Lin Chuan looked at the unusual sky, pinched his fingers and frowned and muttered.

"Is it today

?" "The decisive battle between Black Death Mou and Jiguoyuan?" "

Alas, no matter what, fate will always reach the known end. "

I'd better go and take a look!"

Lin Chuan's figure flashed, and disappeared in place with a wisp of breeze.

Through the three brushes of the Demon Slayer Blade in his previous life, Lin Chuan knew that it was something that happened next to a seven-storied pagoda in the suburbs.

Lin Chuan's elixir is just to make the person who opens the markings not die at the age of twenty-five.

But it can't stand the erosion of time!

People will eventually grow old and die, and in the end they are not a handful of loess.

Moreover, during the Warring States Period, the average age may not even be 60, and it is not easy to live to be 80 years old!

In the distance, on the grass next to the ancient pagoda, two figures met unexpectedly.

Black Death Mou still looks like a teenager, except for six eyes, there is no change.

And the first one of the countries is the appearance of the wind and candles, with gray hair and wrinkled skin like mud.

The moment Ji Guoyuan saw his brother, he was stunned!

Black Death Mou also stopped in shock, and looked at his poor brother with bated breath.

He knew that this might be the last time he would see his brother.

Ji Guoyuan's posture was tall and powerful, his eyes looked sharply at the black death Mou, and finally said loudly.

"How pathetic! "

The appearance of Black Death Mou can no longer be called a human, and it is understandable for Ji Guoyuan to say so.

Hearing this, Black Death Mou did not feel angry, but instead felt a wave of sadness in his open-minded mood.

The flesh and blood brothers turned against each other, which was a very painful thing for the Black Death Mou, who maintained his sense of independence.

The words of Pharmacist Lin Chuan flashed in my mind, you are brothers, there is no overnight feud, and your love is ...... stronger than Jin

But soon Ji Guoyuan put on a posture of preparing for war, and the sad color of Black Death Mou disappeared in an instant at this moment.

Black Death Mou felt the heavy sense of oppression emanating from Jiguoyuan, and saw that there was no flaw in his posture.

This momentum is the same as in the heyday, Lin Chuan glanced at it and gave an affirmative word.

"Ji Guoyuanyi must have been cultivating hard and trying to maintain his best condition.

"Let's see if we can kill the ghost king and eliminate the harm for the world." "

But such a human dawn has been ruthlessly swallowed up by the years, and he is

old!" "He is over eighty years old!"

"I'm here!" Ji

Guoyuan said as soon as he spoke, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Black Death Mou couldn't even react, so he was slashed in the neck.

He hated his brother's talent, and he hated that his efforts had been in vain.

At this moment, he knew very well that as long as his younger brother swung another sword, he would die on the spot, there was no doubt about it.

But Ji Guoyuanyi never wielded the next knife, but maintained his standing posture and fell into a long sleep.

Lin Chuan suddenly discovered that Ji Guoyuanyi, who was originally a masterpiece of golden light, was no longer breathless at this moment!

He was not killed by anyone, any ghost, but was exhausted by the years.

Facing his younger brother who was dying, Black Death Mou was unwilling in every way.

He hadn't fought his brother in a dignified manner, so he couldn't prove that he had won his brother.

The strong sense of loss made Black Death Mou's eyes red, and he was about to swing his knife to cut off Ji Guoyuanyi's body.

A terrifying huge crescent moon slash roared out, which was bound to divide the Jiguo Yuan into two.

Lin Chuan gritted his teeth secretly, knowing that it would be too late if he didn't make a move!

With a loud noise, Lin Chuan flashed in front of Ji Guoyuan, and stretched out his hand to grab it.

The crescent slash was like tissue paper and was grabbed by Lin Chuan into a little fluorescent.

Lin Chuan, who suddenly appeared, made Black Death Mou stop his move to strike again, and silently withdrew the knife.

Lin Chuan looked back at Jiguo Yuanyi, who he hadn't seen for sixty years, and couldn't help but feel a deep sadness in his heart.

His eyes moistened, and Lin Chuan hugged Jiguo Yuanyi, who was maintaining a standing posture, with both hands, like a way in his throat.

"What an amazing person, you have already done it.

"You spared your brother's life, but you didn't spare yourself.

Lin Chuan let out a long sigh, and then took out a broken flute wrapped in cloth from Ji Guoyuan's arms.

This is given to him by the former Jiguo Yan Sheng, a broken flute that will be out of tune when played, but it is of great significance.

Lin Chuan turned around and handed the flute to Black Death Mou, and said earnestly.

"You are brothers, and your brother's death has nothing to do with you, but he is lucky. "

When he was dying, he met the ...... who loved him wholeheartedly and protected him

" "Saying that he wants to become the strongest samurai, a good brother who protects his younger brother, and succeeds the country to victory!"

Then Black Death Mou took the flute with him with a precious face, and turned his head to look at Jiguo Yuanyi.

It's a pity that the younger brother who used to laugh and stick to him can't wake up anymore!

Jiguo Yan Sheng choked up, "Pharmacist Lin Chuan, can you save his life, woo woo......" Lin Chuan

fell silent, and the residual body temperature in Jiguoyuan's arms was dissipating.

Human death is already a fact and cannot be changed.

It is true that Lin Chuan is a pharmacist, but he is not a god.

And birth, old age, sickness and death have their own fixed numbers, and he can't change them.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan replied in a hoarse voice, "You are a good brother, and the rest of the ceremony will be carried out by you

!" "Funeral Dragon!"

Only then did he realize that his body had decayed, and his skin was as loose as mud.

To be able to deliver the blow just now, it was obvious that the last bit of strength had been exhausted.

Lin Chuan silently turned around, looked into the distance and prepared to find a treasure of feng shui, and buried Ji Guoyuanyi!

After a stick of incense, Lin Chuan and Black Death Mou buried Jiguo Yuanyi and erected a monument.

By the black death Mou with the false crying god to engrave one stroke at a time, the pen is vigorous, into the wood three points.

The tomb of the first generation of the country!

Black Death Mou looked at it for a long time, and finally wiped his tears with sadness and choked up.

"I'm an incompetent older

brother!" "Now I'm the strongest samurai!" "

If my brother dies, then I must not lose to anyone." "


Lin Chuan patted Black Death Mou's shoulder and said slowly.

"People can't be resurrected from death, mourn!" "

It's not too early, let's go!" "It's

getting dawn."

Hearing this, Black Death Mou got up and slashed forward, cutting off all the wild grass around him before leaving with Lin Chuan.

Infinite City, no misery to learn the news of the death of Ji Guoyuan, overjoyed and domineering!

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