Looking at the breakthrough of the blockade, all the faces showed a look of ecstasy.

However, these people soon found that they were too early to be happy, because breaking through the blockade does not mean that they have successfully escaped.

Although the Morgan group can't stop them, it can keep up with the rear of the team and constantly attack and harass them.

Under such circumstances, their speed will not be fast at all. If they continue to be slowed down by such tail chasing, the original encircling teams of the other side will soon catch up with them.

At that time, the attack they encounter will be more fierce. Whether they can escape smoothly or not is really hard to say.

"What? Do you have any good ideas? " Song Yao asked anxiously in the communication channel.

"We do not have any advantage in speed, whether it is mecha or armored vehicles. It is almost impossible to get rid of them directly. If we want to retreat safely in this situation, we can only organize an interceptor team." Qin Wenbo bit his teeth and gave his own opinion.

"What about you, brother Lin? Any suggestions? " After a little silent carving, song Yao asked with a final hope.

"In the current situation, we can only choose to send people to intercept." Lin Xinghai after pondering, gave the same answer.

In this case, it is almost impossible to leave easily.

Hearing Lin Xinghai say the same thing, song Yao's last hope is gone.

However, he was also a man who could afford to put it down. He was very single and said, "brothers, who dares to intercept the people of Morgan group with me?"

"Chief, I'll go with you."

"Count me in, chief."

"Eighteen years later, I will be a hero again. I will go too!"

People from the three major mercenary regiments have opened their mouths in the communication channel. Fang Tianhe and others intend to join the interception team.

Everyone knows that this interception mission is almost a mortal, but knowing that, there are so many people willing to stand up, which really surprised Lin Xinghai.

However, when everyone was in the mood of death, Lin Xinghai opened his mouth in a very untimely way, "cough! In fact, you're supposed to die like this. Let's have a few speed powers to help me intercept them. "

At this moment, the communication channel seemed to be blocked, and there was no sound in an instant.

"I can use wind power to speed up."

"My basic powers also increase my speed."

After a moment of silence on the channel, two people spoke.

"Are you sure you'll escape when we've finished our mission?" Lin Xinghai asked.

"It should be." One said.

"80% sure, but it's hard to say if the opponent also has a speed type ability to pursue." Another person, gave a more precise answer.

"Yes! Come with me then! Of course, you can rest assured that when they retreat, their speed type ability will never dare to catch up with them alone, so your safety is guaranteed. " Lin Xinghai confidently said.

"Brother Lin, what are you going to do?" Song Yao immediately inquired.

"That's what I intend to do..."

Immediately Lin Xinghai said his plan in his heart. All the pilots who heard the plan were confused and confused.

After listening to Lin Xinghai's story, there was only one sentence in their hearts, "is it so simple?"

Of course, no matter what they think in their hearts, there is only one thing to do now, which is to implement according to Lin Xinghai's plan.

Then the Morgan group, who were chasing after them, saw that the three mercenaries suddenly broke out.

The three mercenaries released all the heavy weapons that could threaten them, followed by hand guns and bullets, such as the remaining bee bombs and plasma grenades.

In addition, the same is true for the mecha side. All the micro missiles loaded in the legs of the mecha are also released.

All of a sudden, the Morgan group was almost blinded, because the sudden burst of fire was so fierce that they could not carry it at all and had to dodge in a hurry.

After this round of fierce attacks, they found that the distance between them and the three mercenary regiments was widened by more than 100 meters in a short time.

If this is the case, they can easily catch up, but when the smoke of the explosion passed, they suddenly saw three mecha in front of their eyes.

It's a bit funny to say that only three mechas want to stop the large forces of Morgan group. However, after seeing that the three mechas have the extremely fast mecha driven by Lin Xinghai, they still look as if they are facing a big enemy.

Because Lin Xinghai had already destroyed five mechas before and after the breakout period. It is not exaggeration to say that Lin Xinghai has killed them a little bit.So don't say there are three mecha in front, even if it's just Lin Xinghai, they will be cautious.

Of course, after a little hesitation, the Morgan group quickly adjusted the mentality, and then rushed to Lin Xinghai.

As long as Lin Xinghai is not a God, it is impossible to stop them.

And the fact is the same. Facing the charge of these mecha, Lin Xinghai didn't dare to fight head-on. He took out the electromagnetic railgun again and shot while retreating.

However, Lin Xinghai's target at this time is not these mecha, but those armored vehicles.


As a fist sized bullet flew out and rushed to the front of an armored vehicle, the front wheel bearing broke directly and the tire flew out.

And this armored vehicle, driven by strong inertia, because it lost the front wheel, it rolled over directly.

However, there are gene optimizers sitting inside, or armored vehicles, which are strong enough to cause no substantial damage.

But when the armored vehicle is repaired and pursued, it will be at least 5 minutes later. It can be said that it has completely lost the threat.

Such a move made the Morgan group a little confused, but Cobra was the quickest to react. He immediately called out in the communication channel, "stop them, or all our armored vehicles will break down and lose their fire protection. If we want to catch up and delay, it will be dangerous."

Other people also wake up to it. Although mecha is the main force in this war, the role of armored vehicles can not be ignored. They can provide continuous fire suppression.

Although the Ripper rifle can't pose any threat to the mecha, the hand gun can!

Before, the teams of the two sides attacked each other, and they did not feel the threat of many hand guns.

However, if all of your teams break down, they will definitely encounter a fire attack from the other side's hand guns when they catch up.

If you are hit by a few hand guns, that's fine. But if you are hit by more than a dozen or even dozens of hand guns, you can't even bear the mecha.

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