"Haha, when you have time, remember to come to the Eternal Bliss Sect often to play with me!" Tong

Mo waved the golden iron fan lightly, and sent a warm invitation to Lin Chuan like a Hongmen banquet without smiling.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan couldn't stop muttering in his heart.

"It's really sad!"

"God gave him a prosperous beauty, but he didn't give him feelings. "

It's just that!" Through

the three brushes of the Demon Slayer Blade, Lin Chuan knew that Tong Mo was really emotionless.

There is no joy, anger or sorrow, so it's better to stay away from him, anyway, I have reminded him of everything

!" "Excuse me, Your Excellency Tong Mo will play slowly by yourself!"

Lin Chuan tightened the clothes around his neck, walked out of the door quickly, and said politely.

"No, Wu Miao is still waiting for me in Infinite City!" At

least there are feelings for Wu Miao, Lin Chuan thought so, and was teleported back to Infinite City by Naruto.

At this moment, the Infinite City is empty, miserable and nowhere to be found.

Only Naruto's thin figure was still here, Lin Chuan put his hands in his pockets, flashed to her side and asked softly.

"Miss Naruto, it's so lonely as snow!"

"The great Infinity City has fallen into your shackles, imprisoning you and making it impossible for you to leave. "

I don't know where Wu Miao went?"

Naruto suddenly stopped playing, looked up at Hayashi Chuan with a sincere face in front of her, and replied softly.

"Lord Wu Miao didn't return to his mansion, he came in and went out!"

Inadvertently, Lin Chuan accidentally noticed that Naruto's fair cheeks were actually flushed.

Lin Chuan was suspicious when he saw this, but the flush quickly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

"I must have seen it wrong!" Lin

Chuan sat down next to Naruto, sniffing a faint fragrance and feeling comfortable.

"Well, that's right, Miss Naruto, I don't know when I'll be back, why don't I take you out for a walk?" Naruto

looked at Lin Chuan in disbelief and said cautiously.

"But Lord Wu Miao won't agree, I'm fine here, so I won't go out

!" "Thank you Mr. Hayashi Chuan for your kindness, let's forget it!" Hayashi Chuan

shook his head, looked at Naruto and teased softly.

"Hahaha, when you eat the cyan flower, you will be free

!" "It's okay if you don't go out now, Miss Naruto is a beautiful and popular existence no matter where she is!" "

It's so warm!

Naruto's cheeks instantly turned crimson, this is the first time that she has felt unprecedented warmth on the opposite sex.

When he was not a ghost, the husband who was proficient in eating, drinking, prostituting and gambling everything.

It simply broke Naruto's heart and distorted her psyche, making her like to kill people for fun.

Fortunately, one night, Naruto plucked the lute.

A handsome man in a black suit makes her a ghost and makes her call him a miserable man.

But then he never treated Naruto well

! Completely regarded her as a tool man!

Naruto played the pipa and quietly snuggled on Lin Chuan's shoulder, and said in a soft tone.


?" "Does Mr. Hayashi Chuan really think so?" Hayashi

Chuan suddenly felt an electric current spread throughout his body from the shoulder that Naruto was leaning on, and his eyes were firm.

"Of course!" Hearing

this, Naruto raised her head and carefully looked at Lin Chuan's side face.

And stretched out his jade hand to remove the bangs that covered his eyes.

Lin Chuan had long known that Naruto's appearance was special, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he still felt incredible.

I saw that there was only one eye on her lovely Yao nose, which occupied the upper part of her face.

And there are eruptions of green tendons that spread like spider webs around the eyes of the mad people.

Lin Chuan was stunned for a few seconds, and then praised from the bottom of his heart.

"One eye is cute, too!"

"I just don't know if it's okay to focus."

Seeing this, Naruto smiled lightly, retracted her body shyly, and said with a fluttering look in her eyes.

"Am I cute!Mr. Hayashi Chuan really thinks so?" Hayashi

Chuan patted Naruto's fragrant shoulder and said with a sincere face.

"Of course!"

"There are perfect things in the world, and Naruto is so beautiful now, and her eyes are quite charming. "

Well, that's good.

With that, Naruto involuntarily played the lute and played a cheerful tune.

Lin Chuan saw that Naruto stopped talking and did not turn his head to look at him, so he got up and said goodbye.

"I won't bother Miss Naruto for now!"

"If you have time, you can come to me and get some cosplay women's clothes, they definitely look good."

Naruto snorted when she heard this, and then sent Lin Chuan away, her gaze resting on the place where he had disappeared.

Lin Chuan returned to the laboratory with a familiar car, and said after realizing it.

"Eh, I seem to have heard a sound just now, could it be that Naruto agreed?"

But after thinking about it, most of those cosplay women's clothes were a bit explicit, how could Naruto agree?

So Lin Chuan smiled and shook his head, turning the matter over, only to think that he was hallucinating! Lin

Chuan sat on the familiar experimental stool, looked at the dazzling medicine jars in front of him comfortably, and nodded with satisfaction.

The lab bench is similar to the bench in the previous life, with a backrest at the back, so you can rest when you are tired.

Lin Chuan closed his eyes, for the end of medicine, he was not easy to understand.

Just want to be a salted fish, find the cyan flower on the other side and let her eat it without misery, and let her obediently wear cosplay women's clothes.

Lin Chuan knocked on the experimental table, making a crisp knock sound, and said with relief.

"It's been seven hundred years, and it's time for me to stop researching

!" "The second major admonition that Master said before leaving, it turned out to be what it meant!" The Medicine Master said

three sentences before leaving, and the second of them was.

The world is impermanent, and the end of medicine is metaphysics.

When it is impossible to move forward, you must stop researching, otherwise it will end up in disaster!

At this point, Lin Chuan took a few golden medicine jars, reluctantly left the laboratory, and locked them completely.

With a loud click, Lin Chuan disappeared in place.

There were a few more bottles of golden medicine jars in his hands, and inside were the elixir of immortality, only a few but enough.

Hayashikawa flashed to the bustling Tokyo Prefecture, which was full of shops and people, just like before.

Through looking at the qi, Lin Chuan found a thick black qi gushing out of a closed prison.

At this time, it was the height of summer, and the black air did not dissipate for a long time under the heat wave of the scorching sun.

So Lin Chuan was interested, pinched his fingers and said, "What a coincidence, it's actually the fourth of the upper string, half a heavenly dog."

Lin Chuan was so impressed by this!

Because he had just crossed over after watching the Forging Knife Village, Lin Chuan only had one sentence of evaluation for Bantengu.

Poor people who don't have the concept of good and evil!

The twelve ghost moons are all carefully selected by the ghost king and have spent a lot of energy to cultivate, so their strength is very perverted.

Because of this, the speed of finding people is very slow.

At least Lin Chuan walked to the prison and didn't find a miserable figure.

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