After only five minutes, Liu Miaomiao came back.

Looking at Lin Xinghai's pale face, she was scared and said in a hurry, "are you ok?"

"Nothing! When you came back, you didn't tell anyone else about me, did you? " Lin Xinghai asked.

"Of course not! Now I'm just a little transparent. I can come back for any reason. " Liu Miaomiao said.

Due to Fang Tianhe and other high-level concealment, so other people think Liu Miaomiao is just a new person with good potential.

However, because she and Lin Xinghai are close, and no one dares to offend her, her status is still quite special.

"That's good. This matter must be kept confidential, or else it is known by the Morgan consortium. Tomorrow's things may be variable." Lin Xinghai said.

Although Liu Miaomiao has not been assigned a task during this period of time, he has helped the logistics support group in recent days, and has a clear understanding of the situation of the split sky mercenary regiment.

Or tomorrow is the turning point of the day.

At this juncture, her helplessness made her feel a little depressed. Now she is very happy to know that she can help Lin Xinghai.

"What should I do?" Liu Miaomiao inquired seriously.

"When you see that I begin to suffer, use the power to extract the vitality of the plant and inject it into me."

"It's going to be as slow as possible, because I'm going to have five minutes of pain once, and I'll go through 29 more times." Lin Xinghai said that when he felt pain, he felt uncomfortable even before he started.

"Good!" Liu Miaomiao indicated that she understood.

Lin Xinghai did not say much. He opened the system panel and began to improve the degree of gene optimization.

Liu Miaomiao saw that with her eyes closed, the breath on her body began to climb slowly.

But at the same time, the other side's skin also began to turn red, just like a ripe prawn. Sweat began to appear all over the body, but before it slipped, it was evaporated into a light mist by the high temperature on the body surface.

Seeing the same scene, Liu Miaomiao said that he was not surprised. It was absolutely false.

But even if she was surprised, she did not slow down at all. She immediately exerted her power, directly drew out the vitality of a rich bamboo nearby, and slowly injected it into Lin Xinghai's body.

With the injection of green life energy, the painful look on Lin Xinghai's face immediately eased down.

Seeing the effect, Liu Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief.

But she didn't pay attention, because Lin Xinghai said that the pain would last for five minutes, and it would take 29 times. It would take about two and a half hours.

The consumption of power is terrible. Liu Miaomiao doesn't know whether he can support it. What he can do is to prolong the time as much as possible.

Thinking of this, her operation is more refined, using as few powers as possible to achieve the best effect.

Five minutes later, Lin Xinghai successfully completed his ascension at the cost of the death of two plants.

Looking at the withered plants in front of him, he didn't feel any pain at all. Even if it was doubled, he thought it was worth it.

Of course, he is very clear that paying the vitality of plants is only secondary, and the most important thing is Liu Miaomiao.

"Is it expensive? How many times can your inner powers persist? Lin Xinghai immediately inquired.

"Maybe it's only 19 more times. I'll try to extend it a little longer." Liu Miaomiao pursed her lips and said with some shame.

"It's OK. It's better than I thought. Let's go on!" Lin Xinghai comforted.

Next, with the help of Liu Miaomiao's ability, Lin Xinghai spent a more comfortable hour.

Liu Miaomiao, who witnessed the whole process, was more and more surprised.

Because every time Lin Xinghai experiences pain, his breath will be stronger. In this short period of more than an hour, the other party's breath has been greatly improved.

If it wasn't for her own eyes, it would be hard for her to believe.

In this way, with the help of Liu Miaomiao, Lin Xinghai experienced the pain of 22 ascensions.

Yes, it's 22, not 19 as predicted.

Because with Liu Miaomiao's efforts, the more to the back, her consumption is less, insist on more than 15 minutes.

"Are you all right?" Looking at the same pale man in front of him, Lin Xinghai asked with concern.

"It's OK. It's just that the power consumes too much. Just take a rest. What do you do next?" Liu Miaomiao asked with concern.

"It's OK. There are only a few times left. I bite my teeth and go. You should take time to rest and wait for my real breakthrough. You need your power to help you! " Lin Xinghai took a look at the system panel, and his gene optimization level has increased to 84%.

"Good!" Liu Miaomiao nodded smartly.

The powers consumed by the body are just like physical strength. They can recover slowly as long as they rest.It can recover about 10% in one hour. Under normal circumstances, the ability can recover completely in 10 hours.

Liu Miaomiao is resting now and can help later.

In the next half an hour, Lin Xinghai sharpened his teeth five times, raising the degree of gene optimization to 89%.

At this time, he finally stopped and would face the third gene lock for further promotion. Without Liu Miaomiao's help, he would not have tried foolishly.

What's more, he needs to rest and adjust.

Another one and a half hours later, Lin Xinghai has completely slowed down.

As for Liu Miaomiao, with this period of rest, her internal powers have been restored to 20%.

"Next, I want to really start to break through, you are optimistic about the opportunity to shoot." Lin Xinghai looks at Liu Miaomiao with a smile.

The girl in front of her is really a treasure. At first, I thought she was beautiful, but I didn't expect that her genetic talent was so good, and now her awakening ability is still so good.

She must be kept by her side, not to mention the fact that power alone can alleviate pain!

"Well, I will do it well. You need to refuel, but don't put too much pressure on yourself Liu Miaomiao said worried.

In the past few days, she also learned a lot about cultivation. She knew that the further the gene lock was, the higher the failure rate would be.

Even if Lin Xinghai is a B-level gene evaluation, the success rate of breaking the third gene lock is only 70%.

Nearly one-third of the failure rate is absolutely false.

Feeling Liu Miaomiao's concern, Lin Xinghai just smiles, but doesn't say much.

Failure doesn't exist with him.

"Ding! Do you spend 300 points of blood for the third power awakening? "

Looking at the pop-up system prompt, Lin Xinghai has only one "yes" idea, and then chooses yes.

"Ding! According to the comprehensive evaluation, the probability of the host breaking the gene lock is 70%. Is it necessary to improve the success rate? "

The choice is to spend another 300 points of blood, increasing the probability of breakthrough to 100%.

Now hundreds of points, for Lin Xinghai, it is drizzle, without blinking an eye, then spent out.

The next moment, he officially entered the state of breakthrough.

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