In fact, there is a big gap between the first and second level mercenaries, especially in terms of privileges.

For example, there are only 50 bottles of genetic agents per week for the first-class mercenaries.

If you continue to buy, the purchase price will rise back to 300 points a bottle.

But if it's a second-class mercenary regiment, there are 200 bottles of genetic medicine every week.

The gap between the two is not generally large.

Moreover, this is only one of the privileges. If taken as a whole, the resource preference of the second level mercenary regiment is at least five times higher than that of the first level.

That's why Roger had the guts to say that.

"Is that true?" Lin Xinghai was delighted to hear it.

"Of course! If we reach the level II mercenary regiment, the overall resources are not as good as those of the third level mercenary regiment, but the seed members cultivated by the third level mercenary regiment are not just one or two. "

"In a word, we can give you better training treatment than the third level mercenary group." Roger said with a straight face.

Looking at the expression on Roger's face, Lin Xinghai couldn't help laughing: "don't worry, I'm not those white eyed wolves. As long as the crack sky mercenary group doesn't do something sorry for me, I won't go."

"What's more, you're really not suitable for this kind of thing to attract people's hearts. The expression on your face is not in place. You might as well give me a few bottles of genetic medicine."

Roger's expression became stiff. He stood up in a rage and said, "you boy, that's it. Tomorrow at 8:00 mercenary square."

After finishing, he wanted to go out, but he was stopped by Lin Xinghai, "Lao Luo, wait, there is something I want to ask you for help."

"It's not big or small. What's the matter?" Roger said angrily, but he had a smile on his face.

Because Lin Xinghai's address to him has changed, from captain Roger to Lao Luo. Although this kind of address is not big or small, it is obviously close to a lot.

"You've met all my roommates! I want to help them find a good job. I'd better work in an official agency. In this way, the ax gang will have some scruples if they really want to deal with them. " Lin Xinghai did not have any twists and turns, said directly.

Listen to Lin Xinghai mention his roommate, even Roger can not help but envy.

From the administrator, he found that Lin Xinghai lived in Room 301, and then directly looked for it. But when he opened the door, he really thought he had gone to the wrong room.

He really didn't understand what kind of bad luck Lin Xinghai had gone. Actually, there were women willing to live with him, and they were five beautiful women.

"What do you have to do with them?" Roger asked, after thinking for a moment.

Lin Xinghai certainly knows what this means. His relationship with Liu Miaomiao will determine how much help Roger will give.

So after a little meditation, he cautiously said: "Liu Miaomiao and I are college students, get along very well, if not involving life danger, I will help."

Roger nodded, so that he had a clear idea, "the director of the government affairs department, previously owed me a favor. It's OK to arrange five of them in. Of course, you can't count on these positions. They should be front desk or reception work."

"Well, thank you." Hearing this, Lin Xinghai was immediately happy.

"Then I'll go to the supervisor and discuss it. If there's no accident, they can be officially inducted tomorrow morning. " Roger said that and left in a hurry.

In such a hurry, in addition to arranging work, he had to rush back to the mercenary corps to report Lin Xinghai's affairs to the head of the regiment.

After all, people with special constitution are really rare.

According to his knowledge, there are more than 100000 people in the Star Shield shelter, and there is only one director, which is a special constitution.

If Lin Xinghai is trained, it will definitely become the pillar of their mercenary regiment, and may even bring them to the top.

See Roger left in such a hurry, Lin Xinghai would like to say: you have not paid.

However, compared with Liu Miaomiao's work problems, the money for these two cups of coffee is nothing.

After paying 6 points, Lin Xinghai left with a smile.


Back in the dormitory, the five girls are still talking about finding a job.

"Ah! You're back. Are you going out on a mission tomorrow? " Liu Miaomiao saw Lin Xinghai coming back and asked immediately.

"Well! Go out early tomorrow morning Lin Xinghai nodded with a smile.

Wang Yao: "where are you going to carry out your mission tomorrow?"

Shen Yimei: "Captain Luo just came to arrange specific work for you?"

Liu Miaomiao: "is this mission dangerous?"

Several women are chirping, curious, but more worried, after all, mercenary is a very high risk occupation.

They also need Lin Xinghai's protection, so whether it's out of emotion or self-interest, they don't want Lin Xinghai to have an accident."I'm going to learn more about this mission. You can rest assured in terms of safety. As for other matters, they should be kept secret for the time being until the task is completed. " Lin Xinghai smiles and comforts.

Hear the other side say so, a few women also discern not to ask more.

"It's about your work. How's your discussion?" Lin Xinghai asked, two steps up to Liu Miaomiao's bed.

Here is a plan of the lower floor area. At this time, many buildings, facilities and factories on this plan are circled out with remarks on the side.

It can be said that if you look at this picture, you can see at a glance what kind of work is going on in the lower area.

"Not so good. There are only seven places left to try. If it still doesn't work, we can only go to the garment factory to do general work, where the physical work is relatively less. " Liu Miaomiao said, her eyes a little gloomy.

"Have you ever thought about it?" Lin Xinghai pointed to a building in the center of the plan.

Liu Miaomiao and others follow Lin Xinghai's point of view. The building is very large and beautiful.

But Liu Miaomiao and others turned a blind eye to it. Even on the plan, they didn't even write down the basic remarks.

"It's not that they didn't think about it, but they didn't dare to think about it. Even if the government office was short of people, it would not recruit people." Liu Miaomiao shook his head.

"Do you want to work here? I'm talking about the front desk, or the reception position. " Lin Xinghai said.

"As long as you work in the government office, any position will be robbed. I heard that the lowest wage position also has 80 points a week. It's almost twice as much as other jobs. Do you think I want to? " Liu Miaomiao rolled her eyes.

But after that, she began to have a little recollection.

"A Xing, what do you mean by that question just now?" Liu Miaomiao's voice trembled slightly.

The rest of the women also realized something. They all looked at Lin Xinghai with a look of both expectation and disbelief.

Lin Xinghai nodded in the public's expectation. "I asked captain Roger to help him find a job. He said that he had a friendship with a director of the government office. If there was no accident, you should be able to go in."


Super high decibel scream, let Lin Xinghai feel a little pain in the ear.

And the next moment, Wang Yao is excited to embrace him, and jump and jump.

The rest of the women, including Liu Miaomiao, seem to have forgotten their reserve at this moment, and they all took them up.

At this time, Lin Xinghai is both happy and painful. Of course, happiness takes the advantage of it, while the pain is the evil fire in the lower abdomen, which has no place to vent.


is this book being read? I feel like I'm playing stand-alone. I wrote it to myself

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