After separated from the girls, Lin Xinghai soon came to the base camp of the split sky mercenary regiment.

At this time, a lot of people have come here in the base camp, all of them are smiling, obviously in a good mood.

When Lin Xing was still passing through the training room on the first floor, everyone began to say hello.


"Here comes Haige."

"Hello, Captain Lin!"

All people look at Lin Xinghai's eyes, some worship, some admire, and some envy.

Lin Xinghai nodded in response and walked towards the second floor.

In the office hall on the second floor, the middle is empty and a desk is placed. Fangtian and Damascus are sitting. In front of him, a mercenary looked at a form in front of him, listened to Fang Tianhe's story, and nodded constantly.

Look at the expression on the other side's face, that kind of surprise color is hard to hide.

Finally, when Fang Tianhe finished speaking, the mercenary immediately took out his ID card and handed it to the logistics support team on the side for integral transfer.

"You can count, now you have no settlement bonus." Fang Tianhe said that he could not help but move his neck and make a Kaka sound. It was obvious that he had been sitting here for a long time.

"Well, how much can I take?" Lin Xinghai didn't mention it. He sat on the stool and said.

"This is my own form. Take a look at it." Fang Tianhe then pushed the form to Lin Xinghai.

Lin Xinghai raised eyebrows, but he also vaguely understood the meaning of Fang Tianhe's words. The previous tasks and bonus allocation were made by the personnel of the logistics support group according to the video. Any sum of money can be kept absolutely fair, fair and open.

However, this mission involves the war between the two mercenaries and the weapons provided by the military and the Morgan foundation. This is not allowed to be leaked.

Therefore, it is impossible to assign points to these members of the logistics support group. It can only be handled by Fang Tianhe himself. But in this case, there will be some small discrepancies in the distribution of meritorious service.

Lin Xinhai took a look at the form and found that everyone did not show the number of bonus points, but wrote a percentage.

The average member, according to their battlefield performance, can get 0.5% to 1% bonus.

Even Roger and Shen Han got 3% and 4% bonus respectively.

These 3% and 4% bonuses look small, but they are not.

You know, if you sell weapons and mecha to the military alone, you will get 650000 points. In addition, the 80000 points obtained by hunting zombies in this mission, and 8000 points for completing the mission, all of which add up to 738000.

Even if it is a 1% bonus, there are 7380 points.

So those who get 0.5% bonus are all smiling. Under normal circumstances, they don't know how long it will take them to save enough.

As for Lin Xinhai and Fang Tianhe, the bonus ratio is 40% and 35%.

At the back of the form, the reasons why the two people were able to get so much bonus were also noted.

Lin Xinghai's contribution was obvious. He won them the friendly army of the mountain and sea mercenary regiment. At the beginning of the battle, he ventured to get close to the wolf mercenary group and used plasma grenades to break the enemy's stealth equipment.

Then it destroyed the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle of the wolf mercenary regiment, and broke the defense system of the other side, so that several sides could gain an overwhelming advantage.

Of course, the more important thing is to turn the tide back and block the tiger mercenary regiment with one's own strength.

With these achievements, Lin Xinghai gets 40% of the bonus, and no one can say anything about it.

If it's not for Lin Xinghai, then the final result of this station is likely to be the total annihilation of their Chatian mercenary regiment.

As for Fang Tianhe, he was not outstanding in this battle, at least compared with Lin Xinghai.

The main contribution of these missiles to the military is to get these weapons. Of course, it is also his credit that these equipment can be recycled and sold to the military.

So the other side can get 35% of the bonus, which is also normal.

"In your 40% bonus, the contribution of the Shanhai mercenary regiment is also included. As for how to distribute it, it is your subordinate mercenary regiment. You can decide for yourself. If it's OK, just sign it and I'll transfer it to you now. " Fang Tianhe and other Lin Xinghai said immediately after reading.

"No problem." Lin Xinghai said.

Fang Tianhe's work efficiency is very fast. Before long, Lin Xinghai saw the income prompt on the wrist computer, and received 295200 points.

However, after receiving the transfer, there was a prompt pop-up immediately, and 55000 points were received.

"This is the credit you lent to the mercenary regiment before. I'll pay you back with interest." Fang Tianhe's explanation.

Lin Xinghai took a look at his account balance and now it is as high as 414073 points."It's over 400000 points." Lin Xinghai sighed in his heart that he could buy a mecha with his own wealth.

"By the way, there are two more things to discuss with you." After the transfer, Fang Tian and Zheng se Dao.

"Say it." Lin Xinghai made a look of listening attentively.

"The first thing is your position. This time, your strength has been revealed. I don't think it's necessary to hide it. How do you feel about upgrading you to deputy commander At the same time, Fang Tianhe also felt a little uneasy.

He was afraid that Lin Xinghai would not use it. I would do it alone.

"No problem. You can arrange it." Lin Xinghai doesn't care much about these things.

Although his time is short, he has a thorough understanding of the nature of this eschatology. As long as you have the strength, sooner or later, you can get the position.

"The second thing is to discuss with you. How much profit do you intend to make when we go on a mission in the future?" Fang Tianhe said in a consultative tone.

"How much do you think is appropriate?" Lin Xinghai asked.

"50% of net income." This ratio was finally decided by Fang Tianhe after consulting with Shen Han.

He was afraid that Lin Xinghai would not like it, and that other mercenaries would poach him away. However, it will affect the development of Chatian mercenary regiment.

"No problem." Lin Xinhai simply agreed.

He was really satisfied with the share ratio. The stronger the regiment was, the more favorable it would be for him. He didn't mind sharing some profits.

Hearing Lin Xinghai's simple answer, Fang Tianhe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, he would not be afraid of Lin Xinghai and be poached by other mercenaries.

"Anything else? If it's OK, I'll go first. " Lin Xinghai said, to Gao Shan sent a message, about the other side out to settle the integral.

"There is one more thing. Elder, I want to see you Fang Tianhe said a word that made Lin Xinghai's heart beat faster.

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