Chapter 319 with a radius of five hundred miles

Once young and frivolous, Monk Ananda considered himself a peerless genius.

Different from Ouyang Xiu.

If he goes down to the Buddhist scriptures, he can also comprehend the truths in the Buddhist scriptures, and then after the old monk’s on-demand broadcast, he can draw inferences about it.

When I was a teenager, he was high-spirited and vigorous. Although he was humble on the surface, he was very proud on the inside, thinking that no one in the world could be smarter than him.

The Great Thunder Sound Temple was still there at the time. He wanted to worship the Great Thunder Sound Temple and went to the Great Thunder Sound Temple.

But this journey of self-confidence to pray for Buddha ended in failure.

He didn't even pass the entry exam for Great Thunder Sound Temple.

He collapsed.

He flies into a rage.

The most embarrassing thing in his life is that in the Great Thunder Sound Temple, in front of the Buddha statue of Shakyamuni Great Emperor, he swears and swears to be like a shrew.

Then several decades passed......

Immortal Court and Divine Race fought, the world changed drastically, and the Great Thunder Sound Temple became a ruin. No one knows the reason.

The monk Ananda at that time encountered the remains of the Great Thunder Sound Temple. He was enthusiastic about moving out the Buddhist scriptures of the Great Emperor Shakyamuni and comprehending it by himself.


He couldn't comprehend it.

The thoughts conveyed by Sakyamuni’s Great Emperor’s Buddhist scriptures conflict with his strongly rebellious thoughts in his youth.

Either he obediently listened to the thoughts conveyed by Sakyamuni's Great Emperor Buddhist scriptures.

Or just follow his own ideas and keep going.

Monk Ananda struggled with this all his life.

So much so that he was enchanted.

After being enchanted, it is rare for him to wake up, only to realize that he has gone to extremes.

Then, he seriously reflected and re-established the Great Thunder Sound Temple as a fake Buddha, passing on the wisdom of the Great Thunder Sound Temple.

And he himself has been comprehending.

As the years get older, with the increase in experience, and with the deepening of thoughts, many of the false ideas he believed in the past are now gradually recognized by him.

So Monk Ananda's feelings about the Great Emperor of Shakyamuni are extremely complicated.

But after all, after studying it, it is still a word.

He【love】Sakyamuni Great Emperor.

So the remains of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, after 20,000 years, they are well preserved, and they are not damaged at all.

Until now, Monk Ananda brought Lin Jiufeng to Wanshan Cave.

The open seal is still complete and shocking, buried deep underground, just like the Great Thunder Sound Temple with mountains and mountains.

Monk Ananda said: "After the Great Thunder Sound Temple became a relic, it was buried deep in the desert. Wanshan Cave is the name I gave it. The desert is endless, with extreme water shortage and high temperature No one wants to live here, and naturally no one can find it here, and I have always regarded this place as a habitat for the soul, and come here once in a while."

Entering Wanshan Cave is equivalent to entering A fantasy, unbelievable underground world.

Like the continuous ups and downs of the mountain range above the ground.

The same goes for deep underground.

There is a mountain standing here, on which is carved a Buddha with eyes closed, his hands clasped together, his expression is serene and lifelike, as if it were real.

There are also Buddhist scriptures carved on the stone wall. Every word and sentence are Buddhist primordial scriptures, some of which were said by the Great Emperor himself.

Lin Jiufeng came in and looked at all around, only to feel a special feeling enveloped.

Buddhism scripture, the prosperous Hongda, this is the very beginning, the original scripture.

【Do you sign in before the Great Thunder Sound Temple ruins? 】

Just when Lin Jiufeng was feeling emotional, a line of words appeared before his eyes.

Lin Jiufeng calmly agreed.

【Sign in successfully, get the Three Buddhist scriptures! 】

A Buddhist scripture appeared in Lin Jiufeng's mind, and then the chants of Venerable Supreme sounded, and the Sanskrit sound entered the ears, accompanied by the avenue, and passed to Lin Jiufeng's memory.

"What secret technique is the three-time Buddhist scripture?" Lin Jiufeng curiously asked.

When he read the Buddhist scriptures, he would not understand it for a while.

One hundred years ago, because of Emperor Yuan's reforms, Buddhism in Jiangnan was too rampant, causing Lin Jiufeng to be very bad about their senses, and there has been no careful study of Buddhism since then.

Until now.

So he now needs to figure out what this third-generation Buddhist scripture is.

【The Three Buddhist Sutras are the Supreme Dharma of Buddhism, representing the crystallization of Sakyamuni’s Great Emperor’s enlightenment. The three Supreme states, together, form the Three-time Dharma. 】

This piece of information surprised Lin Jiufeng lifts the head. It turns out that the Three Buddhist Sutras are the Supreme Dharma involving time.

"This is too powerful, I want to study seriously." Lin Jiufeng began to learn, and the three Buddhist scriptures flowed into the heart field like flowing water.

In silence, Lin Jiufeng became stronger again.

Monk Ananda opened Formation and walked in front of him and said: "The Great Thunder Sound Temple was originally built among mountains and valleys. It was extremely magnificent, but it fell behind, the world changed drastically, and a great desert fell. , Has turned the Great Thunder Sound Temple into what it is now."

"Everything in the past has been buried underneath. If it hadn’t been discovered earlier, Great Thunder Sound Temple would not know how long it would be buried. No one knows the legend of Sakyamuni's Great Emperor." Monk Ananda laughed and said proudly.

This is true.

Lin Jiufeng agrees.

Because no monk Ananda built the fake Great Thunder Sound Temple in the Western Desert and spread it for 20,000 years, the inheritance of the Great Thunder Sound Temple has long been broken.

Although Ananda monk is not orthodox from the Great Thunder Sound Temple.

But people have the scriptures of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, the method of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, and the inheritance of the Great Thunder Sound Temple.

Because of him, until now, the legend of the Great Thunder Sound Temple still exists in the Western Desert.

"I have a feeling..." Ouyang Xiu, who had been silent all the time, suddenly raised his hand and said hesitantly.

"What?" Lin Jiufeng looked towards him.

Monk Ananda also looked towards him.

From entering the desert, to Wanshan Cave, and then into the remains of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, he has been silent.

It seemed that something happened that made him worry about it.

"I... sensed the senior fluctuations in Immortal Court." Ouyang Xiu swallowed and said.

He was frightened himself.

Monk Ananda's eyelids throbbed, and his heart squatted. He said inconceivably: "What did you say?"

"Here is the remains of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, only in 20,000 years I've been here, why are the people at Immortal Court here?" Monk Ananda shook his head frantically, not believing this.

Lin Jiufeng's face became serious, he did not speak, he was waiting for Ouyang Xiu to explain clearly.

"But I really sensed it, look at it." Ouyang Xiu raised his left hand.

I saw the rays of light exuding from his left hand, turning into a "Xian" symbol.

"This is the energy of the Immortal Court Supreme Treasure dragon boat. You can sense the people of Immortal Court in a 500-mile radius, even if it is a corpse. I came to Western Desert and wanted to use this to find Immortal. Court’s army."

"Then, I came here."

"It lights up by itself."

Monk Ananda shut up and said nothing. .

Lin Jiufeng has a deep gaze, and said: "That is to say, within five hundred miles, there are people from Immortal Court."

Ouyang Xiu glanced at Lin Jiufeng in fear, nodded .

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