Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Five Chapter One of Escaping

The anti-Great Dao of Life Formation, the name came out, which surprised Lin Jiufeng as speechless.

From the formation of the cliff’s formation texture and the flow of the veins, Lin Jiufeng inferred this terrifying great array.

When the white mist completely covers the cliff.

When the night completely escapes into the earth.

When all traces disappeared.

Lin Jiufeng stood on the spot and reached out to touch the soil on the ground.

This time feels completely different from before.

At this time, a bright radiance appeared in Lin Jiufeng's palm, and then the rays of light converged and turned into a small Formation.

The prototype of the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation.

Lin Jiufeng stared at the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation carefully, and the shock in his eyes grew.

He saw the terrifying anti-Great Dao of Life Formation.

This is a spirituality that can swallow people, life, and it will also defy the heavens and change the fate, transforming a creature into a new creature.

The anti-Great Dao of Life Formation here on the cliff completely transformed the army of Immortal Court, from flesh and blood creatures into undying creatures.

"Jiufeng Great Emperor, what are you looking at?" Ouyang Xiu walked over and curiously asked.

"Just now the Great Emperor Jiufeng called us to stand in place, why on earth?" Monk Ananda also curiously asked.

The two of them stood for a long time, and then they walked over until the white mist rose up completely.

Then they saw Lin Jiufeng squatting halfway, holding a handful of dirt in his hand, startled.

Lin Jiufeng lifts the head, let go of your hand, the mud is flowing down your fingertips, and the Formation slowly disappears between your palms.

"What clues did you find?" Lin Jiufeng asked directly without saying against the Great Dao of Life Formation.

"No, I walked all over that direction, and I was almost out of the cliff, but I still didn't find anything." Ouyang Xiu shook his head.

"Me too." Ouyang Xiu nodded and said.

"Jiufeng Great Emperor, what did you find?" Ouyang Xiu curiously asked.

Lin Jiufeng thought for a while and asked: "Do you know the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation?"

Ouyang Xiu and Ananda monk looked at each other in blank dismay, together Shook his head.

"What Formation is this?" Ouyang Xiu asked.

"I have read the Buddhist scriptures, and I know a little about Formation, but I have never heard of such a strange Formation." Monk Ananda looked bewildered.

Lin Jiufeng stopped asking, saying: "Since the cliff has no secrets and the army at Immortal Court has also been destroyed, you now leave Western Desert and go to Feathered Divine Dynasty to find Emperor De. Just say that I recommended you to go. Emperor De will arrange positions for you. A new life is right in front of you. As long as you don’t betray the Feathered Divine Dynasty, then you will be cut off from the past."

Lin Jiufeng still doesn’t Tell them the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation.

They are just a nobody under Grand Era. Although they are all immortal, they don't know much and don't have much ability. It is the best choice for them to help Emperor De.

Lin Jiufeng stays here by himself and carefully observes the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation.

Ouyang Xiu and Ananda did not dare to refuse Lin Jiufeng, so they left together.

Ouyang Xiu came back to his senses when he got out of the cliff, looking at the cliff behind him that was covered by the white mist, he felt like a world away.

"Now, we are completely bound to the Feathered Divine Dynasty, bound to the Human Race." Ouyang Xiu said with emotion.

"Yes, monk, I have never left Western Desert in my entire life. I didn't expect to leave my hometown now." Monk Ananda said with a complex expression.

"Sorry, I am the one who implicated you. I will not come to you. You will not conflict with the Jiufeng Great Emperor." Ouyang Xiu apologized.

"It's okay, this is the fortune. Now this ending is actually very good. At least we are still alive, get rid of the past and start again." Monk Ananda shook his head.

"Now I really need to change my life." Monk Ananda said with emotion.

"Why do you think so?" Ouyang Xiu asked.

"This life, I have lived for 20,000 years guarding the Great Thunder Sound Temple. Over the years, I have been studying the scriptures of Sakyamuni’s Great Emperor, from the very beginning to the present. I have a deep obsession. If there is no Jiufeng Great Emperor, I will keep repeating this life."

"I can’t walk the way of the Sakyamuni Great Emperor, but I can start my life again. , Get rid of the limitations of the past and start a new life. For me, it is a rebirth."

"Cut off my obsession, let me go, leave Western Desert, and go to A bigger, farther, and broader world. Take a look at the scenery that you haven’t seen before, the things you haven’t seen, and the new ideas in the new era." Monk Ananda has a lot of insights at this moment, and he can finally interact with that one. Heart Demon tortured himself and bid farewell.

Ouyang Xiu patted the shoulders of Monk Ananda, haha ​​said with a big smile: "Our brothers are all ill-fated and go round and round, from a pair of naive children in the Western Desert back then to the present The cultivator who has gone through vicissitudes comes together once again. The word fate is unclear. Let us take a look at the biggest Divine Dynasty of this era."

Ananda monk and monk Together, Ouyang Xiu moved towards the distance, and what greeted them was a new life in a new era.


At this moment, in the cliff.

Lin Jiufeng sits on a large rock with golden marks appearing between his palms, which is anti-Great Dao of Life Formation.

This Formation feels very dangerous to Lin Jiufeng.

But he has no way to investigate.

Even if he digs the cliff completely, the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation will not appear.

Because the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation exists everywhere on the cliff.

A stone in the cliff, a handful of soil, and a tree are all part of the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation.

For Lin Jiufeng, this is nowhere to be found.

He walked slowly along the cliff.

Measure the cliff with feet, Lin Jiufeng sees that the outside is a cliff, but the inside is a huge formation.

"Who arranged this on earth?" Lin Jiufeng asked.

He can be sure that the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation here is not formed naturally.

Moreover, this is not a complete body.

The formidable power has not reached the Peak. The anti-Great Dao of Life Formation based on the cliff is just a rudiment.

However, it is still not to be underestimated. The formidable power is absolutely terrifying in the realm below the Immortal King.

True, Peak’s anti-Great Dao of Life Formation must be terrifying.

Even Lin Jiufeng felt that even the Immortal King had to fall under this Formation.

Lin Jiufeng suddenly looked up and saw through the sky beyond the vast white fog.

Night is coming!

The white mist retreats, the black mist erupts, and in an instant wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, it is very sad.

Lin Jiufeng in this brief moment, clearly saw the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation started.

One after another Invisible power seeps out from the mud of the cliff, the trees, and the stones.

They are coming towards Lin Jiufeng.

They want to surround Lin Jiufeng.

Then, we will transform Lin Jiufeng again.

The anti-Great Dao of Life Formation started unconsciously.

"I killed the undying creatures, so the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation started?" Lin Jiufeng speculated.

He watched all around calmly, without panic or fear.

Because the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation started, something moved in Lin Jiufeng's body.

Wai Jiangtai!


Bang the stage directly exploded, the hot energy was directly submerged, and all around the Great Dao of Life Formation was swept away all at once.

Then, the stage of worship appeared, right in front of Lin Jiufeng, resisting the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation energy from all directions.

The two formed the Chuhe-Han realm, facing each other, and no one would let anyone else.

Lin Jiufeng was surprised to find that in the past, the omnipotent worship platform could not help but resist the Great Dao of Life Formation, but could fight against it to ensure that Lin Jiufeng would not be affected.

Lin Jiufeng stood in the center and was not affected at all.

Looking at the conflict between Baijiangtai and the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation, a line of words suddenly appeared in front of Lin Jiufeng's eyes.

【Did you sign in before anti-Great Dao of Life Formation? ]

This line of words made Lin Jiufeng's eyes shine bright, without the slightest hesitation saying: "Sign in!"

[Sign in successfully, get the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation start method! 】

Lin Jiufeng was stunned when he saw this thing.

Then, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"What is the use of the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation activation method?"

"I can't arrange the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation myself?"

"Moreover, I can't move this anti-Great Dao of Life Formation here."

Lin Jiufeng vomited.

He also had the idea to move the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation here.

But I tried it.

He gave up decisively.

The anti-Great Dao of Life Formation is based on the entire cliff, and the formidable power will increase greatly. It is definitely not something Lin Jiufeng can move away now.

"Forget it, just take it when you sign in. It's better than nothing. What if it's useful in the future?" Lin Jiufeng reluctantly wrote down the startup method.

Then, he watched Baijiangtai and the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation confront each other, and no one would accept each other.

Lin Jiufeng smiled bitterly. There is no way. Although he holds 2999 real immortal art, he is strong enough to defeat most Mysterious Immortal.

But in the face of these two things of unknown origin and very powerful, they still have more than enough energy.

For this he chose to wait a while.

When the sun came out of the mountain and the night faded, Lin Jiufeng resolutely put away the worship platform and quickly left the cliff.

cannot afford to offend, can he still not afford to hide?

It was the first time he ran away for the Great Emperor of the Nine Phoenixs.

I came to the Western Desert this time and gained a lot, but the problem is that Lin Jiufeng's initial hope still fell through.

The reason why I came to Western Desert is also because of the descendants of Divine Race, the old White Dragon said that there is a hidden expert here.

He said that Western Desert hides a big secret.

So Lin Jiufeng is here.

But now, the expert has only seen one.

It is Cangyang Gyatso, the living Buddha of the Great Thunder Sound Temple 20,000 years ago.

No one else will be seen.

Ouyang Xiu and Monk Ananda are not experts. Even when they were pinnacle, they could not reach half of Cangyang Gyatso.

Also, the Great Thunder Sound Temple that Lin Jiufeng has been thinking about has turned into a relic 20,000 years ago.

Now Lin Jiufeng feels that the biggest gain of this time Western Desert trip is to discover the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation.

Although I don’t know what is the use of an anti-Great Dao of Life Formation.

But it does not prevent Lin Jiufeng from thinking this way.

Standing on the land of the Western Desert, Lin Jiufeng was deeply moved.

The harvest this time is really great.

His cultivation base breakthrough True Immortal, and comprehended two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine real immortal art, and signed a series of treasures.

Finally, he also met the Great Emperor Shakyamuni.

Even if I saw a glimpse from a hundred thousand years ago, Lin Jiufeng was a big surprise.

"This World is too deep, I thought it was calm and tranquil, but who knows the undercurrents are surging, and the complexity is beyond words. I am still at a loss and can’t find much clues. I can wait for someone in the dark to make a move, and I see tricks." Lin Jiufeng felt distressed.

In order to protect the Feathered Divine Dynasty and to protect the hard-won Human Race situation, he is really a person who was fighting against the black hand in the time 10,000 years ago, 20,000 years ago, and tens of thousands of years ago.

The key question is that these black hands are not in the same family, Divine Race, Immortal Court, Human Race, and even Buddhism, and I don’t know how many Lin Jiufeng hasn’t discovered.

In this era, they begin to stir.

"However, this era is the era of the Great Emperor of the Nine Phoenixs, I am in this world, but suppress all enemies!"

Lin Jiufeng glanced firmly at the Western Desert land, Turn around and leave.


From Breaking Horizon Mountain Range back to the Central Plains, Lin Jiufeng saw a harmonious, smooth weather, and a peaceful life for the people.

The rule and reform of the Feathered Divine Dynasty have become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Including the arrogant and arrogant tens of thousands of people before, now they really have no confidence at all. They have integrated into the Feathered Divine Dynasty obediently and become a nation under the Feathered Divine Dynasty.

Feathered Divine Dynasty also divides these ten thousand races into categories.

For example, the Golden Lion clan, they and the wild lions are grouped into one ethnic group, but different ethnic groups.

Saber-Toothed Tiger and Hanging White-fronted Tiger are also one nation, different ethnic groups.

So the ten thousand races were summarized, and together with Human Race, fifty-six races were formed.

Feathered Divine Dynasty also completely unifies the continent, with a vast territory and many territories overseas, and even the far sea spreads the reputation of the Feathered Divine Dynasty.

This is also the Feathered Divine Dynasty's need to solve various internal problems, so that the people will be rich and powerful, but unable to conquer the endless Sea Territory.

Lin Jiufeng walks along the continent, seeing, hearing, and seeing are all joyful voices.

Even in remote areas, you can see the existence of Wu Temple.

When Feathered Divine Dynasty recently formulated its national policy, it put education directly in the first place.

Education is the foundation of the country.

This is formulated by Emperor De and is written into the national law.

There are many students who graduated in each class of Wumiao. Most of these students have inherited the teacher's volunteers and chose to support education in remote areas, spread civilization and knowledge, and reform cultural ideas in backward areas.

Feathered Divine Dynasty, in these matters, he has done unprecedented seriousness.

This is also the reason why the golden dragon of the country's luck is getting stronger and stronger.

Lin Jiufeng walked all the way and looked more and more satisfied.

This is the hope that he will guard his life.

The hope of the nation!

"I am infinitely strong now. After fifty years, I will become strong again, and I should be able to resurrect Emperor Yuan and Emperor Ming." Lin Jiufeng is in a mood with infinite expectations.

He is waiting for this day to come.

The promises made back then have been delayed, and until now, Lin Jiufeng feels that he is sorry for the Emperor Yuan who called his big brother.

This era is the best era.

Lin Jiufeng felt that Emperor Yuan would be satisfied after seeing it.

He should see it!

Lin Jiufeng soon returned to Imperial Capital.

Within Imperial Capital, expert as clouds.

Now in Feathered Divine Dynasty, immortal is already standard.

The generals in the army are not considered high-level officers. Even if they command a thousand soldiers, they must be in the Immortal Realm world.

This is why the Feathered Divine Dynasty can suppress the world.

Truth and justice are both born under the cultivation base.


Return to Lin Jiufeng of Imperial Capital and come directly to the door of Cold Palace.

【Wanjia Lights】Slightly swaying, exuding rays of light, welcoming Lin Jiufeng back.

"You have become stronger again." Lin Jiufeng looked at [万家灯火] said with a slight smile.

Actually now, [Wan Jia Deng Huo] is not like his treasure, but like his friend.

As the first batch of treasures who signed in, up to now, only [Wan Jia Deng Huo] is still with Lin Jiufeng.

Moreover, it has been working hard to improve itself. Without the help of Lin Jiufeng, it has evolved by itself.

In the past hundred years, Lin Jiufeng only activated once when the Kunlun Mountains pulse was born.

Then, [Wanjia Lights] gave the world a huge surprise.

This surprise is now forgotten.

Back then, the [Wanjia Lights] that astounded the world was said to be Immortal Artifact. Countless people were shocked. There is Immortal Artifact in Feathered Divine Dynasty?

But now, who would be shocked?

Not at all.

The immortal is gone everywhere.

There is no fake fairy. World Heaven and Earth turning upside down. People’s horizons are constantly expanding. The “Immortal Artifact” that once astounded the world has long been forgotten. It's almost there.

But [Wanjia Lights] stayed quietly in front of the Cold Palace gate from beginning to end.

It is not in a hurry to go out, nor to do things in a hurry, so it silently observes the world and absorbs the smoke and smoke from the world.

The avenue is up, and the prosperous age is singing, it is like an indifferent observer, watching the new humans in this new era without a word.

The [Wanjia Lights] praised by Lin Jiufeng is still as usual, swaying, it quietly emits faint rays of light.

No one knows how powerful this faint candlelight hanging in front of the Cold Palace is.

In fact, Lin Jiufeng didn't know.

But he knew that the next time [Wanjia Lights] showed great divine might, it would surely amaze the world.

Lin Jiufeng opened the door and walked in after watching [Wanjia Lights] for a while.

In the Cold Palace, a hundred flowers bloom, there are hundred-meter peach blossoms, and an orchard, beautiful and flawless, with a rich fragrance, exuding slight rays of light.

Lin Jiufeng looked, among the hundreds of flowers, a human rich flower sniffs the flower lightly. The beautiful and alluring is not a mortal woman.

Little white cat!

She is admiring the flowers. Among the hundreds of flowers, she has compressed all the flowers, which is so beautiful.

Lin Jiufeng came in without her noticing it, until Lin Jiufeng walked behind her and picked her up, then she cry out in surprise, struggling hurriedly, and then saw Lin Jiufeng’s face, plump The body instantly softened, arms wrapped around Lin Jiufeng's neck, ao wu was buried in Lin Jiufeng's arms and kissed Lin Jiufeng's neck.

"You're back..." The little white cat's surprise voice came from Lin Jiufeng's neck. She couldn't bear to let go. A heart was tied to Lin Jiufeng's body, and now she is using her. Little pink tongue, lightly licking Lin Jiufeng's skin.

The crispy, numb, with her pleasant and pleasant face, makes Lin Jiufeng's ten thousand zhang passionate, tender and sweet.

"If I miss you, I will be back." Lin Jiufeng said sweet words.

The little white cat knew that this was coaxing her, but she was very happy, her heart turned, and she looked at Lin Jiufeng with watery eyes, very obsessed.

When she was a cat, she liked to pester Lin Jiufeng. Now that she is transformed, she has become more serious. As long as Lin Jiufeng is free, she will snuggle next to Lin Jiufeng.

For nothing else, I just wanted to inhale the smell of Lin Jiufeng's body, which is her favorite smell.

"I'm not at home, did these all are you planted?" Lin Jiufeng held the little white cat and looked at the beautiful scenery all around, and asked gently.

"Yes, I am lonely when you are not here, so I cleaned up Cold Palace, planted some flowers, planted some trees, and I have these flowers and grass to accompany me. I feel a little relieved." Little White Cat The voice was sweet and greasy.

"It's really a little housekeeper, this Cold Palace is well managed by you." Lin Jiufeng jokingly said.

"Of course, this is our home." The little white cat said seriously.

She doesn't want to go anywhere else.

She has lived here for almost a thousand years. She also met Lin Jiufeng here and Lin Jiufeng who fell in love with her here.

So she cleaned up the Cold Palace during this time and waited for Lin Jiufeng to return.

"You are back this time, do you want to go out next?" the little white cat asked Lin Jiufeng.

Lin Jiufeng shook his head and said: "I won't go out anymore. I won't go out in the next time. I will not go out."

"hehe, then you have to stay with me. Be with me, I have been so poor during this period of time. Everyday all is looking forward to your return, you heartless man......" The little white cat stretched out his hand and circled Lin Jiufeng's chest, his breath was like blue, charming eyes were like silk. Hold her.

Lin Jiufeng raised his brows and said: "Then I have to compensate you well."

The next second, in the little white cat creded out in surprise, Lin Jiufeng Holding her, walked directly into the room, and then closed the door.

Then, Qin Se and Ming.

The cry of the little white cat became more and more sweet, which made Lin Jiufeng fall into it, unable to extricate himself from it.

This night, the dragon raised its head and the wind spread its wings. Fortunately, the voice inside Cold Palace could not be heard.


In a flash, it has been three months since Lin Jiufeng returned to Imperial Capital.

In these three months, Lin Jiufeng spent most of his time with the little white cat, and the rest of the time was spent integrating the two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine real immortal art.

During this period, some strange things happened.

On one night, Lin Jiufeng and the little white cat's souls merged into Peak. Aroused, she broke through the Immortal Realm world directly and came to True Immortal.

The eruption of bloodline in the body caused her to cross the immortal nine bans, which Lin Jiufeng didn't expect.

This also made the little white cat pester Lin Jiufeng excitedly for several days without getting out of bed.

She just wants to see if the whole person is extremely excited, whether it will stimulate her bloodline.

But dozens of subsequent attempts have not been repeated, and the little white cat can only give up unwillingly.

In the past three months, Lin Jiufeng has also continued to comprehend the one that escaped.

He wants to break through True Immortal and enter Mysterious Immortal. The key lies in the escape.

For this reason, Lin Jiufeng everyday all is enlightening Dao.

Now he doesn’t need continuous cultivation to accumulate Immortal Qi. He only needs to understand the Dao, the road is vast, and every point of understanding is a great improvement.

But unfortunately, Lin Jiufeng didn't realize it at all for three months.

The one who escaped is so rare, Lin Jiufeng is not impatient.

Fifty years, there is still a little distance.

He began to constantly enlighten the Dao, and constantly went to various places to sign in.

The first stop is Land of Extreme Yin!

This entanglement between Land of Extreme Yin and Lin Jiufeng has been going on for a hundred years, and it is still going on. Every time you go in, you can sign in once.

This time Lin Jiufeng went in, and once again set foot on Land of Extreme Yin, a line of words appeared in front of him.

【Did you sign in at Land of Extreme Yin? 】

Lin Jiufeng decisively agrees.

【Sign in successfully, get Undying Heavenly Saber secret book! 】

A big knife of immortal art is helpful to Lin Jiufeng, but it is not so helpful.

Lin Jiufeng is a little helpless, he also wants to sign a leaf of Enlightenment Tea Tree.

So he can use it to enlighten the Tao.

Now I get a copy of Immortal Technique, which is a tasteless one.

Lin Jiufeng still learnt, better than nothing.

Then he entered the Land of Extreme Yin and saw the huge, black Undying Mountain.

Undying Mountain, which looks like a human head, is still as usual, there is nothing for Lin Jiufeng to explore.

The whole mountain is like a silent Land of Death.

Lin Jiufeng traveled all over Undying Mountain, but still got nothing, he left Land of Extreme Yin.


Time flies, ten years have passed.

In the past ten years, too much has happened.

One generation grows up, one generation enters society, and one generation becomes Legendary.

Feathered Divine Dynasty In the past ten years, I have worked hard to govern, led by Emperor De, to create one miracle after another, and to organize the country's governance in an orderly manner.

Wumiao, all major schools are prospering.

The entire Feathered Divine Dynasty, all major ethnic groups, are cultivating talents. The chaos of the past is gone forever, and the new child does not have the concept of world chaos at all.

In their eyes, shouldn't this World be so safe and peaceful?

They didn't start to learn the changes of the times until they went to school, how chaotic they used to be and how pitiful the people were.

In the past ten years, Princess Yulin and Bai Heavenly Emperor also gave birth to a boy and a girl. They also brought their children to see Lin Jiufeng, two very cute children, yelling Lin Jiufeng for Ancestral Grandfather.

Princess Yulin and White Heavenly Emperor are also working hard on cultivation and low-key growth.

Under Lin Jiufeng's suggestion, they successfully passed the nine immortal bans and entered the realm of True Immortal Realm.

Especially the White Heavenly Emperor. After breaking through the True Immortal Realm world, he suddenly comprehended the fifteen real immortal art rules, which far surpassed Princess Yulin.

This is also the reason Lin Jiufeng is optimistic about Bai Heavenly Emperor at first. His innate talent is really terrifying.

For ten years, the outside world Heaven and Earth turning upside down, but Lin Jiufeng himself is a bit annoyed.

He still didn't realize the one that escaped.

Now his true immortal art is still only two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

It is one step away from the world of Profound Immortal Realm, but it is as far away as the distance between the world and heaven.

Lin Jiufeng has used many methods in the past ten years.

For example, check in everywhere.

Lin Jiufeng has gone all over the world. Different places have different sign-in.

But I don’t know if the world has calmed down or because of other reasons.

Lin Jiufeng's sign-in didn't help him realize the one who escaped.

In this way, Lin Jiufeng has spent these ten years.

His comprehension of Dao Dao is extremely profound, especially the 2999 real immortal art, Lin Jiufeng can be considered thoroughly.

Now his strength is still slowly improving, as if there is no end, but the distance from the Profound Immortal Realm world is short of the one who escaped.

Three Thousand Great Daos, to escape one of them, this change is still cruel to Lin Jiufeng.

After all, he waited ten years and worked hard for ten years for this escaped one, which is unique in the past cultivation process.

If Lin Jiufeng learns from the Great Emperor of Sakyamuni and gives up the one that escaped, now he can break through the True Immortal Realm world.

Sometimes in the dark night, Lin Jiufeng looks up at the sky, looks at countless Glittering Group of Stars, and asks himself in his heart.

Is such persistence useful?

Fifty years, ten years have passed.

He doesn't have much time to spend, when the time comes Immortal Court War Goddess wakes up, Human Race will definitely encounter a catastrophe.

Lin Jiufeng must improve his strength, and when the time comes, he also hopes to deal with this War Goddess.

So, sometimes Lin Jiufeng also persuades himself.

Don’t think about the one that escaped, give it up, and then break through the Profound Immortal Realm world with 2999 real immortal art, look forward to the next realm, and improve your strength as soon as possible .

But when Lin Jiufeng decided to give up, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his heart.

The one that escaped, since ancient times, no one caught it.

Including the invincible Great Emperor of Sakyamuni 100,000 years ago, he didn't catch it either.

Then Lin Jiufeng grasped, what is the future potential and future?

Guarding this World, facing countless secret mastermind hidden in the darkness, what is needed is invincible, able to suppress the world, suppress the past, and suppress the future Jiufeng Great Emperor.

Not a Lin Jiufeng who can say to himself to give up.

Lin Jiufeng did not give up in the end because high standards demanded himself. He decided to continue to comprehend.

"Even if these fifty years have been spent, I must understand the one that escaped!" Lin Jiufeng's eyes were firm and full of energy.

The night fell down, and Lin Jiufeng, who was full of vigor and still looked like before, made a firm wish.

He continued to comprehend the Great Way.


Another ten years have passed.

From Lin Jiufeng, who made a firm wish in the night last time, God seems to be torturing him.

In the past ten years, his strength has doubled, reaching an extremely terrifying level.

His avenues are also extremely profound, as vast as the ocean, in the avenue ocean, Lin Jiufeng has also experienced sudden enlightenment several times, and he has a deep understanding of it.

I thought I could find the escaped one in the avenue ocean.

But in fact, the one who escaped was not in the ocean of avenues.

Lin Jiufeng's heart is still firm.

He used it for 20 years, and now he gave up, and it is less than 20 years ago. For the remaining 30 years, Lin Jiufeng feels that he can only be in the world of Profound Immortal Realm. Sloshing.

But the problem is...

Now he can also hold the real immortal art rules, and then defeat most of Mysterious Immortal, even Lin Jiufeng dare to say that after these twenty Years ago, I was invincible in the world of Profound Immortal Realm!

But what about this?

Is the War Goddess of Immortal Court that Profound Immortal Realm can deal with?

Lin Jiufeng doesn't believe it at all.

So, Lin Jiufeng has cut off all his retreat paths, and then he will walk to the end through Huashan.

"I don't believe it, can you stop me for ten years?" Lin Jiufeng fiercely said.


Ten years have passed, but he still hasn't realized the one who escaped.

Although he is still getting stronger, his strength completely surpasses the True Immortal Realm world, but the feeling of breakthrough is always a bit close.

Lin Jiufeng's eyes are no longer so firm.

It's really the avenue of the world, he understands too much.

Time, space, Five Elements, yin and yang, chaos, killing, chaos...

These Peak Avenues, brought to the point of perfection by Lin Jiufeng, are even better than a single c

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