It has to be said that this method of directly cutting the house into sections and then moving away is very rough, but it is also very practical.

Looking at a section of buildings weighing more than ten tons are removed, it is estimated that it will take only a minute or two to clear a road that can be used by motorcade.

Of course, these two minutes would be very fast if we put them in normal times. But the problem is that they are not only in Tianshan City, but also very close to the city center.

The zombies here are not generally dense. What's more, they have been crashing all the way, with a large group of zombies behind their buttocks!

Although according to the habits of zombies, if we want to get rid of them for hundreds of meters, we will not continue to chase them.

But it is impossible to throw away all the zombies. At this time, the number of zombies following the motorcade is at least 300.

And the first team in the post-mortem position will undoubtedly bear the brunt at this time and encounter the group attack of these zombies.

"Hand guns ready for range bombing." Roger immediately ordered.

Boom boom boom boom!

In an instant, a large number of roars sounded, forming a defense line interwoven with explosion and fire. However, because there were too many zombies and too few people in the first team, most of the zombies broke through the defense line.

However, the zombies were met by a shower of death bullets composed of Ripper rifles.

However, the number of the first team was too small. Even if Lin Xinghai was added, there were only 12 people in the first team. Finally, some zombies rushed to the armored vehicle.


These zombies are frantically biting, and their claws are really terrifying. Once caught, they can make the walls of armored vehicles splash with sparks.

If the armored vehicle is made of ordinary steel instead of high-strength alloy, it is possible that these zombies will break through the defense and rush in.

But without if, these zombie attacks are futile in the face of heavy armored vehicles.

At least there was no senior zombie.

However, Lin Xinghai looked at the zombie lying in front of his eyes, trying to drill into the zombie, and could not help frowning.


Roger slashed the head of the zombie. "Don't be surprised. Kill more zombies. Try to intercept the corpses here. Armored vehicles are not afraid of the siege of corpses. It doesn't mean that the two SUVs in front of the motorcade are not afraid."

Lin Xinghai listened, but also quickly moved up, he raised his feet to kick the headless body down.

However, his leg kicks half, but stops abruptly.

He seemed to think of something. His eyes became brighter and brighter. "This is a Good chance

Then, the kick becomes a hand push, and still push up the wound.

"Ding! If the force of blood gas is detected, whether it is absorbed. "

At the same time, Meizizi quickly pushes the body out and waits for the next zombie to come to the door.

Yes, he will take advantage of this opportunity to absorb a wave of blood.

Almost without waiting, the next zombie comes to the door as soon as the body is pushed out.

This time, Lin Xinghai did not wait for the Zombie's head to come in, and the concussion dagger he held stabbed out.

The Zombie's skeleton is very hard, so in order to kill the zombie, he starts concussion mode.


It's almost impossible for the zombie to get into the skull with high frequency.

Zombies die instantly!

At the same time, Lin Xing touched the wound with his fingers.

"Ding! If the force of blood gas is detected, whether it is absorbed. "

The pleasant system prompt sound rings, and there is a little blood force in hand.

At this time, Lin Xinghai didn't need to be told at all, and his enthusiasm was raised to 200%.

He even occupied two shooting holes. When a zombie wants to climb in from the shooting hole, he goes up to give a fatal blow and collect the strength of blood.

Such a move made Roger on the other side not understand something that could be solved with one shot. As for the trouble?

However, due to Lin Xinghai's quick action, the killing efficiency is not slow, and considering the opponent's doing so, he can also be familiar with the use of concussion dagger, so Roger didn't say anything.

The power of harvesting blood is happy, but the good time is not long.

Because the working efficiency of the two mecha, split sky and Tianshuang, is too fast. It took only one minute to clear a road for traffic.

Team start, get away from here quickly!

This is absolutely good news for others. But for Lin Xinghai, this is undoubtedly bad news.

However, he can not stop, can only silently open the system panel, after a look, the mood suddenly changed a lot.

His strength has reached 76 points.

If there are two bottles of genetic medicine not used, it is equivalent to 86 points of blood power.That is, with only 14 points left, he can break through and awaken the power.

The harsh alarm sound pulled Lin Xinghai's thoughts back.

He took a glance at the screen, and there were two senior zombies at the same time.

Lin Xinghai has long found that the closer to the city center, the more frequent these senior zombies appear.

But I didn't expect them to show up together, which It seems more and more dangerous.

In order to deal with the crisis, Roger and Xu Hao divided into two teams, and they called for two members with good shooting skills.

In the end, this wave of crisis passed without danger.

However, with such a small number of people in the first team, four of them were immediately removed from the high-level zombies, and the manpower for dealing with other zombies was undoubtedly more limited.

At this time, the rest of the members found that Lin Xinghai, who had not been included in the combat system, was no worse than them.

In particular, when shooting targets within 10 meters, they can almost hit a hundred shots, greatly reducing their defense pressure.

"Didn't he just learn how to shoot? Oh, my God! How is this done? "

"I've just noticed that his marksmanship has improved so fast that it seems that every shot he shoots will improve."

"Can a good genetic assessment improve learning efficiency? Why haven't I heard of it before? "

"What do you call learning efficiency? It's just like hanging up, OK? "

For a moment, everyone in the car was talking.

These people's conversation, listen to Lin Xinghai some guilty, he is in self-examination, his performance is not too much?

However, he also found that the public's curiosity about him was just to talk about it and not to study it deeply.

As for practical actions, they are more enthusiastic.

Because they do not regard Lin Xinghai as a newcomer, but can really rely on each other's teammates.

"With the progress speed of your gun technique, it is estimated that the task of sniping high-level zombies will be handed over to you next time you carry out the task." Roger couldn't help but sigh.

Now, he has looked on.

When the talent gap to a certain distance, there is no jealousy.

He just wanted to sigh, is this still human?

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