At the moment of rushing out of the corpse tide, the members of the giant shield mercenary regiment cheered together. The feeling of surviving from the disaster made everyone excited.

And after the exhilaration, they have to face a problem, that is, about the reward of the rescue.

This is related to the vital interests of every mercenary. After all, if the harvest is large, then everyone will get more bonus. The mercenary regiment can also replenish better equipment, and the next mission will undoubtedly be safer.

On the contrary, if they pay such a large sum of money, they will not only make no money, but also do not know whether the cost of repairing the armor and armored vehicles is enough.

As the mercenary group began to argue about the payment of the mercenary's shield.

Moreover, the reasons provided by the two groups are quite sufficient, and they do not support payment. Of course, it is because of money.

The support for payment is due to Lin Xinghai's terrible strength. In addition, the corpse of the hunter on the SUV is also an invisible deterrent to them.

Ren Hong listened to the quarrel of his subordinates. His face was very ugly.

On the other hand, he didn't even want to face up to the opinions of his soldiers, because on the other hand, he didn't want to face the dispute directly.

You should know that most of the chief mercenaries are able to make decisions at one word, and the management of their opponents is also obedient. Where can this happen.

There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that the mercenary group has not been established for a long time, and the sense of belonging of its members is not so strong.

The second and most important point is that he is not strong enough.

If his genetic optimization can exceed 90%, then the situation is absolutely different.

Although it only increases the degree of gene optimization by 7 points, and his own strength will not have a great degree of breakthrough, but after breaking the third gene lock, his perception will rise again.

At that time, the power of the mecha will be fully exerted, and the role he can play will not be the same as that of now.

all kinds of thoughts in his mind are hovering, but he did not say anything to stop the quarrel among the mercenaries.

Because according to the past experience, this kind of matter directly related to the mercenary's own interests, when they are in a hot mood, they can't suppress it at all.

They have to wait until they have almost quarreled with each other, and they are coming forward to make the final decision.

The waiting time was not long, not because a group of mercenaries had finished their quarrel, but because there was a signal application for access in the communication channel.

It's obvious that the one who wants the bill comes to urge him.

"What about the chief? Give me a letter of approval At this time, a mercenary finally thought of Ren Hong.

One of the mercenaries opened his mouth, and the rest of the mercenaries opened their mouths in succession to let Ren Hong make up his mind.

Seeing a group of mercenaries finally thought of themselves, Ren Hong coughed and said his own idea: "I think we should consider two points first. First of all, the reward of 50000 points is very unreasonable."

"Secondly, although the shooter is very strong, the other side is only a hunting team. As long as he can return to the shelter, even if he wants to punish us, we can't start. Moreover, when I repair the mecha, the other side can't pose a threat to us."

"Of course, considering the shooting method of the other party, we can't refuse it explicitly, so we can first test the other party's attitude..."

Soon Ren Hong dragged out his thoughts. Many of the mercenaries nodded repeatedly. Although some of them looked worried, they didn't say anything.

Seeing no objection, Ren Hong couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth. The prestige of the head of the regiment has accumulated over and over again.


On the other side, Ling Xiu tried to call several times, but the other side didn't answer. His face was also a little ugly.

Obviously, something he was worried about still appeared, and the other party would have to default on his account.

"Brother Lin, they..." Ling Xiu looks at Lin Xinghai. He just wants to say something, but he is surprised to find that he has a faint smile on his face.

"Er..." Ling Xiu's face of anger and depression, suddenly turned into consternation.

"Isn't that good? It just gives us a reason to blackmail. " Lin Xinghai said with a smile.

Ling Xiu didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Although Lin Xinghai has said such a topic before, in fact, he really does not want to happen. In the final analysis, he is just the vice captain of the hunting team.

It's OK. I hate to offend a mercenary regiment.

Otherwise, if the other party retaliates afterwards, their alliance of powers will never have good fruit to eat. After all, Lin Xinghai can't stay with them all the time.

Of course, 50000 points, he is also absolutely not willing to give up, even if Lin Xinghai points 60%, then there are 20000 points left!Only relying on their hunting team, I don't know how long it will take to earn so many points. What's more, since Lin Xinghai has chosen to blackmail, it can be imagined that they won more than 20000 points.

So his mood now is quite complicated.

Lin Xinghai seemed to be able to guess what Ling Xiu was thinking and patted each other on the shoulder. "Don't think so much. If you have time to grieve about spring and autumn, it's better to take these points and improve your strength as soon as possible. When you are really strong, the other party will not dare to take any of you."

"Well!" Ling Xiu nodded.

Seeing that the other party's mood seemed to calm down, Lin Xinghai continued to say, "then we'd better discuss it first, what can we blackmail them?"

"We must bring all their energy crystals." Huang Nuo was the first to open his mouth. He didn't worry so much about Ling Xiu. Of course, you can think that he didn't get to that position and couldn't consider so many things.

"We can take their ammunition, too." Even Yao Cheng spoke.

"We can also see if any of them have a laptop with them." Zhang Meiling also added that the little stars twinkled in her eyes.

Listen to the three people's speech, Ling Xiu has a kind of heart shaking feeling, the three people's proposal, simply more than one ruthless.

Zhang Meiling in particular, if she even takes such things as computers on her wrist, she will definitely die a feud!

Lin Xinghai, however, nodded again and again. He really wanted to listen to everyone's opinions. He didn't expect such things as ammunition.

After seeing that all of them didn't add anything, he stopped for a moment and said, "wait, I'll force them to hand in the mecha. What do you think?"

As Lin Xinghai said his proposal, the car suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Everyone's eyes widened and looked at Lin Xinghai with incredible eyes. Huang Nuo almost drove his car into the ditch.


I still see someone asking for thanks. Once again, all the rewards will be appreciated by the next day, so please don't rush!

Finally, weak to add a sentence, really missing, please add group private chat me. (there are group numbers in the chapter of comments on the shelves)


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