After opening the missile launcher, the system has automatically locked Lin Xinghai. After thinking about it, Zeng Hong chose two micro missiles to launch together.

With the press of the launch button, he felt that 2000 points were flying. They usually went out on a mission, but they may not be able to earn so much, which made him feel a sense of loss.

However, this feeling did not last long, because he felt that the ghost scene appeared. With two shots, two micro missiles only flew half way, and then exploded in the air.

He really didn't expect that Lin Xinghai's shooting method could achieve such a situation.

Although the speed of this miniature missile is not as fast as that of a bullet, it is not much slower.

Even the gene optimizer can't capture the trajectory of the missile. It has been hit before it reacts to the general enemy.

Even if you fight with other mecha, if there is a locking system, it is impossible for the other party to dodge. At most, it is to resist with weapons.

But now, the micro missile has been directly blasted in the air, which can't do any damage to Lin Xinghai.

At this moment, Zeng Hong was really in a hurry. Looking at the figure continuously shuttling along the building, he bit his teeth and manipulated the system again to lock it.

This time, when selecting the number of missiles, he first selected four missiles, but after thinking about it, he thought it was not very safe, and added it to six.

But in the end, just in case, he chose all eight micro missiles.

If Lin Xinghai can not be killed this time, he will not be able to rush to the battlefield in time, and the consequences will be unbearable.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Eight Mini missiles, with their plumes flying out.

And in the moment the micro missile was launched, Lin Xinghai detected it with his perception. He could not help but change his face when he found that there were eight miniature missiles this time.

The speed of this kind of micro missile is too fast. He just has time to lift his gun and explode two of them. This is still under the condition that he uses his perception to lock in beforehand.

And after firing two shots, he did not hesitate to plunge into the side of a dilapidated factory.

However, the micro missile that followed him also flew into the corner.

The micro missile with lock-in function can not be easily avoided.

Of course, Lin Xinghai is not thinking about avoiding it directly. He wants to use the narrow terrain of the workshop to restrict the flight path of these micro missiles.

At the moment when he jumped into the factory building, he turned the two Ripper rifles in his hands into the strafing mode, running wildly and shooting behind him.

Two Ripper rifles instantly formed a fire blockade line, and the shooter was Lin Xinghai. Even in the case of straying, the accuracy was reduced, but it was not comparable to other people.

Boom! Boom!

One micro missile was blasted in the air.

Outside, Zeng Hong couldn't see what happened in the factory. He only heard a roar, and then he saw the collapse of the old factory building.

When Lin Xinghai came out of the other side of the window, the factory building also collapsed under the bombing of six micro missiles.

Looking at the figure that was still alive and kicking, Zeng Hong felt a little desperate.

What's more, the alarm red of the self-test system is getting deeper and deeper. Now the outer armor of the mecha has been corroded by half. If it goes on like this for at most one minute, there may be a big problem.

Looking at the figure that he could not catch up with, Zeng Hong regretted that he should be equipped with some long-range attack means, such as purchasing a miniature electromagnetic railgun.

Of course, he can only think like this, even if there is an electromagnetic railgun, with his incorruptible shooting method, it is estimated that it will not hit at all.

Many thoughts flashed in his mind. Finally, he gritted his teeth, opened the communication channel, and ordered: "let out all the bee bombs and blow him up for me."

This was originally a card given to them by the wild wolf mercenary regiment. According to the original plan, when they appeared, the Chatian mercenary group should be defeated. Then they joined the ranks of encirclement and suppression and used this kind of bee bomb to pursue the enemy and kill them.

But I didn't expect that, before entering the battlefield, this card was forced to use.

With his orders, several members of the armored vehicle were immediately put into operation.

A mechanical bee, buzzing out, changes its formation in the air and turns into a huge net, which is shrouded in the direction of Lin Xinghai.

Seeing this, Lin Xinghai's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that there was such an assassin's mace, the power of the bee bomb, among the tiger mercenaries. He knew that one could kill him.

Now hundreds of them are flying here. Where does he dare to continue to roam around the tiger mercenary regiment and start to escape immediately.

Fortunately, the bee bomb, though flexible, is not as fast as a real missile.

Of course, this is not so fast, but also relatively speaking, the speed of this kind of bee bomb is absolutely 600 points. Normal mercenaries can't hide at all.Even he could only run for his life and open up a distance, and then use his own advantage in shooting to destroy these bee bombs before they can catch up with them.

However, in this case, he will be completely forced away, and he will no longer be able to contain the tiger mercenary regiment.

Looking at Lin Xinghai's figure into a mirage, he fled to the distance, and Zeng Hong sighed with relief.

At the same time, he ordered the rest of the members to rush to the battlefield quickly, and he also drove the mecha to the battlefield after hesitating for a moment.

After all, it's useless for him to pursue Lin Xinghai. It's better to find a way to solve the problem.


The third battlefield of the tiger mercenary regiment is not just Wu Yan. They are always paying attention to it. Even the people in the distant machine armour battle are also paying attention to it.

At the beginning, Fang Tianhe and others were extremely anxious to see the sudden appearance of the tiger mercenary regiment.

They didn't expect that the other side still had such backhand, they all thought they would try their best.

But when they saw Lin Xinghai, they went alone to intercept them. They were surprised. They did not understand why Lin Xinghai dared to do so.

However, after they saw the speed of Lin Xinghai, they were shocked and had a sudden feeling in their hearts.

With such speed, coupled with such a powerful gun, Lin Xinghai's combat effectiveness has reached a level of terror.

And the development of things, as they expected, Lin Xinghai not only forced to stop the other side's armored vehicles, but also let the other party's mecha, all helpless.

Although Lin Xinghai is being chased and killed by the other party's Bee bombs, it is obvious that he is not being slaughtered. He shoots at the back as he runs away, and each shot is bound to explode a bee bomb.

According to this situation, Lin Xinghai can destroy all the bee bombs before being caught up.

As for the fierce tiger mercenary regiment that is rushing towards the battlefield, Fang Tianhe is not too anxious now, because Lin Xinghai has given them a delay, and he has completely stabilized the situation of the war, and now he has been able to draw out people.

"Roger, you can go back and resist the mecha of the tiger mercenary regiment. You don't have to fight hard. You can intercept it. A Xing is expected to be able to deal with the bee bomb soon and come back. " Fang Tianhe ordered.

"Good!" Rogerton laughed. Of course, he knew the situation of the battlefield. Time was on their side, so he was not in a hurry.

Of course, they are not in a hurry, but the wolf mercenaries are!

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