Originally, there was no abnormal supermarket in people's eyes. When it was close to 50 meters, the surrounding scenery suddenly distorted. The scene people saw was completely different from the previous one.

At this time, it seemed that there were dozens of soldiers in the fortifications, but there were no soldiers in the streets.

At this time, around the top of the supermarket, dozens of self-propelled guns have been installed, with the assistance of radar system, locking the corpses in the distance.

In addition, Lin Xinghai also uses his perception to find that several UAV control modules have been installed on the top floor of the shopping mall, and thousands of combat UAVs are quietly parked.

There is no doubt that if this stronghold is attacked by zombies, these combat drones will definitely play a crucial role.

In addition to the UAVs in the sky, there is certainly no shortage of combat robots on the ground. Although the number is not comparable to that of UAVs, there are more than 100.

With these things, together with the 50 soldiers stationed here, relying on this fortified stronghold to defend, even in the face of a small wave of corpses, they can completely resist.

What's more, these are still on the surface. The military must have brought more terrifying weapons to deal with emergencies.

"It's no wonder that the military has the confidence to attack Guanghan City. It's really powerful." After watching these, Lin Xinghai couldn't help but sigh.

As for the rest of the regimental commander, not to mention, they were all amazed, and after the exclamation, they were elated.

The stronger the sentry, the safer they will be, at least when they are resting, without fear of being attacked by the corpses.

When the convoy comes up, welcome to the first guard

The other side said, they will lead the motorcade to an open space.

At the same time, two teams from the supermarket quickly came out.

As can be seen from their costumes, the two teams are the medical team and the logistics team.

"The medical conditions at the sentinel are limited. The seriously wounded should be carried down with stretchers as soon as possible, so as to save more lives." When the captain of the medical team came to the team, he immediately yelled.

According to his experience, even if these mercenaries can come to the sentry, the journey will never be easy. It is estimated that there will be at least 50 or 60 casualties.

As follow-up materials have not been delivered, they can only treat three seriously wounded at the same time. If the rescue speed is not fast, the rest of the heavy wounded may not die in the mouth of the zombie, but die on the way to waiting.

Because of this, he would cry out eagerly.

To his surprise, however, only a mercenary regiment at the back of the convoy rushed down a wounded man.

It is a mercenary with a broken arm. The wound has been simply bandaged and stopped bleeding. Although it is a serious injury, it will not be life-threatening in a short time.

Looking at only a heavy wounded down, the medical captain's face a look of doubt.

"Sir, my members have been simply bandaged, and the rest will be troublesome to you." Meng Fujin, who accompanied the wounded down, said quickly.

Of course, there was a slight embarrassment on his face, because there were serious wounded in the whole brigade, just in their iron and steel mercenary regiment. In such a contrast, it is impossible to be embarrassed at all.

"Er Are you just one of the wounded? " The medical captain, after signaling his medical men to take over the stretcher, was even more puzzled.

"What do you mean, sir? Don't you think we have a lot of wounded people? " Meng Fujin firmly against the other side of a sentence, tone also changed stiff up.

"Cough!" The medical team leader also knew that he had said something wrong and quickly explained, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I'm just curious. How did you manage to have only one seriously injured person?"

You should know that even the troops of the army headquarters have far more powerful weapons than the mercenary regiment. When they came here, there were three seriously wounded people.

Although the number of these mercenaries is larger than them, in Guanghan City, it is not a good thing to have a large number here. Because more people attract more zombies, the pressure will not be reduced too much.

That's why he was so surprised.

"How? Of course, that's because our captain is Lin Xinghai, the "God of guns." Meng Fujin said with a little pride.

After all, it is a matter of pride to be in the same team as the Musketeer. Of course, the way he joined was a bit special.

"Gun god?" The medical officer was still puzzled.

Although even soldiers like them have heard a little about the name of gun god, the problem is that this is not a problem that can be solved with good gun technique.

After all, no matter how good Lin Xinghai is, there is only one person who can protect a mercenary regiment, but how can he protect a team of thousands of people.

However, Meng Fujin obviously didn't have time to explain anything to the other party. After handing over the heavy wounded to the other party, he also called down the two light wounded in the mercenary regiment and treated them together.After all, these minor injuries, although said to be minor injuries, but some people, but there are more than 10 cm long wounds.

However, according to the standard of mercenaries, they are not in danger of life and have not lost their fighting ability. Therefore, in the dangerous occupation of mercenaries, they are defined as minor injuries.

Seeing this scene, the medical team leader could only press his curiosity in his heart and began to be busy with his work.

At this time, the commander in charge of the sentry also came to understand the situation. He was surprised to learn that there were so few injuries in the first brigade.

However, compared with the medical team leader, he knew more about Lin Xinghai. In addition to his good shooting skills, the other side also had great talent in leading soldiers.

We have demonstrated our ability in this respect before in the suppression of the Morgan group. Even this time, the other side took the lead in proposing this campaign.

So although he was surprised, he soon accepted it.

At this time, Lin Xinghai also got down from the armored vehicle and had a simple conversation with the commander.

I soon learned that the sentinel not only provides medical services, but also provides free food, and even can buy ammunition.

Of course, it will cost 30% more to buy ammunition here than in the barracks of the military headquarters, but the food is free and hot.

After hearing this, Lin Xinghai immediately asked each of the mercenary leaders to arrange their own personnel to take a rest. Of course, the time for repairing was not long, only 15 minutes.

This 15 minutes, this is not Lin Xinghai's own set, but this sentinel, can only let them rest for 15 minutes.

After all, it is still in the mission period. If you rest at these sentries for a long time, it will reduce the efficiency of eliminating zombies.

If you want a long rest, you can go back to the barracks along the road and have a good rest.

Of course, there are no exceptions. If the casualties of the troops are too large, they can rest at the sentry for a long time, but in this case, they will be regarded as the end of the campaign.

The military camp also immediately arranged for the next brigade to replace them.

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