Chapter 322 Cangyang Jiacuo

Lin Jiufeng saw the picture before him collapse in a trance.

In the next second, he saw Monk Ananda stretched out his hand and pushed him, cautiously said: "Jiufeng Great Emperor, are you okay?"

Lin Jiufeng saw the huge I saw the statue of Sakyamuni Great Emperor, I saw the statue kneeling on the ground, I saw the Ananda monk and Ouyang Xiu with nervous faces.

He is back to reality!

"What's wrong?" Lin Jiufeng asked Monk Ananda.

"You have been motionless for a day." Monk Ananda said.

"Has it been a day?" Lin Jiufeng was stunned.

He just thinks it's been a while, didn't expect it's been a day.

"Nine Phoenix Great Emperor, are you okay?" Monk Ananda asked worriedly.

This is definitely not about Lin Jiufeng's body.

I'm worried about my Soul Source.

After all, once Lin Jiufeng has an accident, they will have to follow the bad luck, Soul Source is pinched by Lin Jiufeng.

"I'm fine, there is nothing good to see here, take me to other places." Lin Jiufeng constricted his mind, pressed the shocking scene that he saw to the bottom of his heart, and did not say it.

He knows that this square and this statue don't have many secrets.

So he doesn't need to waste time here next.

"Why did the Great Emperor Shakyamuni suppress that ancient city for 100,000 years?"

"Is the Great Emperor Shakyamuni really that powerful?"


"The ancient city on the sea looked so terrifying, but in front of the Great Emperor Shakyamuni, it was not an enemy of one united at all. It was held up by the Great Emperor and walked into the depths of the sea."

"Why didn't you just destroy that ancient city?"

"There must be something I don't know about in it. I can think of it, Sakyamuni Great Emperor I can definitely think of it."

"So, I have to continue to grow stronger in order to explore these truths buried in history."

"Furthermore, the Great Emperor Shakyamuni suppressed They are one hundred thousand years, and in this era, one hundred thousand years have passed."

"Does this mean that the ancient city will reappears in the near future?"

Lin Jiufeng's inner thoughts are turning, and the pressure is very high.

He discovered that in this era, it seems that there are no powerful enemies. Now the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the Feathered Divine Dynasty is flourishing, creating an unprecedented world.

But all this is like a castle in the air.

The undercurrent hidden in this calm, once it erupts, it will destroy this so-called brilliant world in an instant.

Lin Jiufeng absolutely not allowed!

War Goddess in Immortal Court, ancient city suppressed by Sakyamuni’s Great Emperor, these are the two major threats known to Lin Jiufeng.

Lin Jiufeng doesn't know the threats, but I don't know how many.

"The world has finally calmed down. The people have had an unprecedented good life. I will never allow anyone to destroy such a good life!" Lin Jiufeng's eyes were firm.

Lin Jiufeng, who was violently fluctuating in his heart, looked as usual. Monk Ananda took him to another place.

The Great Thunder Sound Temple is too big.

The Great Thunder Sound Temple has many good places.

Monk Ananda knew this well, and took Lin Jiufeng and Ouyang Xiu to the next place.

"This is the prayer tower of the Great Thunder Sound Temple. The prayer wheels here have been inherited for tens of thousands of years. Of course, some people say that this is passed down by the Great Emperor Shakyamuni. When I come here, my thoughts are confused, or evil thoughts are troubled, I will come and turn around." Monk Ananda said.

The main body of the prayer wheel is a huge tower.

But the prayer wheels are lined up very long, a full one-kilometer section.

They are all pale-gold prayer wheels, engraved with Buddhism in Sanskrit, untainted by even a speck of dust.

"Under the passing tower, a poignant story happened. It was widely circulated in Buddhism and the Western Desert. Do you know the Jiufeng Great Emperor?" Monk Ananda asked.

Lin Jiufeng shook his head and curiously asked: "The poignant story that happened in Buddhism Holy Land?"

"Is it about the relationship between men and women?"

"I really don't know this."

Ouyang Xiu interrupted and said: "I know this."

Lin Jiufeng looked towards him.

Monk Ananda didn't say anything, and gave this opportunity to Ouyang Xiu.

Ouyang Xiu said: "In our Western Desert, this is a widely circulated love story. It is the story of an outstanding living Buddha in the history of the Great Thunder Sound Temple. He also wrote this story A poem."

Lin Jiufeng came to be interested. The living Buddha of Buddhism has a poignant love story.

"Let's talk about it!" Lin Jiufeng listened with great respect.

"At that moment, I raised my horse, not to beg for blessings, but to wait for your arrival."

"That day, I closed my eyes in the fragrant mist of the temple, Suddenly I heard, the mantra in your chanting."

"On that day, the mani pile was erected, not to cultivate virtue, but to cast the stone of my heart. That night, I listened to the Brahman. Sing, not for comprehend, just to find your breath."

"In that month, I shook all the sutra pipes, not for superfluousness, just to touch your fingertips."

"That year, I crowed my head and crawled on the mountain road, not to be seen, just to stick to your warmth."

"In that life, turn the mountains and rivers to the pagoda, no For the sake of cultivating the next life, just to meet you on the way."

"At that moment, I rose to the immortal, not for longevity, just to bless you with peace and joy."

Ouyang Xiu Recite this little poem known to many people in the Western Desert.

Lin Jiufeng listened silently, and said with emotion: "I am an infatuated monk."

Lin Jiufeng stretched out his hand, turned the prayer wheel, and walked all the way forward.

After hearing this poem, he wanted to turn the prayer wheel for one kilometer.

"Before him, the monks in Western Desert suppressed their feelings. The monks had no love between men and women. This was written in the Buddhist scriptures of the Great Emperor Shakyamuni." Monk Ananda followed Lin Jiufeng Behind him, he said as he walked.

"But since he appeared, he outrageously questioned that everyone has feelings. The scriptures written by the Great Emperor Shakyamuni are the sentiments of the Great Emperor. They cannot restrain a generation. The monks of the generation, the Buddha also has affection, but the affection of the Buddha is applied to all living beings!" Monk Ananda said inexplicably.

"Such monks, in Buddhism everywhere, in the Great Thunder Sound Temple, interpret the Sakyamuni Great Emperor like this, must the end be miserable, right?" Lin Jiufeng said with emotion.

People who dare to question the classics will definitely be hurt by the power of the world.

Monk Ananda nodded: "At that time, he was a living Buddha who came to the world and was the next leader of the Great Thunder Sound Temple. But since this sentence appeared, he was imprisoned and never appeared again. "

"Some people say that he committed suicide. Others say that he was killed by the Great Thunder Sound Temple as an insurgent. No one knows the outcome." Ouyang Xiu added: "That's why he did this. A poem, his story spread quickly in the Western Desert, and everyone was discussing him."

"Twenty thousand years ago, I discovered the ruins of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, at the end of the prayer wheel, I also saw a poem!" Monk Ananda said.

"What poem?" Lin Jiufeng and Ouyang Xiu looked towards him together.

"I used to think that passion would harm the Brahma, and if I entered the mountains, I feared not falling down. The world is safe and secure, and I will not lose the Tathagata but not the Qing." Monk Ananda read out.

"This shows that the Great Thunder Sound Temple actually did not harm him, it just trapped him here, but then the Great Thunder Sound Temple disappeared, and he disappeared with him." Monk Ananda Sighed.

The one-kilometer prayer wheel will soon come to an end.

Lin Jiufeng suddenly asked: "What is this monk's title?"

"The sixth Dalai Lama, Lobsang Rinchen!" Ouyang Xiu said.

But Monk Ananda suddenly stiffened and looked straight ahead. There was no idea whether it was excitement or surprise on his face.

"Actually, he has another name."

"His name is Cangyang Gyatso!"

"He is there!"

Monk Ananda stretched out his hand, his tone was hard to hide his excitement, and his body was trembling.

Lin Jiufeng looked up, at the end of the prayer wheel, a monk was kneeling in front of the Buddha statue, very pious.

Buddha's radiance is draped on his body, and he is plated with a golden body!

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