I was imprisoned in the void, his body was unable to move, and the big hole in his heart seemed to be a Bottomless Abyss, which emptied his strength.

The old man’s way, he comprehended the avenue of his life, and immediately began to emerge, right inside the Void, extremely brilliant, like gorgeous fireworks, blooming in the dark, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

Although it was short, it shocked the immortal domain in this brief moment.

In front of one's eyes, Lin Jiufeng made a Great Immortal technique, and then a finger pointed, an immortal gorgeous Dao Transformation died.

This is too terrifying.

This scene stunned everyone. The widows and children of Immortal Court suck in a breath of cold air.

The look they looked towards Lin Jiufeng changed.

The arrogance just now is gone.

Instead, there is crazy killing intent.

The seven elder widows in the lead stared at Lin Jiufeng at this moment, as if the Buddha opened his eyes, hell appeared in his eyes, with a deep killing intent.

"It seems that you dare to come to the immortal domain to go wild, relying on your own strength." A dumb-faced old man said, his five claws spread out, like eagle claws, very terrifying, across the void, The brand was deeply nicked.

Lin Jiufeng looked at him and asked: "How long have you not been to see the outside world?"

The dull-faced old man frowned: "Outside the mortal world, What's so good about it?"

Other people heard about the mortal world and dismissed it.

Lin Jiufeng said seriously: "The mortal people are living seriously, do you know? The world outside is now ruled by a dynasty called Feathered Divine Dynasty."

"Under the rule of the Feathered Divine Dynasty, the elderly are provided for, the young are dependent, and the law is treated the same. Children have access to education, have boundless prospects, and those who do not have cultivation will not be precarious. They can learn other crafts. Feed your family, worry about food and clothing, and reproduce offspring." Lin Jiufeng said.

But all the widows and children of Immortal Court all looked at Lin Jiufeng with their mentally disabled eyes.

"Mortals die in a hundred years. Like leeks, they are harvested every once in a while to make sure that they won’t die. You are an immortal. What are you talking about with us about mortals?" Next to the dull widow, a black clothed old man sneered, utterly dismissing mortals.

Lin Jiufeng looked at him with deep eyes, and suddenly said with a smile: "If you don't want to listen to mortals, then I will tell you about ten thousand races. You should be interested in ten thousand races."


As soon as this statement came out, these elders and children were really interested.

The contempt, disdain, and even indifference to mortals have all disappeared.

"Thousands of people, they came back to this World?" asked the dumb-faced widow.

"Of course, they came to this World." Lin Jiufeng nodded.

"The Feathered Divine Dynasty in your mouth, can you still resist the ten thousand races?" The black clothed old man chuckled and looked down on Feathered Divine Dynasty in his heart.

A dynasty that cares like leeks, what is the future?

Immortal Court’s elders and children don’t care about them. Back then, Immortal Court was aloof and remote. Now they are still aloof and remote.

Lin Jiufeng looked at them with cold eyes, but he still smiled and said: "The Feathered Divine Dynasty that you look down on has suppressed the ten thousand races, the most powerful Immemorial Divine Mountain among the ten thousand races. It was also destroyed by the Feathered Divine Dynasty. Countless ethnic groups have joined the Feathered Divine Dynasty. We live in harmony. In the era of Spiritual Qi recovery, we will step into a new era together."

"Impossible!" The stupid widow’s eyes widened, and he flatly shouted, not believing what Lin Jiufeng said.

"Will all races take refuge in a Divine Dynasty built by a Human Race?"

"Immemorial Divine Mountain will be destroyed by Feathered Divine Dynasty?"

"Harmony Coexist and step forward together into a new era?"

The dull-faced elder had a clear attitude and questioned Lin Jiufeng.

Then, he categorically shouted: "What you said is just a idiotic dream!"

Other widows and children have this attitude, and it's not that they haven't contacted the ten thousand races.

Although they don’t think much of Ten Thousand Races, Ten Thousand Races are much stronger than Human Race. How could it be what Lin Jiufeng said?

Lin Jiufeng looked at these stubborn elders and children, and asked with a sneer: "How long have you not been out to see?"

"Always aloof and remote, you never I’ve been in contact with the earth, and I’m standing in the clouds to see this World, but I don’t know that the times have changed a long time ago. The world in your cognition has long been changed to the world."

"But you are holding Inherent impression, refusing to understand, but rebutting me arrogantly, is simply unattainable."

"A group of ancient deadwoods, viewing the sky from the bottom of a well frogs, Eyes Obscured by a Single Leaf The fool!"

Lin Jiufeng cursed unceremoniously.

The dull face looked at Lin Jiufeng. He was tall, with hands like eagle claws, tall and thin, like a corpse, staring at Lin Jiufeng, bringing chills.

"It seems that you came here for those mortals." The black clothed old man surveyed.

Lin Jiufeng shook his head and said: "Not for mortals, but for this World, Mortal World you look down on."

"What a big tone!" The dumb-faced old man shouted "For the sake of this World, do you dare to say it?"

"Why can't you say it?" Lin Jiufeng stood with his hands up, his head held high, and he looked at a group of elders and children in front of him, he was fearless.

Slam Fang Qiu, book business madness.

"No one can say that for this World, what you are talking about is just high-sounding. What kind of treasure is in my immortal domain. It is worth your effort to convince Zhou Qing, what did you promise him? Treasure, let him betray us?" the black clothed old man asked coldly.

The group of elders and children in the immortal domain gradually surrounded Lin Jiufeng, flanked on three sides, trapping Lin Jiufeng, so they were not so anxious and wanted to ask more clearly.

For the betrayal of Zhou Qing, this group of elders and children hated in the bones, so they wanted to find out the purpose of Lin Jiufeng, and why did Zhou Qing betray them?

Lin Jiufeng thought about it carefully, and said: "I really miss the treasure in this immortal domain. You stole World Source back then, and I focused on this thing."

The dull-faced old man smiled, scornfully, and said: "You are really bold, this is the foundation of our immortal domain, and you dare to think about it?"

"treasure, well, Everyone wants it, and I am no exception." Lin Jiufeng was surrounded, but he was not worried at all, and said his thoughts.

"Then how did you persuade Zhou Qing to betray us?" The black clothed old man asked reluctantly.

He just wanted to figure out why?

Lin Jiufeng looked at him and said, "I promised him nothing. I just said that I could crush this immortal domain, and he promised me. He did it for his own freedom, not treasure. "



"He is also a leader in the immortal domain. He is not free yet?"

black clothed the old man spurned.

"Give you the freedom of being a dog, I have had enough!" Zhou Qing suddenly came to the immortal domain world from Daoist Huang Long's Small World, standing behind Lin Jiufeng and said.

He has realized the current situation, and his only way to survive is to expect Lin Jiufeng to smash the immortal domain and slay this group of elders and children.

Apart from this, he has no other way to survive.

The black clothed old man stared at Zhou Qing, his eyes were breathing fire, that was anger.

Different from the anger towards Lin Jiufeng, this anger is filled with endless regrets.

"I trust you so much, promote you, and then immortal domain Great Accomplishment, restore the glory of Immortal Court, you are the first batch of heroes of Immortal Court, why betray me?" black clothed old man bite Grinding his teeth, holding back his anger, questioned Zhou Qing.

His hands were trembling, he was afraid that a slap would fall, and he would slap Zhou Qing to death.

Zhou Qing sneered: "The trust in me is my compliment to you for tens of thousands of years, to please you, to be a dog in front of you, humbly and begging for mercy, your so-called trust is trampling My dignity, don’t say it’s so grand-sounding."

"As for restoring the glory of Immortal Court in the past?"

"I'm just talking about dreams."

"Just you Hiding in the immortal domain for more than 10,000 years did not dare to go out, and did not even understand the information of the outside world. I closed myself and lived a stable life in the immortal domain. In addition to squeezing us, enjoying the glory of Supreme, immersed all around the past. In the splendor of Immortal Court, daydreaming, what have you done?"

"A group of wastes that have not succeeded but failed!"

"You still want to recover Immortal Court is shining to the sun, and it’s a laugh. I would rather believe in Master Lin Jiufeng than that the waste of your Immortal Court can restore its glory."

"Lying on the past merits and doing it The Spring and Autumn Dream, this is the daily life of your trash."

"Now the spiritual liquid is in my hands, you can't threaten me anymore, as long as Master Lin Jiufeng can destroy you and crush the immortal domain. , Then I’ll win the bet."

Zhou Qing yelled and spoke out surprisingly, one after another, these widows and children of Immortal Court who scolded were dumbfounded, and then glared at him, but there was no way to interrupt Zhou Qing. .

Suppressed for more than 10,000 years, Zhou Qing is now willing to fight it out.

The worst plan is Lin Jiufeng's failure, and he died with him.

So it's better to get over the mouth addiction first.

Vent out all the anger and resentment in my heart.

"Do you dare to scold us, courting death!" The black clothed old man was completely angry.

His anger has really been silent for thousands of years of volcanic eruption, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, out of control.

Anger at Lin Jiufeng.

The anger towards Zhou Qing.

He decisively shot, a big hand condensed in the void, and then directly oppression come down.

Heaven Holding Great Hand Seal!

This is the Immortal Technique in Immortal Court. There is a lot of excitement, and the oppression come down, to slap Zhou Qing to death.

"Your opponent today is me!" Lin Jiufeng said coldly, he stepped out, and with a bang, a stone platform appeared under him.

Wai Jiangtai!

This is Lin Jiufeng's confidence, I don't know the powerful treasure of rank.

【Millions of Spiritual God are generals, millions and millions of creatures are soldiers. 】

【Three thousand stars are written, Eternally Blue Sky is written. 】

At this moment, really show off.


As soon as the admiration stage came out, the immortal domain vibrated, and the terrifying energy spread rapidly, such as the irretrievable tsunami, slapping the shore, extremely terrifying power, and instantly destroyed Everything.

Includes the Heaven Holding Great Hand Seal of the black clothed old man.

The Great Hand Seal condensed by Immortal Technique was instantly destroyed, and then swept away, moving towards black clothed and the old man rushed over.

The black clothed old man's pupils shrank sharply, and with a wave of his big sleeve, a huge shield appeared.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!

The horrible energy impacted the shield, the shield trembling, cracking, and then exploding.


The black clothed old man spouted blood and was thrown into the air. The hot energy washed his body.

"Let's take action together and kill this person!" The black clothed old man shouted angrily, his face grim and painful.

As soon as the stage of worshiping the generals came out, the group of elders and children in the immortal domain couldn't sit still. They shot one by one to suppress the stage of worshipping the generals and punish Lin Jiufeng.

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