Bang bang bang!

With Lin Xinghai's hand, more than ten high-level zombies who attacked this line of defense were quickly killed.

Just need to kill a small section of defense on the senior zombie, there is no pressure on Lin Xinghai.

The commander of the mercenary who was helped saw this scene with a breath in the dark. However, he was not idle. During his rest, he constantly gave orders to his own mercenary regiment according to the battlefield situation.

Now with Lin Xinghai's help, their mercenary regiment does not need to worry about the high-level zombies. This is a rare opportunity for them. It is not impossible to double the number of zombies killed in this period of time.

Lin Xinghai did not pay too much attention to the small actions of the mercenary group, because soon another leader of the mercenary group reported the remaining 60% of his perception.

Lin Xinghai also did not say much, immediately began to take over, the other side's defense line of senior zombies into his attack range.

Then, those mercenary commanders whose strength had not broken the third gene lock also appeared this situation.

Without exception, their pressure, all transferred to Lin Xinghai.

At the end of the day, there were nine mercenary groups that needed his help.

But even so, this is still quite easy for Lin Xinghai, who can cope with it with a ripper rifle.

When the third wave of corpse tide was wiped out, the battle was really over. In a short period of more than ten minutes, they wiped out nearly 1500 zombies. Even Lin Xinghai was a little sad to see this scene.

If this is any other city, it can form a small corpse tide, but in Guanghan City, there are only three corpse groups.

At the end of the battle, each mercenary regiment began to send people to clean the battlefield. It took nearly 10 minutes for all the Yuanjing to be taken out.

However, Lin Xinghai did not immediately order the departure, but let the people rest for 5 minutes.

The order of the military headquarters is to let them clear the zombies, but there is no stipulation on how many zombies should be collected in a mission according to their ability.

So Lin Xinghai is not in a hurry. It's not easy to fight zombies at night. It's good to have more strength during the day.

Five minutes later, the team set out again, but soon they fought with the corpse group again. After several fights, they are now experienced. Although the battle is still fierce, there is a sense of being in a hurry.

After all, Lin Xinghai is their strength.

Lin Xinghai did not disappoint these mercenary regiments. If a mercenary leader's perception is less than 60%, he will help them deal with senior zombies.

Of course, in order not to let his perception consume too much, Lin Xinghai is not unrestrained to help. At the same time, he can only help 10 mercenary groups to resist the defense line.

Therefore, if the 11th mercenary leader needs help, then the mercenary leader who started to rest will need to start again to resist the senior zombie.

In this way, the mercenary leaders of the first brigade can get a certain degree of rest, and Lin Xinghai's perceptual consumption can be controlled in a relatively safe range.

Of course, with the continuation of the battle, the perception of all the commanders of the first brigade is constantly reducing, and the damage of armored vehicles and mecha will also become more and more serious.

But these are inevitable things, but Lin Xinghai did not care too much about it.

If the armored vehicle and mecha are damaged, just go back to repair it. It is just that they spend more points. Under his leadership, these mercenaries will never lack points.

As for the consumption of perception, there is no good way. His perception is constantly and heavily consumed. If the range of his perception is not more than 500 meters, it is estimated that he would not have been able to sustain it.

Of course, he won't let these mercenaries fight uncontrollably. The critical point is when the perception is lower than 30%. If someone is lower than this value, he will not let the other party fight any more.

When the perception of the whole mercenary regiment is lower than this value, it is time for them to retreat.

Otherwise, in case of any emergency, it would be really a big problem.

The battle continued, and the first brigade kept on advancing and fighting at a slow but steady speed.

Time goes by, an hour, two hours, three hours.

In these three hours, they killed more than 15000 zombies.

You know, it's only three hours. What a terrible number it would be if the day came to an end.

Of course, even Lin Xinghai can't stand it.

In addition to the corpse group, they also encountered three mutant zombies, namely "Hunter", "giant arm" and "iron corpse".

But these three mutant zombies, all appear alone, in the case of early detection, they have no ability to resist at all.Every time they encounter each other, Lin Xinghai is driving the mecha to attack and kill alone. After being refitted, the top speed mecha can be said to play its advantages incisively and vividly.

"Hunter" needless to say, when the speed completely crush each other, killing this mutant zombie is a shot.

If you are close to the other party's arm, even if it's too close to Lin's arm, it's not even if it's too close to Lin's arm.

In the case that the other party lacks an arm to defend, and then depending on the speed far exceeding the opponent, the other party can't defend at all and is directly pierced through his head. The whole process is over in less than 10 seconds, and even this time, the thunder attack is not used.

Lin Xinghai was worried about the long night dream of the mutant zombie "iron corpse", which was so strong in defense that he directly broke out the thunder attack of the Thor gun and killed him.

After these three hours of fighting, people's perception has been reduced to 30% of the warning line.

Lin Xinghai did not stop and ordered to go back.

Hearing Lin Xinghai's order, a group of mercenary commanders can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then is happy.

Although there was a lot of pressure in this night's battle, there was no emergency.

Of course, the most gratifying thing is the high income.

In more than three hours, they killed more than 15000 zombies. We should know that the number of zombies here in Guanghan City is not only large in quantity but also of high quality. Most of them are intermediate zombies.

Kill an intermediate zombie, mission points plus selling Yuan Jing, can get 55 points.

If it's 15000, that's 825000 points.

Of course, there is not a big gap between the total number of zombies and that of ordinary zombies. If the total number of zombies is not too wide, the average score of zombies will not be too wide.

Although the majority of these points are in the hands of the Chatian mercenary group, the rest of the first-class mercenaries can get 30000 points on average.

Although such income is not comparable to the task of the corpse tide before, the problem is that the previous one was unexpected, and that income can not be measured as regular income.

But the mission out tonight is OK.

Those ordinary mercenaries can earn 30000 points once they come out. If they do four missions a day, that's 120000 points. Even if the cost of ammunition is removed, there will be at least 80000 points.

Such income is definitely something that these people dare not even think about before.

As for the Chatian mercenary group, it is even more terrifying. Their income points have reached 250000 this time. In addition, 10% of the total income of other mercenaries will fall into their hands. After this mission, the total income will exceed 300000.

Four missions a day can easily break 1 million points even after deducting ammunition expenses.

When calculating this point, even Lin Xinghai could not help but take a breath.

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