Hearing Lin Xinghai's request, Fang Tianhe is happy.

In fact, he had such an idea before, but he didn't dare to do so in the end.

Because the public accounts of the mercenary regiment are the common property of the mercenary regiment, and they are subject to the supervision of the whole staff.

If it's used to buy genetic medicine or weapons and ammunition, which everyone needs, of course, there's no problem.

But the "advanced breakthrough potion" is destined to be used by only a few people, and the cost is high, which may lead to dissatisfaction among some ordinary members.

If he does so, his prestige may not be enough. In case of dissatisfaction, the team will not be easy to take after Lin Xinghai leaves.

Now it's Lin Xinghai who takes the initiative to open his mouth and sets such a rule. It's not the same.

The development of the Chatian mercenary regiment to the present level depends on Lin Xinghai. Don't say that Lin Xinghai just made some plans. Even if he took half of the public funds, no one would dare to say anything.

Next, Lin Xinghai and Fang Tianhe talked about the development of some mercenary regiments, until the sound of zombies roared in the distance.

For the Zombie's roar, Fang Tianhe just looked up and ignored it. There were zombies blocking the road, which he had completely ignored.

In fact, let alone him. Even ordinary members have the same idea. The present Chatian mercenary regiment is no longer the first-class mercenary regiment that relies on these wild corpses to subsidize "household use".

Just when they wanted to hit them directly as usual, they heard Lin Xinghai say, "stop, these zombies are left for me to guide the shooting."

Soon, all the armored vehicles were ordered to slow down.

An armored vehicle in the front, however, broke away from the team and drove directly past, surrounded by more than a dozen zombies.

However, there is not even an intermediate zombie in this group of zombies. How can they hurt the armored vehicle and let them scratch and bite without leaving any trace.

In the car, Lin Xinghai has already brought Liu Miaomiao to the wall where the weapons are placed. He teaches each other how to lift the gun, change the cartridge clip and aim. Liu Miaomiao remembers every word of Lin Xinghai nervously.

"Well, do I remember what I just taught you?" Lin Xinghai asked.

"Mm-hmm! It should be remembered. " Liu Miaomiao said nervously.

No way, there are zombies outside constantly attacking armored vehicles, the first time she encountered this situation, not nervous is strange.

"You have to adapt to this kind of atmosphere. It's safe now. It's really dangerous to enter the city." Lin Xinghai comfort way. That's why the team stopped early.

"Well, come to the shooting hole. Just aim at the head of the zombie directly. When shooting, you should pay attention to the recoil force. If you don't adapt at the beginning, the muzzle will have a great deviation, so every time you shoot, you have to aim again." While explaining, Lin Xinghai personally demonstrated how to shoot.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Next, it is Liu Miaomiao's regular shooting.

Behind the armored vehicle, a group of mercenaries quietly watching this scene, the heart that called an emotional complex ah!

"Why is the gap between people so big?"

"The first time I went out on a mission, let alone the actual combat, I didn't touch the gun. I picked up Yuanjing for three days before I began to contact the gun."

"And at that time, as a rookie, only ten bullets were given in one mission. After shooting, they were gone. It took a long time to think about a shot." Xu Haihai said sour.

"Who says you are not a woman?" Roger said.

"It's no use being a woman. He's so ordinary, and he's still a d-level gene. It's impossible to compare him." Wu Yan is mending his knife.

"Grass! The treatment you said seems to be much better than mine. When you started to be a mercenary, you didn't ask your grandfather to sue her grandmother to learn how to shoot. " Xu Haishui immediately make complaints about it.

Roger and Wu Yan were silent. Indeed, when they were learning shooting, they were no better than Xu Haihai.

The only advantage is that their genetic evaluation is higher, and the number of bullets they get per mission has only increased from 10 to 20.

There is no difference in other things. They can only get normal treatment by thinking and practicing by themselves and improving their shooting skills.

But now Liu Miaomiao not only uses bullets casually, but also has the best training environment (the whole mercenary group can only watch, no one grabs zombies), and even has a gun god level coach who gives directions.

Can such conditions not be envied?

But Liu Miaomiao did not disgrace Lin Xinghai. A group of zombies shot down, and she was able to aim and shoot skillfully.

Although not comparable with Lin Xinghai, the speed of progress and the ability to understand the skills of the spear are better than most of the mercenaries, at least at the same level as Roger.

"All right, let's go!" When all the zombies were killed, Lin Xinghai ordered. Even Yuanjing didn't collect them. More than a dozen Yuanjing were not appreciated by the army.The next journey, the team encountered a total of five waves of zombies, and these losses all became Liu Miaomiao's training object.

At the beginning, Liu Miaomiao saw that everyone was waiting for her to practice her shooting skills. She felt a little embarrassed.

However, when Lin Xinghai said, "this is the treatment of new people", she did not have any psychological burden.

The members of the same armored car who heard this are going to shed tears. What kind of new treatment is this?

Even Fang Tianhe is a bit of a jerk. Even if he is a B-level genetic evaluation, he has never been treated like this before when he joined other mercenaries.

However, people have to admit that Liu Miaomiao's talent is better than them. After these five waves of zombies, the other party's shooting is already very standard. In addition, with the coordination ability of gene optimizers, the zombies within 10 meters have basically been able to shoot the head with one shot.

This kind of shooting can barely be added to the battle sequence.

You know, Liu Miaomiao has only practiced for two hours from the beginning to now, and there is still a lot of time in between. There is no zombie to practice.

Therefore, seeing Liu Miaomiao's obvious progress, some members who were indignant in their hearts originally lost their mind.

Especially as they kept getting closer to Guanghan City, they didn't have time to think about these things. Everyone checked their weapons for the last time.

In the face of this city, which is known as a restricted area for mercenaries, no one dares to take it lightly.

When they are close to Guanghan City, they can see the corpses wandering in groups on the edge of the city.

The scale of these corpse groups is at least 50, and the number of more than 100 is also everywhere.

Within the range of 3 kilometers detected by zombie radar, the number of zombies has exceeded 10000.

And the proportion of senior zombies is very high, almost every 10 zombies, there are at least 4 intermediate zombies and 1 senior zombie.

Seeing this scene, many members swallowed their saliva in secret.

They used to work in cities, downtown areas are not so terrible. It's hard to imagine what kind of scene it will be after going deep into Guanghan City?

Don't say that they are ordinary members. Even the high-level people like Fang Tianhe and Roger are serious.

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