Fang Tianhe, envied by the two regiments, was in a totally different mood from them. Some of them were happy and happy.

In this case, if it is said that he has no psychological pressure, it is absolutely false, and no one wants to be a drag in such cooperation.

But at this time, seeing the outstanding performance of all members of his mercenary regiment, his worries were swept away.

Fang Tian and one person are not the only ones who have this idea. The rest of the members of the Chatian mercenary regiment are in the same mood.

Although under the guidance of Lin Xinghai, everyone can detect their own shooting skills, which is really improving. But how much progress, if there is no contrast, is very difficult to reflect.

Now, these members of the third level mercenary regiment are the best reference.

For a moment, all the soldiers of the Chatian mercenary regiment were in high spirits, and their morale was rising. Their shooting skills seemed to be more accurate. Even the zombies who rushed over could not get close to them.

Looking at this scene, Lin Xinghai also showed a smile, but unlike other people, for this point, he did not feel strange.

In fact, compared with actual combat, the gap between Tang Zhuofei and his colleagues in basic theory will only be greater.

The shooting skills he got from the system not only directly improved the shooting skills, but also gained a lot of theoretical knowledge.

However, Tang Zhuofei and others are mercenaries, and they have not systematically studied gun skills. Their achievements are due to their talent and a lot of practical training.

Therefore, in terms of instructing members, the effect of Lin Xinghai's five minute instruction is basically equivalent to that of Tang Zhuofei's one-day instruction, which is the advantage of being strategic.

People were in different moods, but the speed of the procession did not slow down at all. The zombies on the way could not even cause trouble.

When the team advanced another 3 kilometers, Lin Xinghai gradually found something wrong, and there seemed to be more zombies.

Although the number of zombies in the city center is large, it does not seem to stop after wave.

What's more, there is a kind of faint uneasiness in his heart. Lin Xinghai knows that this kind of uneasiness is not his own fantasy, but the warning from his perception.

After Lin Xinghai realized that something was wrong, song Yao, a strong-blooded man, soon found something wrong.

He controls the mecha. With the help of the spray device, he jumps to the top of a 20 story building in a few jumps, and then looks around.

"We are in trouble. I don't know why, the zombies within two or three kilometers around are all rushing towards us. If we go on like this, we may even form a corpse tide." Song Yaomei puckered up when he was stunned.

Hearing the other party say so, Lin Xinghai also instantly remembered that the kind of uneasiness he had noticed before was a little familiar.

When I was on a mission with Ling Xiu and others, I felt like this when I was fighting with hunters at close range.

Thinking of this, he quickly said in the communication channel: "I can sense that there are mutation zombies nearby, and there are more than one, almost sure that the corpse tide will form, let's get ready!"

Yes, just after the call, Lin Xinghai felt that dangerous smell again. This time, the dangerous breath also came from two different directions, so there must be more than one mutant zombie.

"What!" One after another, Qin Wenbo lost his temper.

"Two mutant zombies? How do you feel that? " Song Yao was also startled.

"I have some special abilities, which should not be wrong." Lin Xinghai vaguely said a, he can not directly say that my perception is far beyond you, can detect the danger you can not sense.

After listening to Lin Xinghai's words, they did not ask much. And now is not the time to delve into this matter. The important thing is to deal with the problems in front of us.

"Brother Lin, can you sense the mutant zombie?" Song Yao inquired and continued to search on the top of the building.

However, to his disappointment, he didn't find any clue at all, and in order to keep up with the team, he could not stand on it all the time. After observing for a while, he could only jump down helplessly.

"I'm not sure. I can only sense the presence of mutant zombies." Lin Xinghai is also quite helpless, after all, it is just a dangerous feeling.

Song Yao and Qin Wenbo both felt awkward.

"I didn't expect that the mutant zombies would join forces. There is no record of this in the mercenary guild. This is very important information." Qin Wenbo couldn't help saying.

"Mutant zombies are all intelligent. It should be our joint action that causes great threat to them, so that they can be united." Song Yao analyzed.

"I think the focus now should be on how to deal with the next situation." Lin Xinghai could not help but make complaints about it.

"Brother Lin is right." Song yaozan said the same thing, and then said: "we are all familiar with dealing with mutant zombies. What we are not familiar with is how they will fight together.""So my suggestion is that we will separate them by force. I will lead the mecha of the Holy Light mercenary Corps against one mutant zombie, and you will deal with another mutant zombie. Don't let the two of them together."

Qin Wenbo thought for a moment and agreed with such a plan. These three-level mercenary regiments really fought against mutant zombies.

If it wasn't for the zombie mutation that triggered the zombie, they wouldn't even have much to discuss.

Lin Xinghai heard more no comments.

After the communication, they arranged their own mercenaries to prepare for the tide of corpses.

The tide of corpses is a fatal threat to the first and second level mercenary regiments, but to the third level, they have the ability to break through the encirclement.

Not to mention that they are now three mercenary regiments, which can only cause some trouble.

If it wasn't for the mutant zombies, they wouldn't even have to send out mecha. They could have bombed out a passage with their hand guns.

For the third class mercenary regiment, it is unreasonable.

Not to mention, this ammunition consumption, all can be reimbursed, there is nothing to worry about.

After three minutes, the tide of corpses finally formed, and the dense zombies blocked the road ahead completely.

They jumped down from all directions, even from the top of the building, and launched a crazy attack on the armored vehicles with their claws and teeth.

Boom! Boom!

At the same time, nearly 500 mercenaries of the three mercenaries launched a counterattack in an instant.

One handgun bullet poured out, and the zombies near the armored vehicle were harvested. The threat of corpse tide was reduced by more than half in an instant.

The incendiary bombs fired into the distance, forming a sea of fire, blocking the subsequent impact of the corpse tide.

Finally, the mercenary with outstanding marksmanship straws with the Ripper's rifle to kill those who miss the net.

Lin Xinghai glanced at the war situation and did not continue to pay attention to it. The danger premonition in his mind gradually became stronger. The two mutant zombies were expected to take action.

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