Chapter 328 Test Products

The third world, the former territory of Divine Race, has now been completely destroyed.

The last pure land was wiped out by the slap of War Goddess.

If it hadn't been for that time, Lin Jiufeng had a clear enlightenment and an extremely bright mind, and had foreseen the danger in advance, he would have been unlucky.

But he escaped, but the village did not.

The last pure land is now only the place where War Goddess once lived, the blue lake.

Lin Jiufeng bowed to this place three times, after expressing his respect, he turned around and left the third world with Miss Hong.

Out of the third world, standing in the vast Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, Lin Jiufeng looked up at the sky, with a firm expression, and said to Miss Hong: "Now let’s separate. Next, I will find War Goddess and fight for Killing her is very dangerous. Don't follow me."

Miss Hong is nodded, she knows that there is a big gap between herself and Lin Jiufeng and War Goddess.

So she didn't follow Lin Jiufeng, she was a burden to Lin Jiufeng.

"What do you plan to do next?" Miss Hong curiously asked, very concerned about Lin Jiufeng.

"Work hard to become stronger, and then find a power that can at least deal with the strength that War Goddess continues to recover." Lin Jiufeng said.

This is a top priority. If War Goddess continues to grow stronger, then he has to worship the generals, but it will not help.

This time, War Goddess has suffered. Next time, she will definitely know and guard against whether the worship station can be activated, there is a question mark.

Lin Jiufeng must have other means to deal with War Goddess.

Farewell to Miss Hong. Lin Jiufeng went directly to the Imperial Capital of the Feathered Divine Dynasty. He wanted to tell Emperor De to activate the huge state machinery of the Feathered Divine Dynasty and find the War Goddess.

The threat of War Goddess is not only to Lin Jiufeng, but to the entire contemporary era.

The thought of War Goddess, who showed great divine might in the third world, was only the weakest moment after recovery, Lin Jiufeng was frightened.

War Goddess must be stopped!


After War Goddess escaped from the third world, he looked at the new world with wounds all over.

So familiar and so strange.

It's still the world, but the people who are pointing the country have changed a group.

The Immortal Court she is familiar with, the familiar era, has long ceased to exist.

"You have to figure out how long I have been sealed, and I have become so weak that I can't believe it." War Goddess gritted his teeth, resentful.

If she is not so weak, she will be afraid of Lin Jiufeng's worship platform?

Hidden breath, War Goddess walked into the world, investigated it, and quickly learned what the world is like now.

"Feathered Divine Dynasty, suppressing the current world, no power can contend with it, is it so powerful?"

"But the Jiufeng Great Emperor turned out to belong to the Feathered Divine Dynasty, no wonder To prevent me from recovering, I just don’t want Feathered Divine Dynasty to be destroyed."

"Wumiao...the most in this era is the blooming temple."

"I want to investigate. "

War Goddess endured his anger and sneaked into a Wu Temple branch in a low-key manner.

Although it is a branch, because it is the largest martial arts temple in a state, there are still a lot of things to have.

After entering War Goddess, check the information quickly.

Then she was silent.

"In this era, Immortal Court and Divine Race have been separated by more than 20,000 years..."

"I have been sealed for more than 20,000 years."

"Immortal Court and Divine Race were destroyed together in that war."

"In this world, I may be the last Immortal Court person."

After watching the War Goddess, I felt a little lost and confused.

She couldn't accept this ending.

"No, Immortal Court left a hand back then, and left an army in the Western Desert. Is it gone now?" War Goddess' eyes were bright, she saw the hope of reviving Immortal Court .

"Immortal Court is very powerful behind the scenes, why would it be destroyed? It shouldn't be." War Goddess was confused.

"You dared to subvert Immortal Court. It's damn damn if you don't put the Chaos Sea in your eyes!" War Goddess' eyes were cold.

She is the top of Immortal Court and knows many secrets.

That’s why she wondered why Immortal Court was destroyed by Divine Race?

"Since I am resurrected in this era, let the people of this era and the Jiufeng Great Emperor see the power of the Chaos Sea!" War Goddess's face was very cold, she knew that she was It was overcast and didn't participate in that battle, so that she didn't have the opportunity to open the channel of Chaos Sea.

"Jiufeng Great Emperor, you want to keep this era, but unfortunately, soon Heaven and Earth turning upside down, blood flowing into a river, completely subvert your imagination."

"The world is definitely not as simple as you see it."

"Let me reveal the corner of this World for you!"

War Goddess looked at In the peaceful and peaceful Martial Temple outside, the corner of the mouth raised, revealing a sneer.

"I'm going to Western Desert to see if I can find the army at Immortal Court. If I can't find it, then I will reveal the true face of this World." War Goddess left quietly. Wu Temple, no longer stay, head to the Western Desert.


Lin Jiufeng first returned to Imperial Capital, found Emperor De, and told the story of War Goddess.

Emperor De was shocked after listening to it, and then decisively ordered to search for War Goddess with the state machine.

Feathered Divine Dynasty, a country that has suppressed the world for hundreds of years, began to operate, and it was very fast.

For a time, in the territory of Feathered Divine Dynasty, they were all looking for War Goddess.

But, nothing happened.

Lin Jiufeng brows tightly frowns in Cold Palace, searched by the state machine, but there is no news, it means that War Goddess has either left the sphere of influence of the Feathered Divine Dynasty, or is hiding in a place, silently Restore strength.

To be honest, Lin Jiufeng hopes that War Goddess will make trouble and vent his anger, so that he can find each other.

Lin Jiufeng feels uncomfortable when there is no audio as it is now.

Because of his cultivation speed, it is certainly not as fast as War Goddess recovery speed.

Drop it, and the strength of War Goddess is restored to the Immortal King Realm world. Then Lin Jiufeng is holding the stage of worship and the lantern of Wanjia, and is not an opponent.

"I must strengthen my strength!" Lin Jiufeng said firmly.

"But how do you strengthen your strength? Immortal Realm cultivation is very difficult." The little white cat looked at Lin Jiufeng worriedly.

Lin Jiufeng nodded, he knows that he wants to quickly improve his strength in a short period of time, unless it is to sign up for heaven-shaking, earth-shattering divine medicine.

Rather than pin your hopes on this, it is better to pin them elsewhere.

Lin Jiufeng said to the little white cat: "I'm going to the Western Desert next."

"Go to the Western Desert again?" The little white cat looked at Lin Jiufeng suspiciously.

Fifty years ago, Lin Jiufeng then went Western Desert.

"Well, I didn't get one thing back in Western Desert fifty years ago!" Lin Jiufeng nodded, eyes bright.

"What is it?" Little white cat curiously asked.

"Anti-Great Dao of Life Formation!" Lin Jiufeng said solemnly.

Little white cat curiously asked: "What is the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation?"

"Things that can defeat or even kill War Goddess." Lin Jiufeng said solemnly .

Lin Jiufeng bid farewell to the little white cat and went straight to the Western Desert.

After fifty years, the entire world has become familiar with the rule of the Feathered Divine Dynasty. Everything is thriving. The people live and work in peace and contentment. Even the people at the bottom are full of food and clothing, and hope is seen.

Even the tens of thousands of people who have always been unruly, also commented that this is an unprecedented grand age.

Unfortunately, none of them knew that in this unprecedented grand age, there was a huge danger hidden.

If War Goddess is not removed for one day, Lin Jiufeng has been unsure.

He always feels that War Goddess will bring a huge disaster.

So he desperately wants to improve his strength, for this reason, he rushed to Western Desert.

The destination of his trip is the cliff of Western Desert.

Lin Jiufeng previously signed in to start the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation.

But because of his weak strength at that time, he couldn't move the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation at all.

So just put it aside.

Fifty years later, Lin Jiufeng is now breaking through the Profound Immortal Realm world, reaching Mysterious Immortal Peak, holding the Three Thousand Great Daos, and has the confidence to move the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation.

This is Lin Jiufeng’s only hope now, to use the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation to directly face War Goddess.

Even if the worship station is not activated, Lin Jiufeng has a chance to kill War Goddess.

Western Desert, the cliff!

Fifty years ago, Lin Jiufeng came here. At that time, he was still very relaxed and did not have that much pressure.

But now, his face is serious, looking at the white misty cliff, striding in with meteors.

"Anti-Great Dao of Life Formation, I'm here!"

Walking into the cliff, Lin Jiufeng directly meditated in the center of his knees, the energy of his whole body penetrated down and enveloped the whole Set up a cliff, and then run the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation startup method.




The entire cliff was raised by Lin Jiufeng.

A huge cliff, like a Dragon Vein, slowly rises into the sky.

Behind Lin Jiufeng, the Domain of God emerged.

As his strength continued to increase, Domain of God also began to tasteless.

However, several natural phenomena in the Domain of God still have great potential.

Especially now, installing the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation into it has suddenly expanded the huge potential of the Domain of God.

Lin Jiufeng also has the confidence to face War Goddess head-on.

After the cliff was taken away, the place was empty and turned into a plain.

Lin Jiufeng stood up, and the imposing manner of the whole person became calm. He is really carrying Qingshan now.

"Where is War Goddess?" Lin Jiufeng frowned. Now this is the biggest problem.

Just when he was distressed, a person came from a distance.

War Goddess!

Lin Jiufeng expression congeals, he really didn't expect, the War Goddess he was looking for, just appeared in front of his own place.

Similar to the plain face of the former in the third world, War Goddess at this moment has heavy makeup, flaming red lips, and the domineering power of a strong woman.

"It's really where I don't meet in life, didn't expect to meet Jiufeng Great Emperor in Western Desert." War Goddess looked at Lin Jiufeng and let out a sneer.

At this moment, she is much stronger than when she first recovered.

Moreover, her injuries have been completely recovered.

So when she saw Lin Jiufeng, she was calm and composed, not afraid at all, but with a playful smile.

It seems that Lin Jiufeng is one of her playthings.

"The whole world is looking for you, but didn't expect you to hide in the Western Desert." Lin Jiufeng smiled coldly.

"Immortal Court once left an army in the Western Desert, just to deal with some problems, I came here just to find them." War Goddess said truthfully.

"Then you will be disappointed, that army has been completely wiped out by me." Lin Jiufeng haha ​​laughed, and his mood suddenly became happy.

The Immortal Court army has long been turned into undying creatures by the anti-Great Dao of Life Formation. It was completely annihilated by Lin Jiufeng fifty years ago.

War Goddess looked at Lin Jiufeng with deep eyes, not angry, but chuckled, sexy bearing and charming temperament, and said: "Then you really buried this era with your own hands."


Lin Jiufeng frowned, coldly snorted: "You now have no power to subvert this era."

War Goddess looked at Lin Jiufeng and said with interest: "I know you have That weird treasure, very difficult to deal with, I have already tasted the pain, but you are a person who has grown up in this era, and your vision is too shallow."

Lin Jiufeng smiled: "My vision Shallow?"

"Then I would like to ask War Goddess of Immortal Court to give some pointers." Lin Jiufeng sneered, not believing her at all.

"This World, is it really what you see in your eyes?" War Goddess asked Lin Jiufeng.

Lin Jiufeng meditated and looked at War Goddess, slowly said: "The water in this World is deep!"

"Yes, the water is deep, but you don’t know the end of the water. How deep is it." War Goddess raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Jiufeng, feeling very happy.

She is not in a hurry to kill Lin Jiufeng now.

Lin Jiufeng wants to protect this World, and wants to be the Great Emperor of the nine phoenix praised by the world, but she is not as good as his wish.

She wants to completely subvert the essence of this world in front of Lin Jiufeng.

Lin Jiufeng looked towards War Goddess, with a tight heart, he has been searching for the truth of the past world. Obviously, War Goddess knows many things.

"I'm nervous." War Goddess smiled happily.

"Just tell me if I have anything to do, it will be boring to sell Guanzi." Lin Jiufeng said coldly.

"I only found out after I came out that I had been sealed for more than 20,000 years, Immortal Court and Divine Race were all wiped out in history, and what other races appeared afterwards, and then Human Race, until Now, the Ten Thousand Clan is also included in the Feathered Divine Dynasty."

"But did you know that the Ten Thousand Clan occupied the world and became the mainstream at that time, and at that time World Source was still Perfect, and the Spiritual Qi tide did not appear. , But they haven't reproduced the glory of Immortal Court and Divine Race?" War Goddess asked Lin Jiufeng slowly.

Lin Jiufeng slowly shook his head, this is also his doubt.

Now Human Race occupies the mainstream of the world, but it has not reproduced the glory of Immortal Court and Divine Race, because the Spiritual Qi tides that occur every few thousand years have blocked the advancement of Human Race.

There was no such Spiritual Qi tide in the age of the ten thousand races.

But Wanzu is not that powerful.

Otherwise, I won’t be recruited by Feathered Divine Dynasty and integrated into Human Race.

"Because the Ten Thousand Clan is a group of defective products from beginning to end!" War Goddess corner of the mouth raised, said indifferently.

"Defective product?" Lin Jiufeng's pupils contracted sharply.

"Yes, a group of people have been abandoned. The ones thrown in this World are just experiments. We are disinclined to pay attention to. You are still a treasure." War Goddess contemptuously said.

"Furthermore, the potential of the ten thousand races, Innate is not as good as Immortal Court, so they can't reach the level of Immortal Court at all."

"You said ten thousand races are on Innate It can't be compared to Immortal Court, then Immortal Court is also a test product?" Lin Jiufeng asked in shock.

"Yes, Immortal Court is a test product, but it is a good test product. Therefore, Immortal Court can suppress several times." War Goddess nodded.

Lin Jiufeng is silent. His mind is a little confused. He can use Immortal Court as a test product. What is terrifying existence?

"Is it a little unacceptable?" War Goddess smiled extremely happily.

"If I was telling you that Divine Race is actually a test product, how would you feel?" War Goddess's beautiful face was full of hatred.

"Divine Race is also a test product?" Lin Jiufeng frowned deeply, his three views were all subverted.

"Yes, it's just this kind of test product that finally got out of control, causing the chaos that happened 20,000 years ago, and I was sealed for more than 20,000 years." War Goddess's face was cold. Come down, clenching one's teeth and said.

For Divine Race, she really hates in the bones.

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