Chapter Three Hundred 57th Immortal King Cannot Be Humiliated 2

Lin Jiufeng has completely entered the depths of the dead world.

According to what the crystal skull said, Lin Jiufeng has just crossed the boundary of the depths of the dead world.

The following steps are dangerous.

Lin Jiufeng looked towards Crystal Skull, sighing with emotion: "You have only told the truth now. You were deceiving us before. It's really hateful."

black skull and white skull They were all nodded, they still believed it stupidly, that is, Lin Immortal King kept a mind, and never believed in the crystal skull, and forced it to tell the truth.

"Before you didn't know each other because you didn't know each other, then there is no need to tell the truth, and how do I know if you have heard my story? After all, I used to stay with Hades for a while." The Crystal Skull defended itself. It felt that it was doing the right thing.

Lin Jiufeng doesn't care about these things. The crystal skull has its concerns, which is normal. If it is fully revealed at first, Lin Jiufeng will definitely be suspicious.

"Since you followed the Pluto and spent a long time in the depths of the dead world, tell me, there is something in the depths of the dead world that I should taboo?" Lin Jiufeng asked.

"Why, Lin Immortal King also needs to taboo others?" Crystal Skull asked.

"Although Lin Immortal King is confident and invincible, he also needs to understand the enemy clearly, and he is not an intellectually disabled person. It won’t be long before Lin Immortal King can surely suppress the depths of the dead world by turning his palms." Lin Immortal King believes himself.

The crystal skull can't beat Lin Immortal King's self-confidence.

"In the depths of the dead world, you need to pay attention to the great influences, these great influences, even if the Pluto suppressed it, it took a lot of effort. It is inevitable to encounter them." Crystal Skull said.

"What force?" Lin Jiufeng asked seriously.

Confidence does not mean arrogance. For Lin Jiufeng, he is very confident, but he is not arrogant.

The things that should be understood are still to be understood clearly.

The black skeleton and the white skeleton are also listening carefully. They are weaker than Lin Jiufeng, so naturally they dare not care.

After all, this is the depths of the dead world, not the periphery of the dead world. They are in the bones, and some of them are coming out at this moment.

The crystal skull said: "In the depths of the dead world, there is a giant city, which is full of giant skeletons, ten meters high, very scary, all of them are Peak experts, and they seem to Controlling the ability to reproduce in the depths of the dead world, most of the skeletons in Giant City have been born in recent years. They are different from those of us who died in the world and then came to the dead. They should be considered dead. Skeletons in the world."

"You actually control the ability to reproduce in the dead world?" Immortal King was surprised. Skeleton creatures, this should be regarded as a kind of necromancer, only soul, no body, Can't mate, how to reproduce?

"Can skeleton creatures multiply?" The black skeleton looked towards the crystal skull in surprise, and the soul flame suddenly soared.

It is very interesting.

Black Skeleton really wants to study how to reproduce offspring. If he finds it back to Tongtian Well, he can only stay in the depths of the dead world for his entire life. It’s not unacceptable to reproduce offspring. .

Although the white skeleton can be so exaggerated as the black skeleton, its soul flame also rose silently.

Crystal Skull said: "You are so excited. It is a secret technique. It must be controlled by a few Great Influences. The Giant City is one, the Beast King City is also one, as well as the Asura City, the City of Hundred Wars, etc. I'm all under control."

"Why are they all cities?" Lin Jiufeng asked puzzledly.

"Because in the depths of the dead world, if you want to form a power, you have to build a city. The bigger and stronger the city, the power will last forever. When your ethnic group is destroyed, or the supreme powerhouse in the city is killed, Then this big city will be deserted, so in the depths of the dead world, there are many deserted cities, which used to be the memory of an era." Crystal Skull explained.

"So, is the abandoned city in the distance a memory of the era?" Immortal King stretched out his hand and said to the junction of Heaven and Earth in the distance.

The white skeleton immediately hugged the crystal skull and looked towards the distance.

An abandoned ancient city stands between Heaven and Earth.

There is no domineering, no magnificence, some are just broken walls, some are just ruins, plus countless traces carved by the vicissitudes of life.

"It’s a memory of an era. I remember it clearly. Pluto brought me to the depths of the dead world. This ancient city was just established. At that time, the people in the city were high-spirited and Vigorous, ambitious, but in a blink of an eye, 20,000 years have passed and it has become ruins. Those people in those days have already become a pile of dead bones, and I have become the way I am now." The crystal skull recalled that year, and his tone was full. With emotion, it saw the city stand up with its own eyes, and now it sees the city fall with its own eyes.

Everything in the world cannot withstand the years.

The crystal skull fell into emotion.

"Don't sigh, Lin Immortal King has passed, let's take a look together." The black skeleton slapped the crystal skull, and physical means interrupted its emotion.

The crystal skull watched the black skeleton stride along with the meteor, and immediately put away the sad emotions, and let the white skeleton speed up, so as not to be left behind.

Lin Jiufeng came to this abandoned ancient city. What he saw was weeds, dead bones can be seen everywhere, the city wall collapsed, and the city gate corroded.

The white skeleton came with the crystal skull.

"Twenty thousand years ago, this place was also a majestic giant city back then, with a large protective array, even if it is a colorful skeleton, it can be resisted, but now, it is completely in ruins." Looking at the devastated ancient city, the crystal skull said with emotion.

"Go in and take a look." Lin Jiufeng let the black skeleton and white skeleton go in. He stood at the city gate and didn't move.

The black skeleton and the white skeleton went in with the bronze stele and the crystal skull. Observe all around carefully.

And Lin Jiufeng is a line of words that appeared before you looked towards.

【Do you sign in in front of the abandoned giant city? 】

Lin Jiufeng didn't expect after entering the depths of the dead world, the first sign-in was triggered here.

But it’s okay, just trigger it.

Now he is Lin Immortal King, what he signs in, he should be on the next level.

Lin Immortal King secretly looks forward to it.

【Sign in! 】

Lin Jiufeng chooses to agree.

【Successfully sign in, get a barren Dafa! 】

This thing made Lin Immortal King suddenly lost in thought.

What is Barren Dafa?

It sounds very difficult to deal with, but Lin Jiufeng is really the first time I have heard it, and I don’t know at all.

He had to check the information and investigate this so-called barren Dafa!

【Desolate Dafa, a Peak cultivation technique created by supreme existence, hitting the enemy can erase the traces of its existence from the essence of the world. Even if there is a resurrection method, it will not help! 】

Lin Immortal King, who read this information, is happy in his heart.

"Isn't this the nemesis of those who can be resurrected after the dead?" Immortal King's mouth curled up, he wanted to laugh, but he resisted it.

Dark cool!

The supreme existence that created this cultivation technique must be disgusting by those who can continue to resurrect.

Killed again and again, and can be resurrected. It is very helpless if you can't kill.

So barren Dafa came into being.

But there are no traces of this cultivation technique in this world, I think it should be too strong, lost in the gap of time.

Since ancient times, the stronger the cultivation technique, the more difficult it is to inherit.

The easier the cultivation technique, the more it can spread, because it doesn’t matter, you don’t mind spreading it.

But with the powerful cultivation technique, everyone has a possessive desire and doesn't want to share it with others. If it falls accidentally, this cultivation technique will be lost.

Desolate Dafa should have been lost in this way, until now, it was signed by Lin Immortal King.

"However, I have also learned [See eternal life in within reincarnation] before, and can be resurrected several times." Lin Jiufeng suddenly remembered his previous events. He also resurrected a lot during the battle with the enemy.

But now, seeing eternal life within reincarnation is no longer useful for Lin Jiufeng.

The method of resurrection learned in the world, if it can work on Immortal King, it will be against the sky.

"Just right, I don’t have the resurrection method, so I will cultivation the barren Dafa, so that my opponents in the future can’t be resurrected anymore. If you erase it from World Source, it won’t help if you have too many cards.” Lin Immortal King thinks like this, worrying about his future opponents, originally thinking of being beaten to resurrection, and then giving Lin Immortal King a heavy blow .

But once he is killed by Lin Jiufeng, he can no longer be resurrected.

It must be miserable.

Thinking about this, Lin Jiufeng couldn't wait to learn the barren Dafa.

The Immortal King has become stronger again.

At this time, the black skeleton explored in the ruins of the ancient city, yelled: "Immortal King, there is nothing here. There are some skeletons in the ruins, but the others are all submerged. In the years."

"If you can't find anything, just come out." Immortal King is not surprised, that's why he doesn't want to go in.

This ruined ancient city, at first glance, is so old that no one is interested anymore.

The Crystal Skull also said that this was just established after Pluto came to the depths of the dead world 20,000 years ago.

Up to now, twenty thousand years have passed in a hurry, and there are treasures in it, which were taken away by the skeletons in the depths of the dead world a long time ago.

So this city, the meaning of existence, that is, nothing will be preserved.

Looking at some traces of the aftermath of the battle on the city wall, it is enough to show that there were endless battles because of the competition for treasure.

The ruins of ancient city may have been caused at that time.

On the contrary, now, there is no treasure and no sense of exploration. Ancient city still retains some foundations that Lin Jiufeng can see.

So he didn't go in, but let the black skeleton and white skeleton go in and take a look.

After a while, the black skeleton came out, shaking his head, and said: "There are weeds everywhere, withered and withered, there is nothing, it's a pity."

white skeleton follow closely from Behind it, came out too, without gain.

It is a crystal skull, but it has discovered something new.

It floated alone in the air, looking a little weird, but it said to Lin Jiufeng: "Back then, Hades led me through this city and left something in the city. I went to see it just now. , Things are still there."

Lin Jiufeng was planning to leave. He raised his brows and asked in surprise: "What?"

Can be Pluto, that is What was left by the King of the Gods of Divine Race 20,000 years ago must be a treasure.

"A coffin!" The crystal skull said solemnly.

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