After successfully killing the "blood bug", Lin Xinghai also couldn't help but draw a smile from his mouth, and he felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

Now the biggest threat to him was gone, but as soon as the mood rose, he immediately recovered, because the war was not over.

At the moment of killing the "blood bug", the left arm that is fighting the "giant arm" with all his strength, immediately retracts the force, and then with the help of the recoil force of the collision, leaps back in accordance with the situation, and instantly opens the distance.

Whew! Whew!

The mecha is still in the air, and the leg armor has been opened. Dozens of micro missiles loaded in it have been launched by Lin Xinghai at one time.

Half of these missiles hit the bloody beetles, while the other half hit the front door of the "giant arm.".

Now these bloody beetles are not scattered. It is definitely the best chance to kill them. If a micro missile goes down, hundreds or thousands of them will be killed.

Otherwise, when these trinkets are scattered, it will be more difficult to eliminate them than those zombies.


Dense explosion sound, one after another, large areas of blood beetles were killed.

Even the mighty "giant arm" has to stay away from the wind and protect its head with its arms in the face of the output of these miniature missiles.

And Lin Xinghai also took advantage of this opportunity to glance at the system panel of mecha.

At this time, the left arm of mecha has been completely twisted, and it is estimated that it will be overhauled after going back.

In addition, the damage of the power system is huge due to continuous overload. What's more, the power system has been strengthened before, and now it can barely fight a few battles.

After confirming the state of the mecha, Lin Xinghai did not have the slightest ambiguity, holding the Raytheon gun tightly, he killed toward the "giant arm".

He had one last lightning strike that he didn't use, enough to kill.

At this time, although the "giant arm" was still being bombed by micro missiles, it had a strong sense of crisis immediately when it saw the top speed mecha. It gave up intercepting the last few micro missiles and set aside its hands to resist Lin Xinghai's attack.

Boom! Boom!

Finally, a few micro missiles exploded directly in the face of the "giant arm", which made the other party's blood blurred and even one eye was almost blind.

But the more so, the more furious the giant arm was, the more fierce his eyes were. It even decided that even if he wanted to die, he must drag the guy in front of him to die together.

However, there is no other mutant zombie from the side of the control, "big arm" in front of Lin Xinghai, is a heavy and slow brown bear.

The top speed mecha constantly changes direction, looking for a chance to kill with one hit, while the "giant arm" can only run for its life, but the speed is far from that of Lin Xinghai.

Just a few changes backward, Lin Xinghai then seized the opportunity, the Thor gun straight out, the force of thunder erupted.


In the next moment, the spear penetrated the head of the "giant arm". At this point, the last mutant zombie also fell.

It's a bit long to say, but in fact, the whole battle from Lin Xinghai's attack to the end is only 10 seconds at most.

People who are rushing towards this side in the distance, even Fang Tian and this kind of person who knows the root of Lin Xinghai, also feel shocked in their hearts.

As for those of the military headquarters, the first time they saw Lin Xinghai's attack, they were all confused, as if all the things in front of them were illusions.

How can you blink? Four mutant zombies are gone?

These are the terror that can carry more than 60 howitzers to bomb and retreat calmly!

On the military side, even a lot of quick reaction people quickly opened the battle video just now and called out Lin Xinghai's fighting scene to watch.

Although the battle video only lasts 10 seconds, these people are more and more frightened.

Even a lot of people use slow motion playback to see how "spitter" and "Hunter" were killed.

But after seeing it clearly, they were more shocked.

In particular, the scene in which Lin Xinghai kicked the "Hunter" to death almost overturned their three outlooks.

You know, when sentinel 23 sent them for help, he told them about the great damage caused by this "hunter.".

However, the other side was able to shuttle freely among countless bullets, and finally broke through the defense line and killed several people.

If it had not been for the threat of purgatory bombs, sentinel 32 would have been broken.

However, it is such a mutant zombie that makes everyone feel headache, but Lin Xinghai kicks him to death.

And they just kicked each other out of the way.

What does that mean?

This shows that they are like "hunters" who are facing great enemies, and can't even be put in the eyes of Lin Xinghai!

At this moment, people's emotions are complex and inexplicable, even so complex that many people are in a sluggish state.

But at this time, Lin Xinghai was in a hurry. He drove the mecha to the side of the surprise attack team and yelled: "Shen Han, the right leg and left arm of the mecha are freezing. There are five bloody beetles in total."Yes, there are more blood colored beetles coming in this time, especially the left arm of mecha. Because some armor plates are twisted and deformed, it is easier for those bloody beetles to get in.

This is Lin Xinghai in the fight, almost no pause, has been maintaining a high-speed state. Otherwise, at the moment of the super speed mecha, it is estimated that all of them will be riddled with holes.

Shen Han had experienced a lot of shocking things for a long time. He quickly turned back to God and immediately used his power to freeze the part of mecha.

And other people in the return to God, also have surrounded to protect.

The two support teams not far away are also moving towards this side. These are Qin Fang and Lao Zhou. They are full of regret and emotion.

At this time, the two men recalled Lin Xinghai's arrangement before the battle and understood why the other side only needed to let them attack in a long distance and make a big noise.

If you dare to love each other, you will be able to kill these four mutant zombies.

They just came to play soy sauce to get the other person's attention.

"I heard that there were people calling themselves" gun god "in the mercenary regiment. I was quite unconvinced. But after this battle, I think it's OK for Lin Xinghai to change his title to" God of war. ". Unfortunately, such a strong man did not come to our military headquarters. " Lao Zhou sighed.

"Oh! You think people care? I heard that in another month, he will go to Donghai university to take the entrance examination. If he can get in and come out after graduation, his rank will be higher than you and me. " Qin Fang couldn't help laughing.

"And that?" Lao Zhou was surprised, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he agreed: "yes, it's true that such a genius stays here. It's true that he has given up his talent."

Qin Fang also sighed, "maybe in a few years, when we go to the military region to exchange views, we can boast that so and so strong people have gone out of our star shield shelter."

Just as they were feeling and yearning, Yang Jiansheng's voice rang out in the remote communication, "what's the situation now? The smoke and dust caused by the shelling is too big. Our observation is blocked. There seems to be something wrong with the zombie detector. It can't detect the signal of the mutated zombie

"We are in good condition here. If you need support there, we should be able to spare about 10 mecha."

Listening to the slightly anxious voice, Qin Fang was silent for a moment, cut out the 10 second battle video without saying a word, and then sent it.

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