The new record is a big success.

[Ninth place on the Strongest List: Wu Gongde. ]

[Area: First-class Martial Artist. ]

"Another Martial Artist!"

"Isn't a third-class Martial Artist enough? Now there's another first-class Martial Artist! If you don't know, you might think this is the Martial Artist List!"

"Will this guy named Wu Gongde be a strange flower like Wan Ergou, the Pavilion Master of the Shenji Pavilion?"

"It's very likely..."

After learning that the mysterious Pavilion Master of the Shenji Pavilion was only a third-class Martial Artist, it wasn't so hard for everyone to accept that another first-class Martial Artist was on the list.

Perhaps, this first-class Martial Artist is also simple!

Heaven, perhaps, will give them an answer...

However, this time, Heaven's Golden List did not explain why Wu Gongde was on the list, and continued to update.

[Eighth place on the Strong List: Li Goudan. ]

[Realm: Sixth-grade warrior. ]

"Sixth-grade warrior!"

Heaven's Golden List once again refreshed the lower limit of the list, and the whole continent was in an uproar.

"Grandma Li, I thought that martial artists were the limit, but I didn't expect that this was just the beginning!"

"Warrior! My six-year-old son is a sixth-grade warrior. Li Goudan can be on the list, so why can't my son be on the list!"

"Also, why doesn't Heaven's Golden List explain what is so outstanding about these two people?"


At this time, many people had a consensus in their hearts: Could it be that Heaven is playing tricks on them!

However, they dared not say these words. After all, discussing Heaven's way is a serious crime. If a thunderbolt suddenly hits them, they will be completely finished.

Why is it that only Wan Er Gou has a short review, and the others don't?

Only Ye Yu knows the answer to this question.

The first half of this list was made by Ye Yu. Originally, Ye Yu intended to write a short review for each of the top ten strong men.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is...

After Ye Yu spent a lot of effort to write a short review for Wan Er Gou, he got lazy and simply stopped writing. As a result, only Wan Er Gou won the grand prize on this list and was given Ye Yu's handwritten inscription, which was extremely honored.

South Region.

Lijia Village.

A six-year-old boy wearing a red bellyband was squatting under a big tree at the entrance of the village, fiddling with a puddle of mud in front of him with his chubby little hands. The boy was having a lot of fun, and the mud in his hands was squeezed into various shapes by him.

It seemed that he was tired of playing, and the boy lay directly in the mud, and suddenly saw his name appear on the Tiandao Golden List above the sky.

"Li Goudan? Are you talking about me?" The little boy bit his finger and said to himself innocently.

However, the people in this village have no ability to practice, and they are all ordinary people. How can their mortal eyes see the golden list of heaven hanging high in the sky?

Because of this, when Li Goudan repeatedly announced to the villagers that there was a strange existence in the sky that was shining with golden light and looked like oil paper, everyone who heard his words would look at him strangely, as if looking at a foolish and naive child.

However, after all, he was a six-year-old child, and he always had an infinite desire to share.

Therefore, Li Goudan trotted home and told his father Li Dahai everything he saw like pouring beans: "Dad, my name appeared on the golden oil paper in the sky!"

"Yes, yes, yes! My Goudan is so amazing!" Li Dahai stretched out his hand and rubbed his baby son's furry little head with a smile on his face, expressing his satisfaction and happiness.

After hearing Li Dahai's praise, Li Goudan was so happy that he danced like a little monkey. He turned in circles, his face filled with unconcealed joy and excitement.

His big eyes sparkled, and he looked at Li Dahai with expectation: "Daddy, Daddy, I want to eat braised pork tonight!"

"Okay! Daddy will make braised pork for you tonight, go on playing!" Li Dahai scratched his son's nose and said with a doting face.

"Okay!" Li Goudan trotted out happily.

As for Li Dahai, after Li Goudan left, he rarely showed a worried expression on his face.

He believed Goudan's words...

Goudan was different from other children since he was a child. He was born with supernatural power and could kill a tiger with one punch.

As he got older, Goudan's strength became stronger and stronger. A year ago, he took Goudan into the mountains to hunt and accidentally encountered a thousand-meter-long python. Just when he thought

When he and Goudan were about to die, Goudan rushed to him and punched the giant python to death.

Such power, I am afraid only warriors can have it.

But he knew that Goudan had been with him from beginning to end, and had not learned any martial arts, and Goudan was less than six years old at that time, not old enough to open his meridians and practice martial arts.

In order to prevent the news that Goudan killed the giant python with one punch from being known to others, he hurriedly took Goudan back.

I thought that this matter would gradually fade away with the passage of time, but who knew that a group of warriors came and asked the villagers if there were any unfamiliar faces passing by here during this period.

After some inquiries, he learned that this group of warriors came from the White Bone Sect thousands of miles away, and their purpose of this trip was to capture the thousand-meter-long giant python.

Later, Li Dahai accidentally heard the conversation between two disciples of the White Bone Sect and learned that it would take at least 100,000 kilograms of strength to kill a thousand-meter-long giant python with one punch.

And this kind of power can only be achieved by the King of Martial Arts.

Hearing these words, Li Dahai also felt a chill on his back.

Although Li Dahai is just an ordinary person, he knows that the King of Martial Arts is also an extremely powerful existence. The leader of the White Bone Sect, which is closest to Lijia Village, is only a martial arts master, and is still a long way from the King of Martial Arts.

If people knew that Goudan had the power of the King of Martial Arts at the age of only five, then countless forces and strong men would flock to him and capture him for slices and research.

Thinking of this, Li Dahai shuddered.

Therefore, he had to warn Goudan so severely for the first time: "Never do it in front of outsiders!"

Fortunately, although Goudan was young, he was very sensible and obedient. When he heard Li Dahai's warning, he did not have any resistance, but nodded seriously, indicating that he would definitely abide by it.

Since then, Goudan has never shown his strength in front of people again. Because Li Dahai has warned him more than once that if his power is exposed, it will not only bring danger to himself, but also may implicate everyone around him.

Therefore, for a whole year, Goudan always kept Li Dahai's words in mind and never showed his strength in front of others.

Li Dahai's wish was very simple, that is, he hoped that Goudan would live a peaceful life.

However, at such a young age, he had such a strong power, so how could Goudan's life be ordinary?

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