

When the motorcade advanced more than 100 meters, and finally met the zombie, the sound of gunfire and gunfire suddenly rang out.

Due to being in the rear of the team, Lin Xinghai can't see what's going on in the front, but he can see the blue light shooting out.

Where this blue light passes, whether it's a zombie, a house or a rock, is instantly pierced.

The power of the electromagnetic railgun is so terrible that it can attack zombies without aiming at their heads.

As long as the bullet touches the Zombie's body, the whole body of the zombie will be torn apart under the strong kinetic energy. Even if the head is intact, it is impossible to survive.

This for the shooting accuracy requirements, greatly reduced.

Besides, the electromagnetic railgun is powerful, and its firing speed is not much different from that of machine gun.

With the cooperation of cross fire, the zombies coming from the front will die as many as they really come.

At this time, in addition to the two leading multi-functional off-road vehicles in the lead. Members of the second and third teams, the fire that broke out, was also extremely terrifying.

In addition to using the Ripper's rifle to attack, the hand guns also went into action, and each bullet fired would make a violent roar.

This range of attacks, often can take two or three zombies at a time.

Under the suppression of this powerful firepower, the zombies who want to attack from both sides have no way to start. Even it is very difficult to get close to the distance of 30 meters from the convoy.

As for their first team, their post-mortem task is the most relaxed, and there is no possibility of any problems in a short time.

In this way, the team headed for the center of the city, rapidly advancing.

"Lao Luo, at our present speed, how long can we arrive at our destination?" Lin Xinghai was in a bad mood because he couldn't collect blood and Qi, so he changed his address.

did not want to make complaints about this. Roger, according to the planning route, will arrive in the downtown area in about half an hour.

After that, he patted the Ripper rifle in his hand, "so you should also know how urgent the time is now. Next, I will show you carefully, and then you will start to practice. Any questions?"

"No problem!" Lin Xinghai also immediately put away, unable to collect the strength of blood, serious up.

After all, if you want to survive in the end of the world, good shooting is also essential.

"Good. I'll start with the simplest replenishment."

"Press this button on the gun and the magazine will pop out automatically. The bullet box is under the seat. This is the small black box

"The cartridge box has the function of automatic loading. If the magazine is buckled into this slot, it can be loaded automatically by pressing the button."

"The magazine is full of 50 bullets. In the process of shooting, you should know how many bullets are left in the gun. When one third of the bullets are left, you need to find a chance to load them."

"Well, next I'll teach you the shooting posture. What I'm holding now is the standard position. This is the sight. There are two options: mechanical aiming and optical aiming."

"Although the latter is easy to use, I suggest you choose the former, so that you can practice your hand feeling faster. Most of the time, there is no time to aim for you. You need to shoot blindly when you hold a gun. At this time, the feeling is very important. "

Roger is telling the details and matters needing attention. Lin Xinghai is also listening carefully. However, this process only takes three minutes.

"Well, I'm done with all that's due. Any questions?" Roger said.

"These three minutes of cramming is the biggest problem." Lin Xinghai make complaints about him. He has never heard of such an unreliable teaching.

However, he didn't say anything. Instead, the system came out first.

"Ding! In order to master the primary shooting skills! "

"This! Is the system so powerful? It also has the function of autonomous learning. " While excited, Lin Xinghai said that he was OK.

Roger's face looked a little surprised. Are young people learning so fast now?

But he did not say anything. After nodding, he picked up the Ripper's rifle, chose a shooting window, and opened an attack on the rear zombie.

As for Lin Xinghai, he quickly called up the system panel.

Host: Lin Xinghai

physique: 24 points

strength: 20 points

speed: 29 points

blood force: 63 points

gene optimization degree: 29% +

primary shooting skills: proficiency 1% +

sure enough, there is an additional primary shooting skill on the system panel, but the latter proficiency of 1% +, makes him less excited.

He points the "+" sign, and a prompt box pops up.

"Ding! Do you need to consume 1 point of energy to upgrade? "

"NIMA! It's the same routine again. " Lin Xinghai almost couldn't help shouting abuse, but he thought that this time the system conscience found it!However, how to pit, this is also a shortcut to enhance the strength, so he finally ordered.

In an instant, Lin Xinghai felt that a piece of information appeared in his mind, which was what Roger said to him in those three minutes.

But when Roger just said that, he was confused, but now the information emerging from the system is like a flash of water, and he can understand the meaning of each sentence in an instant.

He opened the system panel again and took a look. His face was slightly surprised.

Primary shooting skills: proficiency 10% +

"the improvement range is a little big!" Lin Xinghai was surprised.

In order to test the 10% proficiency and the degree to which he reached, he went to the nearby shooting hole and lifted his gun and aimed.

This series of actions was demonstrated by Roger just now when he was talking about it.

Now he is familiar with his heart repeatedly and easily imitates it. Every action is so standard, natural and fluent.

Lin Xinghai aims at a zombie 50 miles away.

Gently pulled the trigger.


The gunfire rang out, but the zombie still rushed towards the motorcade.

"Well! No hit. " Lin Xinghai's mentality is not good for a moment.

Because there was no bullet, it hit the wall 2 meters away to the right of the zombie.

Two meters away, it seems It's a little bit big.

But what Lin Xinghai didn't find was that Roger, next door to him, saw the whole process of his shooting, and his face showed a trace of color.

Slightly adjusted the mentality, Lin Xinghai again aimed at shooting.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This time, he fired three shots in succession, but still failed to hit. The nearest shot to the zombie was one meter away, and the farthest one was three meters away.

"This..." Lin Xinghai is a little embarrassed. He knows that every bullet is not cheap. However, with the current shooting method, it is estimated that all the bullets in a row may not be able to hit the zombie.

He wanted to find some near targets, but found that the nearby targets, other members were fighting to kill, where to get him.

"This is the rhythm that forces me to cheat!"


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