The battle was won, and the battle was won.


Tianqiu Valley.

At this time, seven days had passed since the sound of the Heavenly Dao was transmitted. During this period, warriors from the East, West, South and North regions poured into Tianqiu Valley like a tide.

At this moment, everyone had a common understanding in their hearts:

Only those who had reached the level of Martial Honor and above were qualified to step into the depths of Tianqiu Valley; as for those whose cultivation realm had not yet reached the level of Martial Honor, they could only live in the outer area of ​​Tianqiu Valley.

The most central area was undoubtedly occupied by more than a dozen Quasi-Emperors. After all, the current situation was that the Martial Emperor did not come out, and the God Realm masters were nowhere to be seen. Naturally, the Quasi-Emperors dominated this place.

"Do you think there will be Martial Emperors and God Realm masters coming to the Ancient Battlefield this time?"

"I don't know? It has been seven days, and no masters above the Quasi-Emperor have come. Will these people not come?"

"Maybe they don't think highly of the things in the Ancient Battlefield?"


Just when everyone was discussing whether there would be masters above the Quasi-Emperor realm in the Ancient Battlefield this time.

In the distant sky, an extremely powerful and terrifying aura suddenly came, suppressing like a towering mountain, making countless warriors feel an unprecedented pressure.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by this aura and looked towards the horizon.

In the eastern sky, a huge and gorgeous sedan chair was slowly descending.

The sedan chair was surrounded by eighteen people, all of whom had an extremely strong aura, as if each of them was a peerless warrior. For a moment, the air around them became heavy because of their arrival.

As the sedan chair landed completely, everyone finally saw its full appearance. The sedan chair was shining with golden light, and it was engraved with various patterns of birds and beasts, exuding a solemn atmosphere. The most eye-catching thing was the words "Shen Ji" written on the top of the sedan chair.

"Shen Ji? Could they be people from the Shen Ji Pavilion?"

"One, two, three,..., eighteen, no more, no less, exactly eighteen people, could they be the eighteen ninth-grade martial saints of the Shen Ji Pavilion?"

"Who is sitting in the sedan chair? Could it be the mysterious master of the Shen Ji Pavilion..."

At this moment, everyone was talking about it, their eyes full of curiosity and expectation.

The ten quasi-emperors at the center of Tianqiu Valley have seen through the depth of these eighteen people. These people are indeed ninth-grade martial saints, but they give them a sense of vanity.

At the same time, the eighteen ninth-grade martial saints knelt respectfully on both sides and shouted: "Shenji Shenji, Wencheng Wude; thousands of years, unify Tianxuan."

At this moment, everyone present has confirmed that the person in the sedan chair is the owner of Shenji Pavilion Wan Ergou.

Amid the shouts of the eighteen people, the curtain of the sedan chair slowly opened, and a figure walked out from it. For a moment, the whole scene fell into silence.


Suddenly, someone laughed out loud, breaking the original silence of this space.

Then, one demonic laugh after another sounded.

Because this mysterious owner of Shenji Pavilion looks too shocking, with a pair of almost perfect jade feet and jade hands, coupled with a huge body of several hundred kilograms, it is hard to imagine that these two things will appear on a man.


Dozens of sword lights flashed, and in an instant, some people who were just laughing fell to the ground.

These people are dead!

The one who shot them was a ninth-grade martial saint from the Shenji Pavilion. Everyone knew the reason, because their provocative behavior was tantamount to challenging the Shenji Pavilion.

Provoking the strong is tantamount to seeking death!

Wan Ergou's eyes swept over everyone coldly, as if to warn them. Stepping on the bodies of the dozen provocateurs, Wan Ergou walked straight to the center of Tianqiu Valley.

The two ninth-grade martial saints immediately understood and ran to the center of Tianqiu Valley first, staring at the eleven quasi-emperors entrenched here and said arrogantly: "This place belongs to my Shenji Pavilion!"

As soon as these words came out, the air was immediately filled with the smell of gunpowder.

The purpose of the Shenji Pavilion is naturally to use these quasi-emperors to establish its prestige! Everyone knows this.

Everyone was looking forward to it. These Quasi-Emperors could fight with the people of Shenji Pavilion. They could also see what extraordinary abilities the Pavilion Master of Shenji Pavilion had. He could suppress those Martial Emperors with his level of a third-grade martial artist.

However, being able to cultivate to the Quasi-Emperor level, of course

However, they are all smart people, how could they be willing to test the law?

Then, the eleven quasi-emperors left this area without saying a word and went to the area next to sit down.


Seeing these quasi-emperors give in, everyone was a little disappointed. They thought there would be a good show, but it ended before it even started.

Seven days later, the most central area of ​​Tianqiu Valley welcomed a new owner.

Since this area already belongs to the Shenji Pavilion, these two ninth-grade martial saints will naturally plant the flag of the Shenji Pavilion here.

However, at this moment, something strange happened!

A purple figure fell from the sky and instantly shook the two ninth-grade martial saints away.

"I am the master of Kunshan, this place belongs to me!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw an extremely ugly purple-clothed woman standing quietly on the flag of the Shenji Pavilion.

Suddenly, another muffled sound came.

The flag of the Shenji Pavilion, which was flying high just now, turned into countless fragments in an instant and floated in the air.

"What a great Lord of Kunshan, do you know the consequences of provoking my Shenji Pavilion!"

The Lord of Kunshan's behavior was undoubtedly a provocation to the Shenji Pavilion.

"Is stepping on the flag a provocation? Then I had already overturned your Shenji Pavilion before I came here, so what can you do?"

The Lord of Kunshan glanced at Wan Ergou, three parts contempt, three parts provocation, and four parts disapproval.

"I came here today just to kill you!"

Before Wan Ergou, who was already furious, spoke again, the Lord of Kunshan took the lead in explaining her purpose.


Hearing this, Wan Ergou seemed to have heard a big joke and couldn't help laughing like a pig.

In Wan Ergou's view, a native who tried to kill a traverser with a system was undoubtedly courting death.

He was laughing at the stupidity of the Lord of Kunshan!

At this time, Ye Yu stood on the sky, overlooking the wonderful play being performed below.

This drama was planned and led by Ye Yu himself. He let the Lord of Kunshan and Wan Ergou meet in advance for the purpose of this once-in-a-lifetime good show.

When two arrogant time travelers meet, they will definitely create different fireworks. In the duel, it depends on whose golden finger is better.

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