The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of dust.

Inside the Tianfeng Palace.

"How is it, is there any news?"

A low but majestic voice sounded, but there was a hint of fatigue in the tone.

"Reporting... Your Majesty... For the time being... Not yet..."

A servant knelt on the ground, trembling all over, and answered hesitantly.

"A bunch of trash, what use do I have for you? It's been a month, and I haven't found the evil monster yet!" Feng Wuji roared.

In just one month, more than 100,000 people have been killed, but the culprit is still at large.

The first time, only a few hundred people were turned into mummies, the second time, more than 10,000 people were turned into mummies, and the third time, more than 100,000 people were turned into mummies...

If this continues, I'm afraid that the next time, millions of people will be turned into mummies.

A million people, that's equivalent to one twentieth of the population of the capital.

Feng Wuji couldn't imagine how terrible it would be to have a million floating corpses.

Just when Feng Wuji was having a headache about this matter, Feng Ao walked in and half-knelt and said, "Father, there are some clues."

"Speak!" Feng Wuji said anxiously.

"Yesterday, a strange thing happened in Qianzhou City. A black fog appeared over the entire Qianzhou, and the air was filled with a faint smell of blood. I suspect it has something to do with that blood-sucking monster..." Feng Ao analyzed.

"That makes sense."

Regardless of whether the strange phenomenon that appeared over Qianzhou City was related to the blood-sucking monster, they could no longer sit and wait for death. They must take precautions in advance to avoid the situation he just thought of.

Thinking of this, Feng Wuji slowly said: "This time, I will personally take charge of Qianzhou City and see if that evil spirit dares to act recklessly."

"Father, no, you are a noble king, how can you go out in person, it is better to send Wang Gongfeng and Li Gongfeng." Feng Ao advised.

Feng Wuji's tone was firm and unquestionable: "No need, I have made up my mind!"

The reason why Feng Wuji wanted to go to Qianzhou City in person was because he had always had an ominous premonition recently.

Moreover, when Feng Ao told him about the strange phenomenon in Qianzhou City just now, this ominous premonition was once again intensified.

So this time he had to go to Qianzhou City to take a look, otherwise, he would feel uneasy.

Seeing that his father had made up his mind, Feng Ao no longer dissuaded him.

The next morning, the two disguised themselves and came to Qianzhou City together.

As soon as he entered Qianzhou City, Feng Wuji smelled a faint smell of blood. When he looked up, he saw a black fog in the sky, which was extremely strange.

With his knowledge as a martial emperor, he still couldn't see anything unusual about it.

"It is indeed a bit strange..." Feng Wuji frowned and said, "Forget it, we will fight against the enemy and cover the water with earth..."

Since he was personally in charge of Qianzhou City, he didn't believe that there were any evil spirits that dared to invade here.

If there were, just kill them!

Outside Qianzhou City, there was a small forest.

"Master, the blood sacrifice formation has been arranged." Asan and Asi knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

"Okay! Let this Qianzhou City become the nutrients for me to step into the ninth-grade martial emperor!"

Li Yuan's eyes were filled with cruel and bloodthirsty light.

Then, Li Yuan brought Asan and Asi to Qianzhou City, and the center of the blood sacrifice formation was arranged under the square in the center of Qianzhou City.

Li Yuan walked towards the center of Qianzhou City. Along the way, he attracted many people's attention because of his gray robe and the dead air all over his body.

"Who is this?"

"I haven't seen him before. He shouldn't be from Qianzhou City!"

"I guess he came from another place."

Li Yuan didn't care about the whispers of these people at all, because in his eyes, these people were not people, but a group of blood food, which would become the nutrients for him to enter the ninth-grade martial emperor.

Ignoring the eyes of the crowd, Li Yuan took Ah San and Ah Si to the central square slowly.

The strange dress and cold breath naturally attracted Feng Wuji's attention.

"Who is this? Why does his breath make me so uncomfortable." Feng Wuji murmured.

Seeing Li Yuan disappearing from his sight little by little, Feng Wuji didn't have time to think about it, and said to Feng Ao: "Let's follow the person in front."

The two followed Li Yuan all the way to the central square.

"What are the three of them doing here?" Feng Ao asked in confusion.

Feng Wuji frowned

Frowning, the uneasiness in his heart reached its peak since he came to the central square.

Li Yuan stood there quietly, and Ah San and Ah Si also stepped aside.

After a long time, Li Yuan hummed softly and raised his hands, and blood-colored spiritual power slowly entered the ground from his hands.

These blood-colored spiritual powers made Feng Wuji feel cold all over, and the haze of fear and uneasiness surged in his heart.

Stop him!

He must be stopped!

This was the only thought in Feng Wuji's mind at the moment.

Then, Feng Wuji's body reacted faster than his brain, and the spiritual power in his body surged, gathered in his palm, and slapped directly towards Li Yuan's head.

Facing this sudden attack, Li Yuan's expression did not change at all, but he lightly raised his right hand, and then dissolved Feng Wuji's attack, and shook his backhand, and Feng Wuji's figure flew backwards in an instant.

Feng Wuji fell heavily to the ground, spitting blood, and muttered: "Eighth-grade Martial Emperor?"

Feng Ao, who was watching the battle just now, saw Feng Wuji being knocked out, and hurriedly ran to Feng Wuji, helped him up, and hurriedly said: "Send a message to the ancestor immediately, an eighth-grade Martial Emperor has appeared in Qianzhou City, come to meet the enemy quickly."

Eighth-grade Martial Emperor!

Feng Ao was stunned for a moment. The gray-robed man in front of him turned out to be an eighth-grade Martial Emperor.

An eighth-grade Martial Emperor actually appeared in Tianfeng Kingdom, and he came with bad intentions.

As far as he knew, the two ancestors of their royal family, one was a fourth-grade Martial Emperor, and the other was a seventh-grade Martial Emperor. If the two joined forces, could they really deal with an eighth-grade Martial Emperor?

"Why are you standing there? Send a message quickly." Feng Wuji saw that Feng Ao was hesitant to move, so he suppressed his own injuries and shouted at Feng Ao.

This roar made Feng Ao come back to his senses, and he quickly took out the sound transmission talisman, and sent a message to the ancestor to come to Qianzhou City to meet the enemy quickly.

"Are you asking for help?" Li Yuan said coldly with a sinister look in his eyes.

"So what!" Feng Wuji said, holding on to his injured body.

"It's useless. The blood sacrifice formation has been activated. It's too late. Do you see the blood barrier above your head? The entire Qianzhou City has been blocked by me. Without the strength of a martial arts master, you can't break the blood barrier.

After six hours, the blood sacrifice formation will play its true role, and the people of the entire Qianzhou City will become the nutrients for entering the ninth-grade martial emperor."

Li Yuan's face showed excitement.

Blood sacrifice formation?

"It's you. You did everything that happened before." As if he had thought of something, Feng Wuji stared at Li Yuan closely and said with a firm tone.

"That's right!"

Li Yuan's affirmative answer made Feng Wuji furious, and he cursed: "You beast, your behavior is no different from that of a demon!"

Li Yuan ignored Feng Wuji's shouting and cursing. In his eyes, Feng Wuji was just a ball of blood food that he was about to eat, not enough to cause the slightest fluctuation in his emotions.

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