least half an hour to wear a set of elaborate cosplay women's clothes.

So when you try on a cosplay woman's clothes, time flies.

After Lin Chuan sorted everything out in the laboratory, night had quietly fallen.

After a busy day, Lin Chuan stretched his waist and was about to fall asleep.

was interrupted by the sudden intrusion, and a virgin fragrance permeated the entire laboratory.

Lin Chuan immediately became energetic, and his eyes lit up as he looked at the heroic and miserable standing at the door.

She wears a goose down dress, white jade at the waist, and a crown of phoenix wings.

The beautiful eyebrows were slightly relaxed, and he commanded Lin Chuan coldly.

"Lin Chuan, come out with me. Hearing

this, Lin Chuan immediately put down the chores in his hand, and left with a straight face but excited.

Lin Chuan was secretly shocked in his heart and said, for the first time in the world!

After making up his mind, Lin Chuan walked out of Infinite City without looking back.

It was midnight at this time, because the demon killing team had eradicated all the evil spirits with the power of destroying and decaying.

So the night market is lively again, with many shops and crowds.

There is no shortage of young couples in love on the streets, holding hands, strolling around and strolling into the alleys.

The black light was blind, Lin Chuan frowned secretly when he looked at it, and said secretly in his heart.

"You can't play like this when it's exciting!"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm already full of dog food anyway." As

soon as Wu Miao appeared, he instantly captured the hearts of all male compatriots.

Hormonal overflow.

Their eyes gathered hotly, and when they saw this, Lin Chuan's face was instantly gloomy, and he leaned into Wu Miao's ear and said.

"Wu Miao hold my hand, don't let others look down on you!" The

burning gaze of everyone made Wu Miao a little fluttering.

But his eyes are still very sharp, and he can distinguish between the vulgarity and the sight of those men.

Lin Chuan beside him is also good-looking, and his emotional intelligence is high, otherwise why would he take him out?

Hearing this, Wu Miao met dozens of scorching eyes on the street, hooked Lin Chuan's hand with silky eyes, and said domineeringly.

"Hmph, a group of mortals, how can this king let them succeed. What

Lin Chuan said, isn't it just that a single dog will be looked down upon?

Being hooked like this, a subtle sense of satisfaction appeared on Lin Chuan's knife-like handsome face.

Lin Chuan quickly took on the role of Wu Miao's boyfriend, accompanying Wu Miao to go shopping in the flower street, blowing candy people, all kinds of sweet words, and all kinds of spoiling.

The shopkeeper who watched it couldn't help but praise two sentences, Xiao Young is love, I really spoil your little girlfriend!

Lin Chuan smiled, hugged a bunch of food, and personally sent the sugar man to Wu Miao's mouth, and said in a gentle tone.

"No misery, come...... Open your mouth, ah!" Wu

Miao frowned slightly, looking at the human food, his stomach turned over for a while, and the taste was like chewing wax, and he couldn't eat it at all.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan hurriedly took back the sugar man, took out the pig head mask he had just bought from his arms and put it on Wumiao.

He put on a monkey head mask neatly, and then explained in a low voice.

"It's a lot of trouble here, and wearing a mask is a lot less troublesome. With

that, Lin Chuan quietly bit the tip of his tongue, put the sugar man to his mouth, and let the sperm blood flow onto the sugar man.

Wu Miao was looking around, and suddenly smelled a rich fragrance.

This is the taste of human blood, and the concentration is not low.

Lin Chuan pursed his lips, and his tongue instantly returned to its original state.

After Lin Chuan took a Qi and Blood Pill, his face turned a lot ruddy.

"Oh, it's not miserable, you can eat it now!" Lin

Chuan sent the bloody sugar man to Wu Miserable, and said dotingly.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

"I won't let you go hungry."

In the dim candlelight, Wu Miao smiled evilly, took the sugar man and chewed it, and teased softly.

"What a fool, no wonder you go to the rescue of those who have no value. "

Hmm~ it tastes good.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan corrected, "No, no, no, I saved them for your own good." "

It tastes good, you can like it, anyway, the Qi and Blood Pill is enough."

The man who had eaten the candy wiped his mouth with satisfaction, and then looked at Lin Chuan thoughtfully, his eyes flashing.

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