The two of them met with an unexpected accident in Hehua Temple. If Huang Mei didn't take revenge, he would not be a gentleman. Huang Mei would make the murderer pay with blood! However, Huang Mei knew very little about the demon in Hehua Temple, and he didn't even know his origins and background. How could he dare to act rashly? He originally planned to send a few more capable men to spy on the intelligence, but when he glanced at the people below, he couldn't help but feel helpless and sighed. After all, Qingde and Qingyun are the two strongest people besides him, and the strength of the other elders is not as good as these two. If they are sent to explore the enemy, it would be like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth, seeking death.

In this case, it seems that only by taking risks and going to Hehua Temple in person can the truth be found out.

So, Huang Mei cast his eyes on the group of elders below, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly: "I decided to go to Hehua Temple in person to meet that devil!"

As soon as this was said, it was immediately opposed by all the elders. One elder shouted loudly: "No, Abbot! It's too dangerous to do this!"

Before he finished speaking, another elder also quickly echoed: "Abbot, please think twice before acting! Don't take risks!"

For a time, many elders stood up and expressed strong opposition to Huang Mei's decision.

They knew that if Huang Mei had any problems, it would undoubtedly be a heavy blow to Xiao Leiyin Temple.

Because Huang Mei is not only the only martial saint in the temple, but also the spiritual pillar and symbol of strength of the entire temple.

Losing him is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Xiao Leiyin Temple, and the same is true for the entire Western Region.

However, in the face of everyone's earnest advice, Huang Mei was unmoved.

He shook his head slowly, his eyes were extremely firm, and said in an unquestionable tone: "I have made up my mind, no need to persuade me anymore. I will set off for Hehua Temple early tomorrow morning."

After speaking, Huang Mei turned and left, leaving behind a group of worried elders.

When Huang Mei walked away, the elders suddenly fell into panic. One of the elders sighed helplessly: "What should we do?"

Another elder suggested: "Why don't we go to Kong Hui to discuss it? He is the only disciple of the abbot. Maybe he can persuade the abbot to change his mind."

This suggestion was also unanimously approved by the elders.

Then, a dozen elders with solemn expressions suddenly appeared in front of Kong Hui's courtyard. They walked quickly to Kong Hui and stood in a row. The atmosphere was extremely tense.

Seeing this, Kong Hui quickly put his hands together, bowed to the elders, and asked respectfully: "Elders, why do you come here in person? I wonder what important matters you want to discuss?"

His voice was calm and gentle, and his eyes revealed a hint of wisdom.

After the elders looked at each other, they spoke one after another, telling the whole story one by one like pouring out bitter water.

One of the elders said earnestly: "Kong Hui, you must persuade your master!"

Another elder also echoed: "That's right! Now only you can make your master change his mind!"

Then, several elders said in unison: "Kong Hui, the future and fate of Xiao Leiyin Temple all depend on you!"

For a while, the sound of exhortation resounded throughout the courtyard, all of whom hoped that Kong Hui could persuade Huang Mei not to take risks.

Facing the expectant eyes of everyone, Kong Hui nodded silently, indicating that he had understood everyone's intentions.

"Don't worry, elders. I understand what you mean." Kong Hui said softly.

Hearing this, the anxiety of the elders was slightly relieved.

"There is no time to lose. Go find your master!" One of the elders urged.

Kong Hui nodded again and replied, "Yes!"

Then, Kong Hui turned and walked towards the depths of the temple.

Looking at Kong Hui's back as he walked away, the elders finally felt relieved.

However, they were not completely relaxed and couldn't help thinking: I wonder if Kong Hui can really persuade the abbot?

Someone said confidently: "Kong Hui will definitely be more effective than us. Let's wait patiently for the good news from Kong Hui!"

Others listened and nodded in agreement.

However, unexpectedly, the next morning, everyone learned that the abbot had

The news of setting off for Hehua Temple was spread by the gatekeeper.

After hearing this news, one of the elders turned pale and said in astonishment: "How could this be? We clearly asked Konghui to go and persuade the abbot, why did the abbot go to Hehua Temple alone? Oh, right! Where is Konghui? Where is he now?"

After the voice fell, another person replied: "Konghui...he has accompanied the abbot to Hehua Temple!"

Hearing this, all the elders present felt dizzy and almost fainted.

Oh my God!

What should we do?

Originally, we hoped that Konghui could persuade the abbot to change his mind, but who would have thought that he would follow the abbot!

This is simply adding insult to injury!

You know, one is Kong Hui's master, the abbot of Xiao Leiyin Temple, who is the most powerful person in Xiao Leiyin Temple; the other is Kong Hui himself, as the direct disciple of the abbot, he is the most gifted and outstanding talent in the history of Xiao Leiyin Temple.

If this master and apprentice encounter an accident, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

By then, Xiao Leiyin Temple may decline rapidly, and may even go extinct.

Thinking of this, the elders looked ashen.

At this moment, one of the elders suddenly stood up and shouted: "No! We can't just sit there and wait for death! We must catch up immediately!"

Then, another elder also echoed: "That's right! There is no time to lose, let's act quickly! If we catch up now, we may still catch up!"

As the voice fell, the other elders expressed their agreement and shouted excitedly: "There is no time to lose, let's go!"

For a moment, everyone wanted to run to Hehua Temple.

At this time, Huang Mei and Kong Hui were already halfway.

As they were about to reach Hehua Temple, Kong Hui couldn't help but feel a little worried, and slowly asked, "Master, are you sure about this trip?"

Hearing this, Huang Mei smiled slightly, patted Kong Hui's shoulder, and answered confidently, "Don't worry! Kong Hui. Your master is a fifth-rank martial saint after all, and his strength should not be underestimated. Even if you can't defeat that demon, it's not difficult to take you away with you."

"Hmm..." Kong Hui said softly.

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