After the battle in the bamboo forest, Wu Miao returned to his mansion weakly, and even paid no attention to Infinite City!

Only the pieces of flesh less than the size of his head crawled in along the crack in the door.

When he moved to the tatami mat, he didn't move, and let out a frightened and angry wail.

The pieces of meat quickly grew in size and returned to their original shape.

It's just that the body is curled up in a ball, and the gloomy and frightened eyes have completely lost the momentum of looking at the world before.

Wu Miao seemed to be in the air, and the sudden feeling of weightlessness made his mind messy.

The figure of Jiguo Yuanyi kept flashing in his mind, and the sentence "What do you think of life?" also echoed in my ears.

Fate seemed to have played a big joke on him, and Wu Miao suffered a 10,000-point critical attack in his heart, and he was determined never to go out.

Lest you run into that monster again, let's trick the ghost into going on the other side of the cyan flower!

Because he wants to recover from the injuries caused by Ji Guoyuanyi, Wu Miao is now hungry and eager to bite his hand to eat.

Wumiao's eyes changed from gloomy to sharp, and finally became blood-red.

But the sad thing is that there is not a single human around, and as a ghost king's mansion, there are not even ghosts.

And this place of his is only known to the strongest auxiliary Naruto, and the main thing is a crumb.

In the Infinite City, Lin Chuan negotiated with Naruto for a few words, and then succeeded in setting up a miserable position.

Lin Chuan thought to himself, Wu Miao must have been hiding without a trace at this time, and he couldn't wait to get into the cracks in the ground.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan shook his head with a smile, slapped his hands and sighed lightly.

"Alas, this miserable encounter with Ji Guoyuan is also embarrassing for him

!" "Forget it, I'll take a look!"

Naruto plucked the pipa and quietly sent Lin Chuan away.

Then he raised his head, revealing a large, strange eye.

stared at the direction in which Lin Chuan disappeared and was silent for a long time.

The Ghost King's Mansion was absolutely gloomy, and there was no other light except for a few residual lights!

Lin Chuan frowned and stepped into the mansion full of despair, and the granite was trampled on and exploded.

Because it is so dark that there is no sunlight all year round, the ground has rotted.

The quaint walls have also been transformed into a mossy paradise, and from time to time a spitting scorpion or two crawls past.

Lin Chuan slowly walked to the hidden door, knocked lightly, and snapped.

The crisp sound was infinitely amplified here, and the Wu Miao, who was already tightly holding a string, immediately roared.

Immediately let out a scream, quickly slipped behind the wall, and stared at the visitor viciously.

After finding out that it was Lin Chuan, Wu Miao breathed a sigh of relief, but he was not angry and angry.

"Why are

you?" "Get out, get out, I don't want to see anyone right now, how did you know I was here?"

Wu Miao's face was pale, his hair was disheveled, and his withered body made twisted and strange movements.

It seemed that he was driving Lin Chuan away, but he was not forcibly driving him away, and Lin Chuan was quite distressed when he saw this.

"I've only been away from you for less than a day, and you've been scared?"

"Alas, what a pitiful

thing!" Wu Miao was furious, the whip flew behind him, and said viciously

, "Shut up, stop talking!" "Shut up!!"

Wu Miao roared, and the whole house became crumbling, as if it would collapse at any moment.

Lin Chuan ignored this and walked forward with a smile on his face.

There is only a coffee table and two bamboo stools between the two, and the furnishings in the house are extremely simple.

Lin Chuan couldn't believe that Wu Miao, as a ghost king, actually lived in such a dark, damp, and humble place.


sound of hurried footsteps was like the horn of death, which made Wu Miao even more frightened.

"Get out, get out, get out of the way!" "

Lin Chuan, what are you doing here?"

"See me laughing?". Wu

Miao waved his arm to drive Lin Chuan away, because he was too weak, so his attack was not painful.

Looking at the miserable and miserable face that was pale and at a loss because of fear, Lin Chuan felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Lin Chuan took the initiative to approach Wu Miao, grabbed his reckless hands, and made him unable to move like iron tongs.

"No, no, how can you think of me like that?"

Lin Chuan leaned over and squatted down, looking at the panicked Wu Miao gently, and said with affection.

"In the past six hundred years, how have I, Lin Chuan, ever failed you, and how have I ever seen your jokes?"

The atmosphere became subtle, and the pupils of Wu Miao shrank and stared at Lin Chuan, as if to imprint him in his mind.

Because of extreme hunger, Wu Miao's desire to eat people was so great that he couldn't wait to swallow Lin Chuan in one bite.

Lin Chuan took the initiative to pick up his pretty face when he saw it, and teased softly.

"Oh, Wu Miao, do you want to eat me with these eyes?"

"Hehe, you can't even break my skin, forget it!" Wu

Miao's eyes fluttered, and he scolded angrily in his heart, this damn guy, I'll be the first to bite you to death

! Okay, you Lin Chuan, what a broom star, just drive away and you met that monster Ji Guoyuanyi!

Wu Miao was already furious, grinning and drooling.

If others had seen this scene, they would have run away a long time ago!

But Lin Chuan was caressing his pretty face with interest, and the scars were long gone.

But the place where he was cut by Ji Guoyuanyi still has hideous and terrifying scars.

Lin Chuan reluctantly withdrew his hand, took out the small medicine bottle in his arms in his confused eyes, and recalled.

"Master kept mentioning you in my ear before leaving, saying that when you are well, you must tell him at his grave.

"But until now, I haven't found the cyan flower.

"If even I leave you, then you will really be alone!" With

that, Lin Chuan ate a bottle of Qi and Blood Pill again, and his cheeks instantly turned into a cloud of fire.

The strong smell of blood made Wu Miao almost crazy, and he knew that Lin Chuan was weird.

He had also been fed blood once before, and in addition to not being thin blood, it still tasted very good.

Wumiao's eyes became more and more erratic, and his tone was cold.

"What are you going to do

?" "Do you think that doing such a boring thing will make me feel different about you?" "

Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Lin Chuan bit the tip of his tongue ruthlessly, and red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, fragrant.

Wu Miao, who was originally still hard-mouthed, immediately lit up his eyes, where did he care about these things when he was eager to recover his strength?

Seeing that Wu Miao instantly turned into a dormant wolf, Lin Chuan laughed softly.

"Haha, I said no, but my body is quite honest. "

Little Wu Miserable ......"

Wu Miserable glared at Lin Chuan viciously, and then pounced.

grabbed Lin Chuan's arm tightly, and frantically licked towards the red at the corner of his mouth.

Lin Chuan gently patted the frightened Wu Miao, and said softly like coaxing a little girlfriend.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, everything is with me!".

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