The old man was buried in the tomb.

In the center of Wuwang City, there stands a giant tower that soars into the sky. It is like a pillar that reaches the sky, closely connecting the vast land and the boundless sky. People call it the "Wuwang Tower".

Wuwang Tower has ninety-nine floors. It is the highest and most sacred existence in Wuwang City. Only Emperor Wu is qualified to enter the Wuwang Tower.

However, no one knows when Wuwang Tower was built, and no one knows who built it. It seems to have existed since ancient times.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the silver light is all over the earth.

In front of this ancient and mysterious Wuwang Tower, forty Emperor Wu stood quietly like a group of devout believers.

The Martial Emperor standing in the front was Liang Haofeng, the only 9th-rank Martial Emperor in Wuwang City.

Liang Haofeng's eyes swept across the 39 Martial Emperors neatly arranged in front of him, and asked, "Are all the sacrifices ready?"

His voice was deep and powerful, with an irresistible majesty.

An old man in a black robe slowly stepped forward and came to Liang Haofeng. He was the second strongest man in Wuwang City, Ling Yu, an 8th-rank Martial Emperor.

Ling Yu nodded slightly and replied respectfully, "Well! Everything is the same as before, and it has been prepared."

Hearing this, Liang Haofeng nodded, turned to face everyone, and said in a deep voice, "In that case, let's go in, don't let the Lord Demon wait too long."

As soon as the voice fell, he took the lead and walked towards the Wuwang Tower, followed by the other Martial Emperors.

When the last Martial Emperor stepped into the Wuwang Tower, Ye Xiaobai's figure emerged from the endless darkness.

At this moment, beads of sweat kept falling from his forehead, as if he had just experienced a life-and-death test.

God knows how nervous he was just now. He even dared not breathe too heavily, for fear of alerting those Martial Emperors and exposing himself.

"Fortunately, I have practiced the invisibility skill, which can hide from the perception of those Martial Emperors." Ye Xiaobai secretly rejoiced, "But, what exactly is the sacrifice they are talking about? And who is that demon lord? Is he really the terrifying existence in the legend?"

Countless questions lingered in Ye Xiaobai's mind.

"No matter what, let's follow them and see. I always feel that these Martial Emperors have bad intentions."

Then, Ye Xiaobai used the invisibility skill again, wanting to enter the Wuwang Tower without anyone noticing.

However, when he was about to enter the Wuwang Tower, he found that there was a transparent barrier at the entrance of the Wuwang Tower.

"Boundary?" Ye Xiaobai touched the transparent boundary in front of him with his fingertips, and murmured, "What should I do? If I forcefully break this barrier, the Martial Emperor inside will definitely notice it."

Just when Ye Xiaobai was worrying about how to enter the Wuwang Tower without alerting the Martial Emperor, the originally indestructible barrier suddenly cracked a gap silently! Although the gap was not big, it was enough for one person to pass through.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Ye Xiaobai looked around vigilantly, but found nothing.

"Forget it, who cares who he is? Let's go in and take a look first!"

Then, Ye Xiaobai quietly entered the Wuwang Tower through the gap.

At the same time, Ye Yu's figure also emerged from the endless darkness.

"This barrier seems to be the barrier of the Wuwang Tower itself. Only the Martial Emperors and above will not be affected."

Just now, those Martial Emperors seemed to have no sense of the existence of the barrier, but Ye Xiaobai was blocked by the barrier.

Analyzing from two different situations, Ye Yu already has some answers in his mind.

As the warriors in Wuwang City said, Wuwang Tower has existed since ancient times. This mysterious pagoda is to suppress the "demon lords" in the mouths of the martial emperors.

There is a cold and strange atmosphere in the Wuwang Tower, which makes people shudder. Various murals are engraved on the walls, which are lifelike, and there are some ancient texts.

Under the leadership of Liang Haofeng, dozens of martial emperors slowly walked up the spiral staircase. Their steps seemed particularly heavy. With every step, they could feel the strong pressure in the Wuwang Tower, making their breathing difficult.

Time passed by minute by minute, and they didn't know how long they had walked, and finally reached the top of the tower. When they stepped on the last step, the scene in front of them was another scene.

Compared with the narrowness and depression of the first ninety-eight floors, the ninety-ninth floor is simply another world. This place is extremely vast, and there is no end in sight. Only the blood light in front of everyone is extremely obvious.


Liang Haofeng took a deep breath, walked to the blood light, put his hands together, knelt down, and shouted devoutly: "Demon Lord, your devout believer wants to see you."

Seeing this, other martial emperors followed suit. For a time, the sacred and weird were intertwined in this space.

Standing not far away, Ye Xiaobai stared at the blood light in front of him, and a chill surged in his heart: "Is this the Demon Lord they are talking about?"

After a devout prayer, Liang Haofeng raised his head and said loudly: "Let's start! Offer the sacrifice to the Demon Lord!"

As his voice fell, a martial emperor took out a blood-colored gourd from his arms. In an instant, countless ghosts rushed out of the blood-colored gourd.

For a time, the cry of countless babies echoed in this space.


Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaobai took a breath: "These ghosts are all newborn babies. Judging from the number, there should be no less than tens of millions. It's simply crazy."

Then, a laugh that was neither human nor ghost sounded.

"Hehehe... Delicious..."

This creepy laugh came from the blood light.

There is no doubt that he wanted to devour the souls of those babies.

Then, a chilling, gloomy and terrifying breath gushed out from the blood light, like a surging torrent, instantly sweeping and filling the entire space.

Those baby souls that were originally wandering around and crying seemed to feel unprecedented fear. They fled in panic, trying to escape from this terrible area.

"Run! The more you struggle, the more interesting I find it!"

A creepy sneer came out again in the blood light.

There is no doubt that the being in the blood, the guy called the Demon Lord, is full of morbid enthusiasm and enjoyment for the "he flees, he chases, he can't fly away" drama performed by these prey in front of him.

These babies were already weaklings with no ability to fight back when they were alive. Even if they became ghosts after death, they were still lambs to be slaughtered. Their fate seemed to have been determined long ago, and they could not escape the palm of the Demon Lord.

The forty martial emperors standing next to the blood light watched everything happening in front of them with indifference. They had long been accustomed to such scenes.

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